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She is one of reasons behind the smile, that saves so many people.
 Jun 2015 Jennifer Stewart
 Jun 2015 Jennifer Stewart
Sometimes the days are abysmal
I see no hope
But I think I should hope
Hoping that it would get better
For I feel guilty
That someone else in my place
Would do much better
My grandma committed suicide
When I was six
I'm sure it was my fault
Was I not good enough?
Did I not meet your standards?

What did I do wrong?

My best friend
For seven years
Left me last year
For an unknown reason
Was I not kind enough?
Was I just too weird?

What did I do wrong?

Someone said I am stupid
And dumb
Am I really?
Am I mentally ill,
Do you think?

What did I do wrong?

I don't know what I did
But it must have been me
It's always me

*What did I do wrong?
Trapped in a metaphor.

Sitting on my
bedroom floor.

Feeling the walls closing
in on me.

Crying for someone to
come and save me.

Drowning in an ocean
of tears.

While the words crawl out
my throat and imprint on
my skin.

They somehow seemed
to have spelled out your
name once again* ~
I just want to be known
I need to be heard
I just want people to remember my name
I'd love to make a difference
     in at least one person's life
I would like my words to resonate within
         at least one soul
I'd love for my rhymes to be the flow
    in which at least one heart beats
I need my life to mean something
I want my poetry to matter
        To anyone
          To  everyone
              To somebody
   To at least one single person
Is that really too much to ask?
She loves being alone, she really does.
Does one truly enjoy solitude?
A word accompanied by such a dreadful, negative connotation?
She always claimed to be a loner by choice,
but was she really?
Did she really have a choice?
Or was it simply a mutual understanding,
that she was not wanted or cared for?
Alienation is simply a form of self-defence.
She shut her doors to save herself.
She loves being alone, she really does.
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