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 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Nicole Roberts
O sweet love of mine, please do not fear
For I am always here

Do not fret or sigh when the end is nigh
Don't you know I'm always here?

Even when I am far, I am near
I promise you that I'm always here

I will never stray though others may
Love, I am always here

Even in times of dismay and disarray
I am always here
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Akira Chinen
Whisper to me of soft sins
and hard moans
I want to know
who you are in the dark
When you are naked and alone
I want to feel the stain
of your wet kisses
up and down my kneck
Push me onto my back
and carve your name
into my chest
Sink your teeth
into the corner
of the inside of my thigh
There is no pain
when I have the pleasure
of being in the reflection
of the carmel desire in your eyes
Pull me under the secret universe
you hide in the mad love
within the pulse
and rhythm of your stars
Drown my breath in the colors
and pallet of the beauty
of your blood red lips of lust
Leave the scent
and taste of your flower
To haunt the eternal hunger
you have seared
into the marrow of my bones
It is only by the warmth
of your breath
that I can enjoy death
and rise and die again
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
And yet again he reminded her why she chose a life without him.

Deceived once again.

Lies stuck on repeat.

The thing is, she doesn't fall for it anymore.

He can feel himself getting powerless as she grows stronger.

Her tears are replaced by rage and he's desperate for her attention.

She has the power to destroy his life, anytime she can strike.

But knowing that she can is enough, life will take care of him.

She'll get over him, move on to someone better.

They both know it, that's what makes her smile and him regretting.

This time he'll be left broken and alone,

while she's happy with someone who deserves her.

That's her revenge.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Maria Imran
I am writing stories about you. And poems. Lots and lots of poems.
I am filling words with fantastical versions of love so people won't see how broken I am.
My characters dance.
Their laughter echoes throughout the book.
But here, look at my heart:
One big wound; blistering blood.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Ellie Geneve
in love,
I was never
afraid of falling

I was only afraid
of the moment
when my body
hits the ground
inspired by Rudy Francisco
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