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Words of encouragement are like a cool drink on a hot day
     Words of encouragement can chase the blues away
     Words of encouragement are like a warm sweater on a chilly
      May day
     Words of encouragement is something most of us seek
      Words of encouragement is something too few people speak
       Words are a powerful tool they can be used to build people up
        Why not spread words of encouragement today?
Too soon I will need to depart from what is closest to my heart
going away from my land of Oz (Hello Poetry)at least saying goodbye for a short, maybe even long time
   Falling into the unknown rabbit hole, which might be kind of magical but I don't know yet for now comes with some uncertainty and anxiety
It is for now another chapter yet unwritten in this book called my life
Many books to be read, questions that I need to find answers for
writing poems being replaced with papers to write
Many new faces in crowded classrooms at first nameless faces, Age differences spanning many years
hope that obstacle is  not a barrier to making friends as I feel
It is good to have friends of all ages
I wish that the previously unknown faces will become my friends in class  
Test anxiety that I hope to overcome
The end of my summertime  becomes Fall
I am starting a New School on August 24th, 2015
It is often said that the cup can be viewed as half full or half empty
The fact is we should be able to agree on is
    We all have a cup that can be filled
        If we All tried to build another person up
          Fill there cup
            Instead of putting others down
      which can drain ones own cup along with the other persons cup
If you meet another person who appears mean or insensitive or rude
perhaps their cup has been drained so much
They don't know how to fill it up again and are badly in need of having their cup refilled
A small compliment a little kindness, a smile could help fill up the cup again
A cup of friendship can go a long way and help  another person have a better day
The world is full of hurting people needing to have their cup refilled
Seeing things from someone else's perspective is a good start
Is the glass half empty or half full, you can decide?
Have  you raised your glass and tried to share a Cup of friendship
and filled another's cup today?
If not the present is a good time to start
If we all filled up the cup instead of emptying it
We would have a better world
Fill up the cup today
I see the lightning flash across my screen
There is a storm brewing of that I am sure
This storm has no warning except notifications
I have to check this forecast
I may or may not see many notifications on my page this time
Of this I am sure there is a storm coming
A storm is brewing it is raining down creativity
I see the effects of this storm when I read your poems
The ideas are like tornado swirling in our minds
Instead of destruction our words take a toll, on others minds and souls
There is no need to take cover and hide from this storm
We have no cause for alarm
We can grab a pen or computer and play in this type of rain
Let creativity rain on us and may it reign in our minds
May we drown in the floods of inspiration
May we stay away from the clouds of doubt
I think the poetry storm is brewing, you can shout with joy when it rains on you!
This poem is revised and dedicated to all of you MY Hello Poetry Friends, my the Poetry Storm rain on you and Inspiration never end.
I greatly appreciate you all my friends and mentors, in poetry we are united.
Not all that glitters are really Diamond's or Rubies or Gold
Well that truth can be told by an undiscerning miner
who quickly had to learn the difference between what was real
and false and thought he struck it rich
only to discover he could not bank on his claim
He wanted to make a name for himself
instead he was a victim to the glittery deception
of Fool's Gold
Way too often people fall for something
that they mistook to be real
Infatuation gets confused for love
True love takes time to blossom and grow
carefully watered with selfless understanding
respect and caring,  patience and acceptance  
of each others faults
It can bloom with encouragement
and appreciation
and survive time apart
free from jealousy which try's
to corrupt the heart
If you have a true love
hold them close to your heart
Daily tell them what a treasure they are
If you don't, wait patiently
and take your time
remember what the miner learned that not all that glitters
is really gold
You don't want to fall too fast without clearly thinking
and discover that what you really had was
Fools Gold
You can best summarize it that sometimes in life hindsight is 20 20.
Day turns to night
I can not get to sleep
too many thoughts in my head
I grab  some paper and pen
and try to make a rhyme
how will it read this time
I think that it's not a poem
unless it touches our heart
It's not a poem unless it tears us apart
After what is left of what is written down
if it don't get through to you and me
it's not a poem
If the words don't make a lasting impression
on your memory
I feel that I am writing only for me
If I can not get through to you I feel that
It's not really a poem
I thought of this while struggling with insomnia.
I asked Mr Sandman for a dream he brought  nightmares
As a kid I was not scared of the boogeyman, I was scared of the sandman.
The idea of someone being able to put sand in your eyes and interfere with your dreams that scared me!
The Vessel
A wounded vessel tossed about in the storms of life
The vessel was once strong unshaken by the wind sure and secure in itself and about life
The once strong vessel is wounded again feeling hurt angry insecure ashamed lonely
Overwhelming blows of feelings hitting the vessel the pain is intense the memories of abuse are
Strong a blow to the heart and emotions
A cry out for assistance I cry out for the captain’s help in facing the crisis I look at the holes in the vessel
I ask for support from friends and groups etc. to help me repair the vessel to make it strong again
The vessel is not the same as it once was but there is hope that one day it can be better than it is now
The vessel is being mended and is getting stronger for the first it’s experiencing sunrises and sunsets that it has never seen before
Maybe it can be made stronger than it ever was and sail towards peaceful shores

I wrote this some time back and recently found it on my computer.
I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment!
You may think I am too sensitive
   I am just sensitive enough to cry to a sad song
   I am just sensitive enough to sing along to a song that touches my heart
   I am just sensitive enough to cry while watching a Hallmark movie
  I am just sensitive enough to listen to other’s troubles and either empathize or sympathize with them
  I am just sensitive enough to be a shoulder to cry on
  I am just sensitive enough to be a good friend
  I am just strong enough to not feel like apologizing for being sensitive because it is a part of who I am
Sometimes in the past somebody complained about me being too sensitive. I know longer feel like it is a character flaw. I believe it is good to care about others even if people think of it as being too sensitive.
I thank thee all my faithful friends for your following my poems
I thank thee for your comments
I thank thee for your likes
I thank thee for reposting
I thank thee for your encouragement
I thank thee for your friendship
I thank thee for being here and for your poems
I thank thee for bringing encouragement through your inspired writings
I thank thee for being yourself and sharing your unique self here
I thank thee for all these things and many more
I thank thee and your poetry which I so adore!
This is dedicated to all of you my poetry friends, my gratitude for
you never ends......
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