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I would rather
drown alone
fighting the dangers
of the deep end

Than seek acceptance
among the numerous
safely wading
on the side of the shallow
When people see
Romeo and Juliet
Die together
They think
"How poetic".
Want to know
What's really poetic?
The sound of the chords
That resonate through the piano
When I take a hammer
To its keys.
Or the way my heart
Reshapes itself
To wrap around your soliloquies
About how you don't need me.
You see,
When two people
Fall desperately in love,
It isn't poetic-
It's the things we do
For those who don't
Reciprocate that love
And the ignorance we hold
Against their disinterest.
We **** ourselves every day
For those who live just fine
Without us.
And that's stupid.
That's life.
That's poetry.
The swing, moves unaided
Back and forth,
Forth and back,
Where children played,
Fun was there only worry of the day,
But the rain fell, and play no more,
The spinning wheel a tangled mess,
Metal blooded dry in the sun,
A place of fun,
Now of silence, only the rain falls
Then there is fear in others eyes
Craters left where each one ruptured,
Where each one fell
It destroyed the fun as
Twisted metal,
Earth runs red,
Laughter now screams,
The fun is at an end,
Hiding from the noises
Seeing things not meant to be seen,
The swing, moves unaided
Back and forth,
Forth and back,
The rain fell near by,
Pushing the swing,
That the children no longer use any more.
Do you know what is common?

I am not strong
enough to tell
you that
its easy to
stick with
Sometimes happiness
can be the most
has no wiggle room
you either are
or you

I am not strong
to tell
you that
its easy to
stick with
don’t heal
Some take
and even then
they’re still

I am strong
to tell
you that
sad is
to difficult
a burden to
wears on your
like barbels.
It gets so
hard to
keep up.
clouds your
until all that’s left
are burnt
edges and a
few remnants
of happiness.

I am strong
to tell
you that
will heal you.
Love will
straighten your
You will
see life
with a clear head
and a full heart.

I don’t
care to be
I only know to cope in a couple of ways
- slam up some walls
Pretend it doesn't hurt
Move on
Innocence is a mockery on my face
My lips twist into grotesque resemblance
of long-gone smiles

It is difficult to remember
to relax
to be normal

you come back in flurried recollections

a pain starting from the middle
of my forehead
to the crick in my neck
right to my wrists
softly rotating trying to relax
i smile

this is normal
Hey* hey *hey hey

Who do you love?
A slave to the ****?

Sell or be sold
Do as you're told

Young and slender
Stolen from the cradle
Just what they pay to crave
A slave to an early grave

Sell or be sold
Do as you're told

Drugged up resistance
Throwing fists
Futility in existence  

Hey hey hey hey

Who do you love?
A slave to the ****?

The price of new flesh climbs
As every ****** dies
Chained to the whims
Of bureaucratic sadism

Sell or be sold
Do as you're told

Hey hey hey hey

Who do you love?
A slave to the ****?

Put out
Your use is worn out
Human trafficking. I hate humanity.
You carve a doll out of wax and curse it with voodoo.
Candles in the sun burn with her soft skin.
Oh, she is hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.
But you don't want them to know-
the pleasure of watching her melt.
You think she was stolen
and passed around,
so you stick nails in her heart.
Pity takes your soul and the bit of it
you put into her hole.
Plugged with metal against your wall.
Hold a lighter to her chest.
Bleed her out.
Keep her hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.
Don't leave your toys out again.
Practice voodoo every day.
You imagine
her nose growing,
her eye glowing
with malice.
Hold the lighter to her face.
She's lost her head.
She still has lovely legs
part them to taste fear.
Don't want her to run away.
Hold the lighter to her feet.
Her tummy rumbles
with lust.
Silence it.
Leave her hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.
Voodoo master
but what good are you?
You own nothing but wax puddles.
Those slender arms
pale fingers
covered in blood

Loud whisper of leaves
touched by the wind

Bare feet stir the ground
covered in crimson

Death comes at once
mad laughter the witness
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