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 Oct 2014 paper boats
cheryl love
A boy, aged about ten
Loved playing the flute.
He dreamed of flying to Mars
in a purple space suit.
He had funny ideas all the day long
But flying to space was his passion.
He wondered if the colour purple
on Mars would be top fashion.
He had written a tune
and it was called Purple and Red
Playing it when he awoke
till the time for his bed.
It had a catchy rhythm
Just right for space
It didn't matter one way or the other
to him in any case.
The town knew of his needs
and bought him a rocket.
Together with a designer purple suit
with a deep narrow pocket.
For his flute of course
to play amongst the stars.
He had got to rehearse his number
for when he got to Mars.

Everything is separated from each other
But when you see silently
It seems all together
The day sleeps in the night as I exist in you

The born,
The death all for thee
Black or white
True or false all for thee

The continents are separated, isolated
As we are alienated from each other
But on the other hand we are all together
Apparently we are  moving toward the different direction

The dark,
The light all for thee
Silence or thunder
Melody or chaos all for thee

Either it’s a stone or an emotion
Even either love or hate,
Neither war nor peace
Neither dialectics nor mystic
All  have bent you and me

There are too many invisible divine strings
On every matter or even every non matter
yet bonded with the heaven and the hell
So, all we move toward the same destination

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
All we are moving toward the same destination...........
 Oct 2014 paper boats
 Oct 2014 paper boats
Tony Scallo
Today's your day

Breathe in that air

**Invoke a sensation
 Oct 2014 paper boats
Mary K
 Oct 2014 paper boats
Mary K
The evening's back again
Right on track again,
Like every night before.

Darkness falls again
Demons call again,
I really can't take much more.

Time flies by again
Children cry again,
And my agony draws a crowd.

Silence fills again
Violence kills again,
Why is it all so loud?
I'm really not sure
                                "The Com
                               minists  dis
                             dain   to    con
                            ceal their views
                           and  aims.   They
                            openly  declare
                            that their  ends
                            can be attained
                            only by  the for
                            cible overthrow
                            of   all   existing
                            social condition
                            s. Let the ruling
                            classes  tremble
                   ­         at a  Communist
                            revolution.  The
       ­    proletarians have nothing to lose
          but their  chains.  They     have    a
           world  to  win.    Working men of
              of all coun           tries,      unite!"
P.48 The Communist Manifesto
 Oct 2014 paper boats
You creep, crawl and scuttle
Piloting drunkenly through my lamp shapes
Aimlessly, it seems, in search of shelter
Shell in shield shape, legs of prickle
I know your vast numbered presence harbors one of two meanings:
Spring has given life anew
*Winter is coming
I've spent so long alone,
that I forget what it's like,
to have a home.
Not like riding a bike,
but, rather, something old.
Without constant reminder,
it fades, lost in the wind.
But something new has arrived.
Someone else, who enjoys me.
'Tis a feeling I have forgotten.
But now I feel... refreshed.
Enlightened. Loved.
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