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 May 2016 Jacob
 May 2016 Jacob
suns reflect
upon embodied
As day-lines
draw their
like precision
cut diamonds.
 May 2016 Jacob
Victoria Rose
your words are like sparks
setting off the bombs in my head
with every blast, a tear
with every tear, a stab
I've always known it would come to this
ready was something I never had

I'm on my knees retching emotion
chunks of toxic memories
wiping the liquid from my face
it's hard to see you
I knew it would come to this

I'm surrounded by every nightmare
alone on my knees
cradling my head
it hurts to think

you knew all along it would come to this
alone, broken, on my knees
surrounded by what hurts the most

there were bombs in my head
when you finally told me you knew
 May 2016 Jacob
Valsa George
Walking down the country lane
I saw trees in flower all the way
Gleaming gems among emerald leaves
A medley of colors on fabulous display

The path was carpeted with grass
Thick bushes grew on either side
The sun was mild and the air, pleasantly cool
A quiet place where peace did abide

I felt so thrilled sauntering alone,
Enjoying the serenity of the scene
I hoped it would extend long,
Taking me to terrains unseen

But to my perplexity the path ended abrupt
Forcing me to take a different track
It seemed as if travelled by none
But I was determined not to turn my back

No living soul could be spotted anywhere around
The trees were wild and dull
The path, strewn with pricking thorns and stones
The place looked savage and morbidly still

With every step my feet winced in pain
But giving up half way was not my choice
Determined to reach the farther end
I dragged forward obeying my inner voice
 May 2016 Jacob
Just last week I found
my tumbled sea glass heart.
It was on the beach,
next to the broken shells
and abandoned fishing line.
Dusting off my skinned-knees
and brushing away sandy shoal,
I found the green bit of mangled broken.
It was more beautiful now, perhaps.
For being tumbled had made it
in the palm of my hand.
A rounded, misshapen triangle-
glinting with salty brine,
green as the tumultuous sea.
Just last week I found
my tumbled sea glass heart.
He had to come back.

On a December afternoon
when the sun was more to west,
he landed on the most favorite place of his house,
the roof.

Just as he had imagined
the still winter air was abuzz with life.

Doves were pairing for a home
Green bee-eaters swooped on insects
Two herons kept following the grazing cow
Crows were busy with twigs and wires
High up beyond where paper kites could soar
Storks slow sunned their wings wet from the jhil
The cats warmed their furs before the cold night
The stray puppy gamboled with its mother.

Each piece had perfectly fitted the other
including the silently sleeping house.

He was tempted to walk down once
has she changed any little way?

He smiled to himself
then breezed away from the roof.
 Jan 2016 Jacob
John michalski
We laid under the
crepuscular light,
That shined like the moon.
Entwined together like a knitted sweater,
Her heart is my home.
With sapphire eyes,
She stared into galaxies far
beyond mine.
To cascade through her evocative thoughts would take me centuries to understand her,
And the way she looks at me.
I get lost for words,
And tend to overlook the feelings that may change like capricious weather.
We bloom like naked flowers that never got the chance to grow,
Or share our beauty with the world.
We drink too much,
But never enough to see our
future spin like ballerinas.
We watch the sun come up
over the horizon.
The dawn of a new age,
Where we bathe in suicidal waves
that spill like blood onto distant shores.
How we pretend to be in love,
When love is never enough
to say I do.
 Jan 2016 Jacob
 Jan 2016 Jacob
It is skyfall
lightning cracks infinity
splits eternity
between the dangerous
jagged white lines
and the booming thunder.

Ball point ballistics,
not quite as destructive
as an empty heart,
but powerful enough
to shake us up.

Even in its fury
I still sleep soundly.
 Dec 2015 Jacob
Joy Zellers
Pondering if I can be forgiven and free
Knowing I deserve to be drowned in the sea
Searching for something to assuage the pain
Hoping out of this something beautiful I gain.

Mistrusting of people around me everywhere
People only curse; not love, not care
Bewildered why I must go through life alone
With paralyzing silence and no friend to phone.

Yearning to break free of my destructive addictions
Rebuking Satan's false and furtive jurisdictions
I embrace the crucifixion and fall to my knee
Beholding my King who died to set me free.

Then kneeling at the cross, the sky breaks with dawn
My tears and my pain are surprisingly gone
As the Son bursts forth in glorious light
Obliterating the dark and malevolent night.
A poem I wrote a few months ago when I was growing through a struggle; I never gave up hope and I got through it :)
If you're struggling, don't give up. Never lose faith. Every trial you come out of only makes you stronger. It'll be ok ;)
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