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 May 2017 IS
its gonna make sense
i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)
Flavors of blackberry ,
of muscadine and persimmon ,
of brine collecting at the trunk of
tall oaks
Flesh salted in wild abandon
Lovers feasting upon air ,
upon one another along the
marsh , the shrieks of conclusion
borne of March
Naked receiver , child of April
Call o'er cattail , sawgrass and -
Savannah dancer* ..
Copyright April 23 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 May 2017 IS
 May 2017 IS
I won't be sad,
because the miles aren't forever.
 May 2017 IS
Dawn King
The Hoodoo
 May 2017 IS
Dawn King
We crossed into Louisiana
Right about witching hour
The energy there
Invades the aura
Years of compacted sorrow
Combined with the
Old ways of root doctors
And esoteric power

You take the Hoodoo
To the crossroads

We're in the back roads
Of Monroe
They talk to you there
Ya know

I put my bare feet
To the swampy grasses
At the railroad tracks
Illuminated by the waxing moon

Hail Hecate!
We envoke thee
Commit this wax and ash
To the earth
Blessed be )0(
This poem is an original work by Dawn King and my intellectual property. It must not be copied or used in any writings, publications, photos, or online platforms without my express permission.
 May 2017 IS
Wide Eyes
Almond Eyes.
 May 2017 IS
Wide Eyes
Come spring, she leaped across the grassy dune,
Beaming with sheer joy as she hummed a halcyon tune.
Her beauteous almond eyes- the biggest, the brightest.
A bonnie spotted doe in her warm, homely forest

Come summer, by her gushing little lake she played.
When upon a solitary, pensive buck her eyes she laid.
Eyes met across the smiling lake; too soon gazes parted.
While his eyes curiously lingered, hers wandered on ahead.

Come monsoon, he adored her eyes, her gilded coat, her bushy tail.
The passionate warmth in her eyes with affection made him frail.
Yet, she went on with her blissful life- devoid of any care.
Oblivious of the buck who always stopped to stare.

Come winter, by his side chattering happily she grazed.
Soon, his feelings faded; by almond eyes no longer crazed.
Like currents in the water, apart they drifted and drifted.
New lake. Nonchalant silence. No words were said.

Come fall, she found that he still leaped through her mind.
The emotion she once scoffed in her heart now enshrined.
Eyes met across the smiling lake; too soon gazes parted.
While her dull eyes wistfully lingered, his wandered on ahead.
 May 2017 IS
Always Toxic
 May 2017 IS
I want to remove you,
but I don't know how.
Things you say to me
tend to leave me feeling down.

You make me feel guilty
for things I shouldnt be.
but you make me happy
through the worst of things.

When I look into the past
and think of all we've been through
the good and the bad,
I feel mad.

I don't know what to expect
when starting new friendships
because ours has always been toxic.
Will you understand when I let you go?
I want to let you go. My longest known, toxic, friend.
 May 2017 IS
When I'm laying here
listening to your letters
crinkling as my old fan
blows air towards them
on the wall, I feel calm.
 Feb 2017 IS
 Feb 2017 IS
Daddy wasn't there
To tuck me in
And do my hair.
Daddy wasn't there
To feed me peas
And make sure I said please.
Daddy wasn't there
To tell me stories
And hold me till I slept.
Daddy wasn't there
Because daddy was a ****.
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