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 Apr 2017 Ian Canavan
You're a one night stand
But we spent too many nights
I lost count of it.

You're that unexpected kiss
On a drunken wasted night
Of vomits and *****.

You're that awkward hi
Exchanged by strangers who
Thought they both knew each other
But were clearly mistaken for another.

You're the bruise that turns blue
When I accidentally bump my leg
On the corner of the bed.

You're the scar that I never
Knew I had.

You're the bittersweet taste in
My mouth every morning.

You're the last thought lingering
In my head before slumber takes me
And you're the vagueness that
Haunts me in my dreams.

You're the scalding hot shower
In a cold freezing morning.

You're the boiling tea that numbs
My tongue for the rest of the day.

You're the obsession
I will never learn to let go of.

You're that person I will
Never get to call mine.

You're the one that got away.
Your love is like...


It changed the


Of my heart
 Jun 2015 Ian Canavan
"Irony is as simple as drawing trees on paper."
© Copywrited.
I've seen a better part
Of overwhelming emotion
It's strange
An ebb and flow
Of apathy and actually
Feeling an emotion
Feeling a feeling
When your body
Is alive
And your mind is trying
To let it slide
I am fine
I am
Life is beautiful
Fake smile,
           Dried eyes,
                       Scratched wrists,
                                         Bruised thighs,
                                                         White pills,
                                                                      Rope tied,
                                                                                Gun loaded,
Can I die now?
 May 2015 Ian Canavan
I wonder how a homeless feels.
Does he belong everywhere?
or nowhere at all?
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