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  Apr 2014 Kai
Olga Valerevna
There's nothing you can do make her leave or walk away
There's not a single word or phrase or saying you could say
She's not the kind of girl who will untie herself from you
And certainly unlike the one who split you once in two
You know what you are doing now but can you guarantee
That you will know what steps to take when it is time to leave
Intentions can be laced with things we do not comprehend
With people who do everything they can to play pretend
So when you look into the eyes of she who stole the sun
Remember then, the other girl who shined on everyone
  Apr 2014 Kai
Chalsey Wilder
Go ahead
Wish me dead
I'll wish along with you
You wish to see my throat slit and the blood gushing from my veins
And I wish for a bottle of pills to end my pain
I want to feel my heart beat fast then stop
And you want to feel the warmth of my blood on your hands
So go ahead
Wish me dead
I'll wish along with you
lets just see
what will be
*And hopefully who'll win is me
No one wants to **** me. It's just the other darker side of me that does vs. the lighter but not much lighter side that wants to down the bottle of pills. Sorry if this freaked you out.
  Apr 2014 Kai
Pushing Daisies
Don't worry darling,
When I push you away,
I promise,
You won't feel a thing.

I'll be the one,
To burn in the fire,
The smoke,
Causing my eyes to sting.

I know it's for the better,
I'm a burden,
Don't you see?

I promise I won't blame you,

Who would want to be around me?
I promise I won't blame you,
I don't have the guts to leave.
Kai Mar 2014
1:07 a.m.
wake up

it's foreign
my legs are being clung to
i just want you to let go
it's a beg,
it's a cry for help
in the back of a black suburban
a scary place
where headlights are not used
a hand cannot be seen an inch in front of you
but somehow my body is found
and you invade
without permission
the words to shout
"Please stop"

3:34 a.m.
wake up

sitting on the rotting dock
the cloth i wear
falling through
the salty rain
burns my cuts
the Norman in the yellow boots
and the white beard
retrieves my soul
he is not the gangster
who disturbed me before

4:56 a.m.
wake up

powering into the church
stumbling over the invisible crutch
nothing more strange
it's a place i've rarely been
all eyes are on me
they know i am the spawn
of the heathen
but all i can do is cry
into the open arms of the church goers
and explain my long travels
and running away
the horrid torture that has reached my city

6:21 a.m.
wake up

the white beat up car
holds a young mom
with her baby
who just stares at me with envy
as if i hadn't just been hurt like she
my parentals were called
and i was on my way out
something the young mom seemed
to have never seen
I had this nightmare March 29 and every time I woke up crying. I put it into words and hope to never replay it again.
  Mar 2014 Kai
Amanda Lee
I feel mostly like I'm just a skeleton
With worn out ribs and a cracked spine
Blood shot eyes lined by dark circles
Alabaster skin I'm constantly trying to shed
An alien within my own habitat
I know not where I'm going
Or when I shall ever get there
But I still carry on, slightly limping all the way,
The unforgotten memories of past failure still lingering
Reminding me I am merely bones and skin
Emotions  and ambitions left behind long ago
Not immune to the disastrous ways of the universe
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