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930 · Feb 2015
Heliza Rose Feb 2015
words refuse to die,
so do not give the wrong words life
930 · Apr 2013
The Blankness Of A heart
Heliza Rose Apr 2013
The blankness of a heart
like a canvas untouched
With deep pain
and a memory unwatched
Locked away like a little bird
the key thrown away
With all crys
the same song everyday
The silence as the wind passes by
the torment as the ocean asks why
Complication for a soul with no color
no adventure for a blank heart with no honour.
Alone and scared
broken and weird
The canvas remains untouched
The artist's idea fades away
The blank heart turns gray
and burns in ashes slowly in may.
926 · Mar 2017
Heliza Rose Mar 2017
I ran,
Only to come back to the same point
919 · Feb 2014
He set me free
Heliza Rose Feb 2014
He set me free
He broke the chains
He helped me stand
He gave me new legs to run
He is my hope
My salvation
And without him nothing is possible.
I am free,because he set me free
God saved me.He can save you too.Don't let the devil win.He doesn't have what we have so please don't lose your chance for a better life.
897 · Aug 2016
Sofia #1
Heliza Rose Aug 2016
Sofia had popsicles in her hair
They were sticky but she did not care

She was not worried they turned her hair red
But looked happily in the mirror instead

Sofia liked her new coloured hair
She had many popsicles, some here and some there

But as the sun was growing taller and stronger
The popsicles were frozen no longer

So Sofia had to say goodbye to her sticky friends
As a long summer day came to an end
Children's poems that I am working on for a friend of mine:)
892 · Aug 2016
My Afro Hair
Heliza Rose Aug 2016
They say that my hair is a trap
A nest that is thick,
And they are right
It has curls that suffocates the smallest of minds
876 · Mar 2017
Heliza Rose Mar 2017
Sometimes the stars in your lovers become darkness
It is okay to leave before the darkness swallows your moon
863 · Apr 2014
Mixed Seasons
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
Your hands were like summer

But your heart was pure winter
861 · Dec 2014
Letters on my body
Heliza Rose Dec 2014
I'm writing letters on my body
All the things that I can't say
So when you find my body
You can finally get my way

Those words will be all the twilight has left
As the sun and the moon kiss the edge

I'm writing letters on my body
To tell and untold story
So when you see all those A's and O's
Please think of me when it snows

Those words will be all the ground has left
As the dirt covers up the message

I'm writing letters on my body
To draw you a map to rescue someone else
854 · Apr 2014
Poets are mad,crazy
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
Poets are mad,crazy because they can speak of their lovers lips and how those lovers collar bones curve perfectly so you may drink from it.

Poets are mad,crazy because they can speak about bones and how they can dance through your skin to reveal you are weak,frail nothing but fragile memories.

Poets are mad,crazy because in a pub full of people a single leaf that may try to escape winter would catch their eye.

Poets are mad,crazy because even in their sleep words swirl and dent themselves in their minds.

Poets are mad,crazy because whenever the wind blows,whenever the lips of someone loved moves they un code them and wrap them round their lungs.

Pets are mad,crazy because they cannot breathe without a pen,or a computer calling softly to them.

Poets are mad,crazy because they can write about things they have never experienced but still they come out like coins of silver.

Poets are mad,crazy because they can write about cemeteries and how ghostly streets  can be on the 26th of december.

Poets are mad crazy,because someone mere may just see the sun as a yellow piece hovering above,but they see it as a golden orb that signifies all life and love.

Poets are mad,crazy because no matter what they go through,no matter what they lose,no matter who they meet and what they experience,words will always be their first lovers and first friends.
We are all mad here
838 · Jun 2014
Heliza Rose Jun 2014
He tried to fix her
But she broke him too
828 · Jun 2014
Heliza Rose Jun 2014
Quite poetic is a dragonfly

Dancing and romancing the sun

It realizes it will soon die

So it doesn't care about the damage done

It just kisses the sky

Knowing its life will soon pass by

It hovers over lakes and sometimes rivers too

Even around people who tell it "Shoo!"

So when it finds itself beneath a boot

Or in front of a wind screen it goes mute

It doesn't care about the impact
because it romanced the sun
Kissed the sky
And glided over water

What more could a dragon fly want?
This is quite painful*face palm*
824 · Dec 2016
Him, the ocean
Heliza Rose Dec 2016
You cannot swim my dear,
Yet you beg the ocean to love you
Then it swallows you whole to the very bottom of its belly
And it's like you were never there
And when new lovers ride his waves
He caresses them with the same blues
He used to crush you
804 · May 2014
Selective Blindness
Heliza Rose May 2014
"You're beautiful"

"Your poetry is amazing"

"You're sweet"

"You're an amazing poet"

Can someone ****** away the veil that's covering my eyes?because I can't see what you see
789 · Sep 2016
Plantain Iroko
Heliza Rose Sep 2016
Don't be like the Plantain tree
That rips it's leaves as though it has had a violent lover
Be like the Iroko tree
Tall and intimidating
As people sweat at its splendor
May they sweat at yours
759 · Apr 2014
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
Psychologically Anorexic
Heliza Rose Mar 2014
Someone please call a doctor,tell him words are crippling in my mind.

Someone please call him fast because there are moments I want to rewind.

Someone please tell him to hurry because my pulse is rising  and my heart beat is racing.

Because I'm clue less and visions of us I keep on chasing.

Someone please call a doctor,because I thought I fell in love.
753 · Mar 2017
Heliza Rose Mar 2017
I was never completely sure what love was
Till I looked in the mirror and smiled
750 · Dec 2014
For you
Heliza Rose Dec 2014
I do not know you,
But this is for you,
Look at your friends
Their love is true
They cannot bear to see you cry
As they pray you do not die
As I look around
I see so many you have touched
You are loved beyond what you may know
So please Andy do not go
I don't know Andy,but he sounds great andeveryone seems to really love hhim.Cancer is a *****,it cannot win .Stay strong Andy and everyone who cares for him <3
749 · Jul 2014
Heliza Rose Jul 2014
Abandoning someone you love
Is like breaking a mug
Only to realize moments later,it was your favourite.
739 · Mar 2014
Hashtags##and stars**
Heliza Rose Mar 2014
I'm compelled to cry
But the age old question is....does that make me weak?
Someone please tell me because I'm getting cold
734 · Dec 2013
Key Of Life
Heliza Rose Dec 2013
into the river of no return
the tears that shake us
the fears that break us
When you know you're nothing but a little puppet
with tangled strings
caught in the mist,of what life brings
The door shut
no way out
no scream,from your mouth
You wish it never happened
you wish you didnt see
the ending life,what could it be?
Nothing can be done
the pain has begun
You can move on
you can fake a smile
but the joy that you had last
will always last a while
728 · Jan 2017
Heliza Rose Jan 2017
Create enough space in your heart to forgive those that hurt you
This doesn't mean create space for them to return
Know the difference
722 · Apr 2014
Break my bubble?
719 · Apr 2014
That Type Of Woman
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
I often wondered what it was like to be a delicate woman.

To move with grace and be simple yet too complex for anyone to understand.

I often wondered what it would be like to perpetually have your legs crossed and your back straight.

To be so intimidating and yet so alluring at the same time.

I often wondered what it would be like to be that woman from a novel who heads turned for.

To be so breathtaking that even the blind would write poetry about her.

I often wondered if I was ever capable of being such a woman.

To be graceful and not stumble,to be breathtaking and alluring.

Sadly I am not her.
718 · Apr 2014
Night is gone.
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
When the night is held prisoner below the horizon

And nothing but the scorching sun dances through the skies

Our eyes shall burn out slowly,like scented candles

First,we shall be happy that the frightening creatures of the dark will have no where to play

Then,we shall weep for our skins will turn crisp and be tan

Next,we would scream for the agony of needing rest would be too much.

We would plead "please night come,please come dear night"

Because we would know this wasnt any mere eclipse

This was how things were to exist now that the night was held prisoner
below the horizon
710 · Mar 2014
Who wants a burnt rose?
Heliza Rose Mar 2014
If someone offered you a burnt rose you would scrunch your nose up for sure

It would be frail,weak and lack so much allure

It would be black and crumble between your fingers

You would cringe and the hurt would linger

Who wants a burnt rose lost of colour or a pleasurable sight

No one,you give someone that out of sheer spite

So I ask again,who wants a burnt rose that will crumple with the wind?

That the bees stray away from and the birds refuse to sing.

Mother nature forgot that rose as fire consumed it

Everyone forgot as the rose swiftly lit.
703 · Dec 2016
Heliza Rose Dec 2016
I am like a maze
From my fro
To my melanin glorified body
And they are hopelessly lost
699 · Mar 2017
Heliza Rose Mar 2017
They said there was no space for you
Yet with weak hands you pushed away walls and tore down doors
And now here you are occupying heaven and earth
693 · Apr 2014
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
If you wanted
I could have given you
My eyes
So you could've seen
What I saw in

If you wanted
I could have given you my ears
So you could've heard the harp that was your voice
The way I heart it

If you wanted
I could have given you my nose
So you could've been gifted with the sharp smell of your scent
The way I smelt it

If you wanted
I could've given you my skin
So you would know how well your fingers contested with fireworks

If you wanted
I could've given you my lips
So you could know,would know how well you tasted,and you would know you were more thank just a human being
You were a gardener
Who planted every beautiful flower inside me
690 · Feb 2017
Heliza Rose Feb 2017
I have turned tides
when they told me all I could do was drown
675 · Sep 2016
Carry me
Heliza Rose Sep 2016
I was tired
So you carried me on your back
But all the while you let my feet drag on the floor
But I was too numb from fatigue to feel it
674 · Jan 2017
Heliza Rose Jan 2017
Hatred isn't always knives and guns aimed at hearts
Sometimes it is fiery words in legislation that authorises the building of walls
And the banning of free movement
Sometimes hate disguises itself as safety and security but really it is still just hate
663 · Jun 2014
Heliza Rose Jun 2014
Sometimes I used to wonder what it would be like for any of the four seasons to inter cross

What would happen if leaves were coated in white but breeze was just hot and musky

What would happen if the blooming flowers met the hot sun

And what would happened if summer met winter..

I realize it is not a good idea...for the warm and cold to hold hands

I realize its hardly right for frost bite to meet heat wave

And I realize it is impossible

You were the winter to my summer

You were the frost bite to my heat wave

You were the black ice to my sunshine

And even  when I saw the ice on the tips of your fingers

The cold in your eyes

I ignored the ice covering your soul
Anyone who has ever watched phinease and ferb knows where I got the title from and yes I still watch cartoons:p
655 · Apr 2014
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
I'm fascinated by my ability to be useless
649 · Aug 2016
Sofia #2
Heliza Rose Aug 2016
Sofia liked to play ball
She would hit small and big ones and hit them all

She would kick with all her might
Often giving the goalie a little fright

She would run and run
And sweat until her day was done

Sofia liked to play ball
She loved to hit them all
Children's poems that I am working on for a friend of mine:)
646 · May 2015
Heliza Rose May 2015
I should not dream so much about you
Yet I do
That even when I close my eyes,my slumber calls out your name in the dark
It tangles it's legs in thoughts of you
And even when I have days I try to pry them free
I still fail,because you cannot untangle your soul,you cannot untangle everything you are without drawing blood
And I don't want to bleed
642 · May 2014
Heliza Rose May 2014
Teenagers are scientists
They experiment often
And stay up half the night
They analyze the theories of the opposite ***
And try to tell what statement would evoke what reaction

Teenagers are the real scientists
Because when they mix too much stuff together
They are constantly blowing things up
637 · Jun 2015
Heliza Rose Jun 2015
We are the women that bleed prufiously unto our dresses in the form of tears
The women that disturb the winds with their feral screams
The same women you love, yet deny
630 · Jan 2017
Heliza Rose Jan 2017
Half hearts fulfill no dreams
626 · Dec 2015
Heliza Rose Dec 2015
Life is managed not cured
619 · Nov 2014
Heliza Rose Nov 2014
A girl that cried wolf
While her blood was the acid eating away at her soul
The acid that turned her as cold as the snow under carriages and covering leaves
618 · Jan 2016
Heliza Rose Jan 2016
I dreamt a dream of child soldiers and blood
A boy small and stout laying motionless on the grass
His little body covered by plantain leaves
His shoes swallowed by debris
The songs of the ancestors long forgotten as their tune is swallowed by the cry of battle and ******.
Nameless boys and innocent stolen girls
Graves with no tombstones
And commanders with no rules
This is war
Beast of no nation
617 · Jan 2017
Heliza Rose Jan 2017
Go the extra mile for yourself my dear
For you are worth every step
614 · Dec 2014
Drunken Nights
Heliza Rose Dec 2014
Those drunken nights
Spent on the streets
Those drunken nights
With tired feet

Those drunken nights
Spent with those bottles
Those drunken nights
Craving warm cuddles

Those drunken nights
Talking with your demons
Those drunken night falling asleep for eaons

Those drunken nights
When all seems ****
When you die more than you should
605 · Mar 2014
I awoke
Heliza Rose Mar 2014
I awoke this morning to a feeling in my heart
I had to come on here and not just to try vanquish my demons no...there was something more
I got here this afternoon and I couldn't help but smile at all the love I received.
People liked my poetry and wanted me to stay.
I'm not leaving...not anymore
Thank you to everyone who asked me to stay,thank you to those who comment and like my work and thank you to those that follow me.I would say I love you all but I don't want to sound too creepy:)
599 · Jan 2015
Heliza Rose Jan 2015
Bless me with that smile
A thousand stars hidden in the chest that is your..well it is your secret to keep
Among others,so many others
And yet I do not mind
I would go blind
And I would go deaf
If that would make you feel safe enough to utter your secrets without worrying
But dear prince my arms will always be open
To catch you
Because you did not leave a glass shoe behind
You do not have long flowy hair.though your dark mane is enough
You did not bite into a poisoned fruit
And you were not put to sleep for years
But I would still kiss you everyday
Cherishing the thought that my lips will always bring you back to life
595 · Sep 2016
Heliza Rose Sep 2016
They pretend
Pretend to be in awe
Pretend to love care and adore
To want a slice of my heaven
To want a slice of me
How do they intend to get that slice?
By stabbing me in the back ofcourse
592 · Oct 2015
Heliza Rose Oct 2015
"And maybe you should stop pitying yourself,” he said. “Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two."
It's not that easy cassandra
587 · Mar 2017
Heliza Rose Mar 2017
Sometimes depression comes
Do not move furniture
Do not prepare a bed for it
Do not cook foods that clasp the air tightly in an aromatic embrace
Do not make your house a home for it
And it will leave
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