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Best Friend

He has the basement all to himself
While im at work all day
He watches T.V. and lays around
Without a worry in his head

He eats and drinks when he wants
Takes naps in the afternoons
Jumps off the couch when I walk in
Because he knows I don't approve

He seems so happy when I come home
And thats when he wants to play
He jumps for joy and kisses me
And wont let me walk away

He follows me like he's a child
Thinks I'm the best thing in the world
He listens to every word I say
Then pretends its never heard

This is my dog, he does not judge
And his love is not pretend
He is my true companion
And he's known as mans best friend

Carl J. Roberts
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
To mend a broken heart
You have to follow an ignorant soul
To follow that lowly soul
You need patience
Why patience
For ignorance
Why ignorance
Why not
To mend a broken heart
Understand its s fickle and frigid thing
It creeks When it opens
It locks When it closes
It's conceded One way
And submissive in others
To mend a broken heart
Another heart is needed
To mend a broken heart
You have to break your heart in the process
sorry but I don't know what to write about so I'm writing about how i don't know what to write about
my name is christian
my religion and my name
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Boy: You're beautiful. Did you know that?

Girl: I've been told otherwise..

Boy: Plastic ******* have to do that kind of stuff because they don't even almost compare to genuine women.
 May 2014 Heliza Rose
Shining armor rusts internally from salted tears of discontent
one stroke senryu
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