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I bedded down with Frankenstein
I bedded down with Dracula
I bedded down with the Wolf Man
I bedded down with the Mummy
I bedded down with the Creature
from the Black Lagoon

and the end results
were a carbon copy
of fundamental flaws

oozing with slime,
homemade monsters
that wrapped me up in sheets
and laid me to rest
upon the catacombs
of their one bedroom apartments

but after feeling ghastly,
my decision making
became quite hasty
and acted
as if
I were the
Invisible Man
 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe
Pagan Paul
For some it is a poetic crime
to ever use an imperfect rhyme.
As the Emperor of enunciation
I embrace differing pronunciation.
So chain not words up in a prison
let them go with their own rhythm.

© Pagan Paul (Sept 2015)
Old poem I found in a notebook, previously unpublished.
I think I wrote it for another site where there were
a lot of snobbish 'academic' poets.
 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe
Ryan Holden
In life we wither
slowly as we go
through seasons weathers
nature always grows.

We can contemplate
and we can always worry,
we can’t subjugate
so we suffer covertly.

If we took a seed
to sow, no fear,
even noxious weeds
know reasons it’s here.

As the years start to orbit
and time keeps on ticking,
worry about your wallet
it won’t show in your coffin.

Summers end pinches us
for the seeds we have sown,
disbursement of pods fuss
for the spring, to be grown.

With nothing to lose
with nothing to fear,
if it’s dwelling you choose
whilst you spend your time here.

Nature knows it snows
and nature knows it’s flaws,
still happy it knows
a new seasons open doors.

Only to bloom and admire bliss
whilst they are working hand in hand,
with Mother nature’s glistening kiss,
perhaps one day we will understand.
I just had a thought about how people go through life worrying about everything, and nature is happy knowing it can spread seeds for the next season. Just a perspective! Haha enjoy :)
 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe
Star BG
A song surrounds
with notes that travel
acting like dancing shoes.
Invisible coverings that
perpetuate me upon dance floor.

My bodies flowing movements
breaks air currents.
Songs acts like sacred etheric cloak
vibrating into ear canals
to be picked up by traveling cells.
Its destination, the heart.
Its purpose, to free feet to dance
and mind to let go
of worries and woes.
limitations and lack.

A fine place to be.
to dance in freedom
with eyes closed.
A grand place to be
dancing as if prose.
Inspired by Kim's Dance Until Dawn's poem  Thanks
how many poems are written about
love and hate
living life and welcoming death
happiness and sadness
the fearful and fearless
sanity and madness?

how many poems are written about
darkness and light
the sun and the moon
the stars and the galaxy
the universe and our planet?

how many poems are written about
the trees and the rivers
the mountains and the valleys
the animals and sea creatures
the oceans and the land
the sky and the clouds
nature and everything it provides?

how many poems are written about
anxiety and depression
suicide and living life to the fullest
music and silence
philosophy and art
incarceration and liberation
coffee and tea
***** and drugs
war and peace
politics and religion
*** and celibacy
******* and addiction
and those who use it
for recreation and those who
believe it’s an abomination?

how people are drunk?
drunk on alcohol
drunk on love
drunk on books
drunk on ideas
drunk with magic
happening all around them

how many poems does it take
to sing?

how many words do you need to
piece together to end this poem?

as many as it takes
until everything is
swallowed into the
abyss of nothing
 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe
your lips
remind me
of the words
my hands
they had the courage
to write
 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe
a m a n d a
you don’t know me
can’t even see me
no matter the noise
i make.

and i’ve recently
come to believe
this is all
for the best.
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