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 Jun 2015 harounmf
Joel Frye
Apologies are
unnecessary; nothing
sorry about you.
To Madds, from one of your biggest apologists.  ;)
The Universe loves good chances to knock a head or two out of the clouds.
 May 2015 harounmf
Lenny M
 May 2015 harounmf
Lenny M
We All have Flaws,
Stubby nose,
Bushy Brows,
Crooked smile,
Whichever it maybe
But those are the types of things
That make us UNIQUE,
The details to our grand design,
"There is no one like Me"
Take pride in that,
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
To prejudge based off of one's appearance,
Now that is what you call **UGLY
Beautiful Souls everywhere you go
 May 2015 harounmf
Your top lip is like the bottom
just upside down
But your heart is just like mine
only the other way around
 May 2015 harounmf
Good night
Sleep tight
Rest in peace for you're dead in your dreams

Take this poem how you like
But I urge you to step away from the knife

Life isn't that bad you know
Sure, there will be challenges so hard that you just want to give up
But don't
Stay here with me instead

Don't give up
I need you to be strong
Not everything's wrong

Don't be a quiter

If you need to lean
Lean on me
Just remember that when you fall
I will fall too

Stay strong
Stay strong for me
Because tonight I want to fall asleep knowing you will be alive and leaning on me tomorrow

✳Rather than to find myself falling with you ✳
Someone will always be falling with you
Someone will always care
Think twice before you put them in such despair
 May 2015 harounmf

I sought the opinion
of a sharp dressed guy
selling sunbeams
by the side of the road

He told me
if I wanted to succeed
I should sell sunglasses
across the street

I took his advice
and as soon as I opened
he held a huge sale
on clouds

Looking over at me
he winked, pointed up
and the rains came…
I hate salesman
I don't really hate salesman, (not all of them) it is just a poem.  :)
 May 2015 harounmf
Lenny M
A Mother Cares,
A Mother Shares,
     Mother is always There
Happy Mother's Day lil late ,but Mum know her council is greatly appreciated
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