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370 · Jun 2019
An acoustic Guitar Song.
Give me more she said my lord
Oh give me more I'm such a *****.
Give me more She said my lord
Oh give me more hes such a bore.

Flowers don't grow with an ice witch narcissism.
Tell me did it hurt when you got your circumcision?

Assassin heart sharp shooting harlot
Tear every part your letters scarlet.

Don't trust me, I can't see
The lie was blind and I live by instinct

with every fruit i take a leaf
then its gone and then I leave.

Blows to know the dangers of the cold
but it goes to show your true colors when your old.......
This is a song i wrote out of frustration with infidelity and people i am close with dealing with it.
367 · May 2017
She sees life in its glow
she never even stuttered
in the darkest of the  moments
She always simply uttered

"life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, I am lucky to be"

And in the darkness as she huttled, hugging a knee
whimpering tearfully,

"life is beautiful life is beautiful, I am lucky to be"

"life is potential and I am living, and I get to be me"

"and this pain I am feeling, how ever long, is temporary"

"one day things will change I will move, alive or dead"

"and the things that will be left will only have been those in my head"

"Life is potential and I am alive"

"Pain is sufferable, and I will survive. "
358 · Mar 2017
Does your brain ever falter.
Not when I was young.
Are you treading hot water.
Not unless I'm dumb.
Do you know how to live
Living some fake lie.
Do you know how to be
no I pray to die.

DO you want survival
I'd rather not
DO you want revival
I'd rather rot
Do you want to come back
Not from this
Do you need anything
Drug induced bliss.

Does your brain ever falter
Not when I'm sleeping
Did you ever want a father
Only when dreaming
Did you ever think
not ******* once.
Did you ever live
no i never had the guts.
357 · Jan 2017
Can you laden my bones?
Anchor me to home
I want to be so warm
Where have you gone.

Can you laden my bones
Look at all the clones
Trying to get warm
When will they leave.

Fill my hollow
with your own marrow
Promise me a forever
some day tomorrow.

Bite into the bone,
Scrape it along the break
I can never be alone
thats when i make mistakes.

I'm breaking breaking away from the roots

I've grown ten more feet, strong fresh shoots.

And watch it climb the side of our old house

Laden my bones hold me down my dear spouse.
349 · Jan 2019
Talk to me
Hey, here, have this hot tea

Sip it lightly and smell the steam

Let out all your insecurities

So you can forget  your worrying.

Brains disappear on a grateful  day

Hey its never good to feel that way

Your busy regretting a yesterday

Well I'm sure tomorrow has more to say
345 · Mar 2017
with in me and then butter flies.

You never even know

i move out ward like wind chimes sing across feilds in farming states.

I am unified like a thousand black birds moving in a storm.

Feel me, I am waves and vibration.

The wind moving across the earth pushing you.

I am the effort God puts in to life.
337 · Oct 2018
Blooming explosions of petal on green
Twirling upward to the sky

Creating color on the scene
and then withering inward to die.

after birth drips dew on the grass
as the moon spins in her cycle

Telling the moment its passed
No struggle in her being, as there is no rival.

Drying of wet as the sun blows its rays
Evaporation transfigures molecular collections

Its continued for many days
this innovation of God's erections.
330 · Mar 2018
Before me
I've been scolded by your history
Oh maternal instinct
I want you to know
That had I been
What transgressed
Would  have passed long before it was born.
I wouldn't put you through those trials.
I wouldn't trick you with fake smiles.
325 · Aug 2018
Covered in your expelling exposure
being to near you and not quite enough
Jet through the spaces in between
the whole of me.

I like to be wrapped into the center
of your kind
and if you would let me
I would become your spine

and then we could work
a 2 for 1 a life.

and then perhaps
not so much strife.....
but then again...
324 · Mar 2017
Penance never made since to me.
But with these new eyes I can see.
I volunteer myself unto you
I speak my unforgiving truth
and punishment beseech me.

Use me as an example of the evil that I am?
Or use me as a moment to hold all control.

To admit myself unknown at first and now I am known.
And then to be punished, oh.

The bribery to extinguish any type of learnt from a lesson.

I see the way you move in the shadows among lit beacons.
You can not bare the light I bear so there for you
Extinguish my flames to the others.
You show my vulnerability
for where i am offering intimacy I am offering
You the ability to destroy me if you like.

I open my womb unto you and you may sleep there
or rip it out of me.

Do you understand this confessional?
323 · Apr 2017
15 w
My days have never been to over filled

They have always been what  I willed
320 · Dec 2016
He Needs
He wishes to speak but knows not what to say
He needs,
He wants to reach out but is trapped with in his own
He wants
He expresses desire but knows not how to retain
He needs
He wants to be healthy but keeps feeling insane

Oh how deeply he needs and how no one can give.
320 · May 2017
Every single time you try
to tame the flaming fire inside
You have to dim the lights a little
You have to stiffen the bribe.
And every single time you try
to tame the flaming fire inside
I see your lights I see your lights
they dim.

Don't loosen my load
Dont take the long road
dont leave me behind
Hi and dry
I want to try I want to try.
319 · Mar 2017
Clock Work
He called it mornings night,
He called it angels flight.
He set his clock  just right

The only way he set his clock.

Mornings night comes in close
It gives unto those who give the most
It dreary dreams of clouds and candy
Murky spots still grow Lions of Dandy.

And He, unforsaken, clean
Staring through space to me.
Oh his eyes are fish swimming in and out
And I want to tell him but i would need to shout
Yes his eyes are wide and its a spacial spectacle
His horus face and his for head triangle.

Dear God I must be wittnessing a Miracle
Dear god do you  hear these angels song
and do you hear how lyrical
and could it last very long?

Just let me stay hear, with in this place
Just let us float here, Oh, Your Horus Face.
Just let me stay, baby, set the clocks.
And if you need me, give me 7 knocks.

He was setting his clocks, he does that
And he only sets them right
He sets them in vibration
and he sets his morning night.
My beautiful husband, and his beautiful soul. There is something with in him that is such a gift. I do so enjoy living with him and being his woman. He mystifies me. Bliss was never even zealous to reach the lengths of this mans purity. He is quite right. Quite Right my friends.
317 · Mar 2017
Husband and Wife
I inhale your breath as you sleep
like some secret ingredient is found
in your rest and only I can have it.

I taste your lungs and feel the moisture from you body
I am delighted in connection.

This precious air I am breathing, straight from you, my Love.

This precious air.

You open your eyes and like that I am stunned
they seem to sparkle brighter than any sun

You catch my breath, in your throat and I can not breathe any more
I have to hold my breathe just to look into your eyes
Just to completely allow all of it to flow
between you and I.

You know the feeling, you know the way,
You know theres nothing either one of us could say.
You know this tide, this circuitry
this stream between you and me.

Its electric like we are one,
Its like Im the moon and your the son.
Its like we take turns being eachother
like You were my father and I'll be your mother.
Like I am your sister and you are my brother.
Like my soul is your soul and we are the same.
Like all of this life is just one silly game.
"Speak to me"  She said  "of all my peaks and valleys."
I shivered at the thought, of expressing my perspectives.
"whisper to me then" She spoke "if you are stuck in fearing"
And at that moment I lost my hearing.
I looked at her, so frail
Suspended by the void,
she want so badly to grow
but her body had  been destroyed.
Yet she smiles now on this occasion
asking me to express my view,
yes she smiles now with her skin turning blue.
Dying before me she smiles as she talks
"tell me love," she whispers hush "what am i to you"
Silence still falls upon us,
except for my waning breath
and her crumbling Inquiries.
Just die already my sweet heart,
I have nothing for you here.
314 · Mar 2018
Just a rant i guess
How  deep does mind go into physicality.
Where the fall is domino
Generation after generation
Breeding wasteful idiots.
But I see change in the masses
I see change in the minds of those living
The core beliefs of most religions,  tends to be a purification of thought
If you can call it that.
If evil doesn't exist
It's more like a refinement of thought.
What's truly neccessary?
And then how does that change things?
How many moments
Till the future,
When you've never heard of time.  
And what is it but a way to catagorize memories in a clearer fashion an exact fashion.
And to plan forward.
But was the point of forward thinking when your incapabe of forethought in the first place.  

One less ****
One less binge
One less rage
One less thing you don't really need for future sustainment.

And then you step into the light.
More things you actually need, that are actually productive.
Why waste time on dead men's luxuries.
314 · Apr 2017
Hey, Have you forgotten about our loss already, am i the only one suffering any more. You dont show your greif if there is any.. and i dont know how to stop feeling...

We used to be so light hearted, things were easy it seemed.
Like our presence in eachother was all that we need.
But now we know that theres something weighing both of us down and I have read alot of articles but nothing profound.

Or maybe its just me, maybe I am the only one. And I feel so uncomfortable I think that you are too. but i can't seem to accept that notion, or find anything else to do... but just cry sometimes..

and i cry sometimes, God knows me well he knows my voice, and he can tell I am sorry... God knows my voice and he can tell I am greif strickin, why did we have to lose that chance. Our own unique....... well you know.

a little ..... something to real to say...

and now an everlasting "someday"

Its everlasting for me, oh orange rings sing so beautifully like it was made in me.... and it was....

You know it was.... how real was that, as real as me, or not quite.... right... not to me.
314 · Jun 2018
Sort of in a way
Where I'm not quite sure
And your hunger drives me insane
When I could starve myself the same.

I forget that you please me
In split seconds of frustration
And I wonder who you are
Like I don't already know.
314 · Jun 2018
lucious bride.
God made the multitude of animals but adam was not so satisfied.
So from with in his own parts did God extract and seeking to please in intention.  
So eve came like some devil animal so apart from the thinking adam was left with.
Do we now see that women are apart from humanity.
Like a left winged bat stalking and sufficient where the moon waxes and wanes to and fro, where the seams quake.
Adam was not satisfied wholey.
So the animal was removed
Placed into being,
Now find peace.
314 · Nov 2017
break her
Used to be the only pain i felt was that of being alone
Seems now the pain Im feeling is different.
Now its like a ripping tearing away of oxygen from my lungs.
and as i get older... it gets worse.... As we get closer it more so hurts.
For every time you raise your fist its not only making connection to my heart
but its destroying everything we have created and so the pain is more immense.
I wish it wasn't so, i wouldnt want it to be.... But the only answer there is none.
You can't love me perfectly, you can't treat me with respect all the time. You have to fail.
You have to rip my heart out of my chest and spit into my wound.
because thats what lovers do.

Thats just the way things are. I open my arms and you tear them apart.
How dare i speak, how dare i look. Questioning your intellegence playing the devils advocate.
I am a monster aren't i. Treat me with the coldest of shoulders. Set me on fire and watch my insides smoulder. You wish i would burn dont you.
You want me out of your head out of your house.
Out of your heart, not to be your spouse.
You get sickened by me, I turn your smiles into biles.
Everything was fine before....
Its just the pain is now more..
and im stuck in limbo, between two seperate worlds.
Mine and yours...
310 · Feb 2017
Dead Baby
310 · Feb 2017
Infiltrate my bones
Exultation over comes me and on to you.
You are the pinnacle no matter how you move.
Tender hedonism you have found me
Now I beg please expound me.
Tell me who I am what do you see.

my green eyes dart to try to view the world like you.
I press my forehead to your face to dream the dreams you do.
I'm over come by the tumult
In fact my ignorance feels like assault.
And all I ever wish to do is see myself as you do.

You titillate me completely
But I am so distrait
I cant even see
My mind holds no weight.
309 · Feb 2017
Dark scented light,
to my immediate delight
shone on through my eye ways.
Nesting maggots in my eyes,
I've mistaken god for flies.
Building up to what i was,
newness to an old impostor,
faking till you think im softer.
Satan came with darkness tongue.
Liquid acid licked me till I's numb.
Newness to an old impostor
changing lifes take what your offered.
Drugs and needles, lying thief.
woke up dead to my relief.
Gave my arm to doctor havoc.
swelled my vein you cannot have it.
Broken seal, mid elbow bend.
I know what I've done, but everyone has sinned.
Waking night in cold cold sweat
when it comes to dope wish we never met.
306 · Mar 2017
Classic red printed wine glasses.
Napkins too.
Red printed collar
Note to you.

In this hotel room.
I thought I might find you.

Distasteful to say the least
To abuse the already meek.
To pretend that you are weak

When your clearly very strong Man.

To lie to me like this, ohh
I would rather catch your fist
Flying toward my face
Thank to feel this betrayal & disgrace.

You've lead me on to long man
Its really very wrong man
I worship the ground you walk on
But now I know, I've locked on.

To every thing you do wrong.
And I am beginning to create quite the list.

But still I would have much rather eaten your fist
then be put through this.
305 · Oct 2017
love of my heart
rip me apart
leave me here in the drive way.
She left again, she left again.
Is it always going to be this way.

My mother
I love her
she hates me she hates me.
My mother
my suffer
Berates me and hates me.

I never wanted your face
Your smile  your eyes.
I never wanted to disgrace
Your assumptions you surmised.

I never wanted to be
what you wanted from me
I never wanted your hate.

My mother
my first lover
my suffer
my first pain.
My mother
I love her.
My mother
my insane.
303 · Oct 2017
Give it all away
I sacrificed my deity
My golden idol
hand that held me

I sacrificed my savior christ
my sun moon star
My lambs sweet life

I've given into
lost it all in a wave of
301 · Feb 2017
Touch my thoughts
I choke...
See this life didn't turn out how I planned.
Some where there was a twist in the story.
And I had it all sketched in the sand
But the ocean washed away that glory.

I can't breathe
But I inhale like mad
and I know that you loved me
But You just made me feel bad.

I never wanted any of this really.
No savior, no lovers bed...
I guess that probably sounds silly
But again, I am ***** in my head.

You ruined this for me,
You ruined me for him.
and I will never be
anything more than sin.
301 · Feb 2019
When you speak
Instantly I grow nearer to the subject

like its my pain
299 · Mar 2017
A for Original
You draw conclusions on your own time
I'm fit for the shoes I wear at night
and when you see me in your own  mind
You know what I said must have been right.

I have petted to many friends into corners
To many breaks to make ammends
Sell me my own ideas for quarters.
And why would I eat It all up.

They done it once again and again and again.

Service never was required
by those who said they want me hired.
They all know Im really to tired
SO get off of my back.

Why have we given in to this completely embarrasing
totally outdated way of living,  I dont know, I will never know.
294 · Apr 2017
Hey, Have you forgotten about our loss already, am i the only one suffering any more. You dont show your greif if there is any.. and i dont know how to stop feeling...

We used to be so light hearted, things were easy it seemed.
Like our presence in eachother was all that we need.
But now we know that theres something weighing both of us down and I have read alot of articles but nothing profound.

Or maybe its just me, maybe I am the only one. And I feel so uncomfortable I think that you are too. but i can't seem to accept that notion, or find anything else to do... but just cry sometimes..

and i cry sometimes, God knows me well he knows my voice, and he can tell I am sorry... God knows my voice and he can tell I am greif strickin, why did we have to lose that chance. Our own unique....... well you know.

a little ..... something to real to say...

and now an everlasting "someday"

Its everlasting for me, oh orange rings sing so beautifully like it was made in me.... and it was....

You know it was.... how real was that, as real as me, or not quite.... right... not to me.
292 · Apr 2017
Your not having a good day
But I smile despite the attitude.
You frown sadly as you move from
room to room
Dreading the impending doom.

Home for lunch but you must leave soon...

I smile despite the dreary mood....

Your not having a Good Day

I say I love you I laugh and I smile.

I try to keep your attention a while..

Even though your being mean
I still think your color is the most

beautiful sheen
288 · Jan 2017
My Lips
My lips crack, cause my humor is dry.
So when you joke I dont laugh I sigh.
And when you choke its like a blast inside.
Yes I am soaked, its been a hell of a ride.

My lips bleed in the winter, but I still smile
And i can feel the splinter, its been under the nail for a while.
But I try not to think of things, Not the ones needing thought
My heart heart has some broken springs, but not enough to clot.

See my humors dry, Blank stares move
I dont know why, I guess nothing to lose
I laugh less lately, less than I sigh
My lips will smile, when I'll die.
Just a fun story.
288 · Apr 2017
Okay You win
Skinny teeth
You chomp away
and Skinny heart
You pump all day

Skinny eyes you lie and lie
Skinny eyes You die and die

I want you to shake me
My core is begging
For you to take me
Down hill sledding
You want to play with my
water and ice
you want to play with my
glitter and rice

I let you
288 · Apr 2018
Further more what are you doing to mine?  
God please don't waste my time
My thoughts are like post it's  
Scattered along my bed room wall
All the things to remember
All the people to call
And the books to read
The things to learn.
How much time to smoke ****
How much time to yearn
When's my next cigarette
How long since I ate
How's the kitchen look
I've been staying up to late. . .

Where in this exactly is the mind
I can not see I must refine.
287 · Feb 2017
Its all been said
Has it all been uttered?
Are there no words left to say.
Have they truly all been uttered
In a completely better way.
Or am I missing something.
A letter in the alphebet.
If there truly is something
I haven't thought of it yet.
287 · Feb 2017
Gypsy Grams
She is old and kind of ugly now
But i see her pictures she was cute
My grandmother.

She yells obscenities at us kids,
at the younger ones at least
All in good heart
not in ethics though.

She seems to know something
None of us do
Yet she seems to me
Clueless too.

Rigid and mean, it must have been a hard life
Never calm and serene, she must have known strife.

She is a gypsy of sorts
Rings on her fingers
Blonde hair never brushed
She drove that semi so long
Its permanently wind swept...

She burns wood in the garage to keep her
8 dogs warm...
and the rest of the animals, are inside.
Birds, and cats and fish and a raccoon

Who I swear she loves more than any of us kids.

But they have been there you see...

We never were. She's to hard
But I try my best...
To stack her wood.... To clean her house when I go over.
I even give her bags of **** for free...
Just so she can feel appreciated.

She is a woman after all... all she knows is give
she is terrified of take
so you have to let her.
285 · Mar 2017
I taste your spit in ever single soda I drink.
I smell you in all of those cheap perfumes.
I see your presence in every single thought i think

Its not to bad being surrounded by you.

I call you God, and you can call me baby
I call you my man and I can be your lady.
Intoxication doesn't compare...

You drip like drops of golden honey
and fall down my shirt, into my stomach
where i feel you raise your head.

You sing sweetly against the breeze and your hair    
speaks louder than your voice.

I swear it speaks louder than your voice.
281 · Apr 2017
Staples tend to stick in time
Your heart it tends to beat in rhyme
I like it  more with you around
But still my feelings hard to expound

If you want timid lemmings of friends
i dont like the way that goes
but if you want loyalty till the end
I will show you my ever baring rose

My petals bloom just for you
and intruth bloom in truth
You can tear them right away
or you can watch them slowly decay.
281 · Feb 2017
Thoughts On acid.
We stood in our room
throwing a tennis ball
back and forth on valentines night.

I thought of give and take.
Taking turns.

You lit a candle and we talked about

Which candles were safest to use
So we didnt ruin our lives.

Burning down the house
Setting the bed on fire.

And when I dropped the ball, you sat down the lighter.

But it stayed lit.

Now theres a burn hole in the dresser

and I will always remember, taking the time to blow out

Every single candle
Because I was terrified to lose you.

And in my acid brain, that lighter burning the hole

In the dresser

Was a warning from GOD ALMIGHTY

That I needed to be conscious of the Love I give you.
Spending time on psychedelics really makes you think about the reality of things
279 · Feb 2017
Dieties Love
I want to be like Punk Rock Jesus Christ
and Holy Courtney love in love.
with just a bit less ****.
I want to be Kurt Cobain
and you can Be Axl Rose

and we can change eachothers clothes
and play eachothers Roles.

You can be Milton, he wrote Paradise lost
and I can be Satan  who was the stories cost
and the story that was told was one of love too.

You can be me, and I can be you.

We can be eachother and our parents too.

We can be history and all of its men

I can be the losing army You can have the win

I will destroy you next time, in the air with a gust of wind

You are my lover baby, and we are so much more than just human
278 · Apr 2017
Say you want honey flavored tragedy...
You want rough but sweetly.

You want the life but with out the pain
You want the crazy but with out the insane..

You wont find it, no happy medium
you must learn to love the blood dripping from them.

You must learn to love the pain of birth
You must learn exactly what this life is worth...

I breathe more carbon dioxide than oxygen
yet I still survive with hundreds of men

I never questioned the pain of this existence
Its what makes me strong enough to run the distance.
276 · Oct 2018
for what it is worth
You'd like to own the horizon
For its dripping cracks
and its flowing clouds
but your own worth never met half way
with all those people you suspended in your wake.
How crude the time that's passing4
how painful the lessening air
You'd like to own the horizon
in pretending that you care
275 · Feb 2017
My love
Stand back my dear I am far to hot to touch.
Get away from here, stand out of my clutch.
You dont want this heart to hard to find
You dont want to change this cynical mind.

Stand back my dear, Stand down
Leave my house, and leave my town.
Leave this choking heart to drown.
Stand by my dear.

Stand by my love and watch me rot.
Watch me suffer, while you plot.
Think you'll save me, I can't save myself.

Get away my love You want some one else.

Breathe on me baby, tell me I'm cool.
I bloodied my wrists, you know I'm a fool.
Breathe on me honey you know I'm a mess.
cuts right above the hem of my dress.

Breathe down my neck, smother me alive
Tell me you love and that you'll never die.

Leave me alone I dont want you hear.
I dont want you to hear,
The falling of my tears...

Get away from me love, I am to filled with hate
You want to save me, but my cynicism says its to late

Tell me I'm cool, tell me I'm punk,
Tell me I'm spontanious and filled with *****.
Tell me I'm beautiful bleached blonde and all.
Tell me You wont catch me cause you'll never let me fall.

I can be Sid and You can be Nancy
You can be Jesus and I will be Mary.
274 · Apr 2018
***** locked
Stomach twisting
Grasping for control
But my world's shattered out from beneath me
And I feel no soul.
Miles of sedation could not save me from this.
No nirvana no mothers love
No meditational bliss.
Here I am empty no feeling but this sick.
Tired and turmoil.
My stomach twist.

I could ***** or die
Or both at the same time.

Nothing could save me from this.
274 · Jun 2018
bare with me
Spittle dribbled from the chin
Quivering skeleton breaking at bend
Terrible timing for all of you to see
Terrible minding I've fallen to My knees.

In the weakest of moments
You'd label me then
In the weakest of states
You'd count all my sin.

And it shows your insides
274 · May 2017
Sudden movement scares me,
But I will breathe smoke until my brain hurts.
Until my eyes strain to focus and the inscent
completely fills the room and my lungs.

Don't ever lean toward my front door because
I will feel you leaving
and I will lose all common since
all maturity.

Tongued tied I sometimes lie
for the satisfaction of speaking
when i know not what to say
and I am working on this habit
trying to learn a new way
but if you get me in this moment
and you try to tear me down
my ego will be fighting
you will have to shove me in the ground.

Because some things keep me going
and some keep me alive
and some things keep on growing
and some they will die
but I can tell you something
God did get it right
cause everything I need
is found right in my mind.
274 · Apr 2018
If this pressure is definite
Why does it sway my contractions.
How could I be so strong
to crush my body under my own tension.
272 · Apr 2017
I pull and pull you would never even ask me to stop.
Pressure builds in my mind and in my spine.
and I would ask you to take me there to the top
Just to help you relax and help you unwind.

Your trees trunk brings vitality to the tip of my branches
and I seize the rain fall, I seize the rainfall.
269 · Feb 2017
Night mare Ego manifesto
I'm counting each breath I learn how to take.
It seems like they freeze right in front of my face.
Harden there like a mask to constrict my flow
Form into a shell of me until we are standing toe to toe.

My efforts, my words which have come to define me
Standing here in front, now surely looking to confine me.
Shes such a beautiful girl, I don't know why she'd defy me.
But just because she looks like me doesn't really imply me.

I had this dream the other night, standing by a mirror
I thought i caught a glimpse of some one, but then it got clearer.
It was me all coked up skinny and sad
begging for a fix but i said to bad.
She was therein the flesh not a reflection anymore
Begging and pleading picking at sores.
I couldn't take it so i shoved her to the floor.
I could beat her down, but i reach for the door.

She started to scream "but it feels so good i need it now"
I turned and ran looking for a way out.
Its my child hood home, kitchen and sink
The smell of the dead causes it to stink.
A past that haunts me, more than any ghost.
A past that has claimed my mind as its host.
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