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  Aug 2016 Jojo
Little Bear
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***
  Aug 2016 Jojo
I love you in words
That don't quite understand
Its footing.

My love for you
Is just like loving
The parts of myself
That have forgotten the steps.

When love arrived,
I never appreciated the colour blue,
but now I only see the world
through blue eyes.
Heart emoji
  Aug 2016 Jojo
Dana Skorvankova
Our doubts are already forming a library
with thousands of books rising high above the wall
  Aug 2016 Jojo
a fair warning for you
if you are planning to
to fall in love with me
you fall in love with P's

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a pessimist
who believes that every single thing will fall apart
every bad thing is bound to happen
so please i ask
help me find the positives
in a world
where negatives are all i see

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a paranoid
who breaks almost every night
thinking about how wrong i could be
every choice
every decision
will be the worst one
so please i ask
to accept me
and convince me
that the world is not yet over.

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a p-ssy.
a coward
who's afraid to make the first move
who's ashamed to fail.
so please i ask
to wait for me
to be able to overcome my fears.

and lastly,
if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a poet.
a writer
who's prepared to write everything
and anything
because sadly, that's all i'm good at.
so please i ask
to accept my love
in the form of words
and i will change myself.
i love you so ******* much yet i think you don't feel the same. at least, anymore.
  Aug 2016 Jojo
South by Southwest
old poets
never die
nor do they
fade away
they live
on and on
every time
you turn
the page
Jojo Jul 2016
I notice many things
but yet I can't get
Jojo Jul 2016
life doesn't seem like you want it to
the older you get, the more
things you *notice
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