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Jan 2019 · 373
Shannon Jan 2019
Plastic edges that carve themselves with the
Painted figures of black daunting numbers.
And God, does it scare me that rolling fate,
Unfurling all the possibilities
And choosing my end.
Aug 2018 · 3.5k
Loving You
Shannon Aug 2018
Loving you was meant to be beautiful
Loving you was meant to wrap me in a warmth
That comforted and reassured the
bottomless pit I call me

Loving you meant I had purpose
Loving you created a blanket that hid
All of the pain that comes with
Not loving myself

Loving you felt dead
Loving you would force me to pretend
That this parasite of you
Was good for me
Jun 2017 · 465
Our existence
Shannon Jun 2017
Are my shoulders too promiscuous for you, sir?
Can you not control yourself?
Are you the reason I fear my walks home?
The answer is yes

The answer is no
Why can you not comprehend that?
It wasn't my skirt or my alcohol's fault
It was you

You and your obscene shouts that you call compliments
I have to disagree
Please don't follow me home
I didn't ask for this

Nor did my Mother ask for you to brush your hand up her skirt
Why are you not listening to me?
We are not silent beings there for your pleasure and satisfaction
We are not your objects

Do not degrade us to the fabric we wear on our skin
Do not touch us without our consent
We are not here to play your sick games
We do not exist for you

I don't exist for you
Neither do my sisters across the world
Do not underestimate us
For we can spark rebellions
May 2017 · 1.5k
Shannon May 2017
As their practised shouts and screams can be heard
Her hair tickles my cheek, a laugh so bright
That even from across our boundless earth
Their screams melt away in place of her light

We seal our sweet love with one precious kiss  
But yet their hands will turn to fists of fear  
I try to ignore them through all this bliss
Her soft and whispered words all I can hear

Religion and prejudice tells us no  
Their fists of fear now turned to fists of red
They spit and sneer at us that we must go  
Their words banging their way into my head

To their forced love with him I say, no Sir  
Because, you see, my love belongs to her

— The End —