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 Mar 2015 Madeline Janisch
no one
do you ever have the desire
to just cut
open your skin
watch yourself bleed?

not for any reason
not because you want to release
not because you need to cope
not because you are sad

but just because you want to.

it's in those moments,
when it's no longer a coping mechanism
when it's no longer a release
when there's no longer a reason

it's simply addiction

 Mar 2015 Madeline Janisch
Standing over the porcelain sink,
I find a girl I don’t recognize anymore
staring back at me.
Her eyes are sunken and lifeless.
Her smile has long faded
and her once lively complexion
pale from the lack of sunlight.
I can’t stand to look at my broken self.
Hope and faith are my most elaborate forms of self harm.
With every new hope, I die a little more inside,
because I know that in the end of it all.
My light for life is slowly dissipating as
I am always being brought back to my best friend,
Sometimes the best way to not be let down, is to not have any expectations.
 Mar 2015 Madeline Janisch
it's not so bad,
being alone that is
once your mind and soul
has turned numb
your body will follow
and it becomes okay

so when you ask me whether i'm lonely
i guess it would be accurate
for me to say yes and no
but it's okay really
i don't need pity and your useless love
because love doesn't get you through life in the end

you should try it some time
if you ever experience
something painful
come join me
in a shell of your own

we will sing the songs of past times
bright pink tinged with cold blue
and it will stop hurting for you
over time
when you become as numb as me

then you will see
that it's better to be lonely
than to be afraid
 Mar 2015 Madeline Janisch
my nose tastes sour
and my tears feel hot
when will i
stop carving
into my
i had a little relapse
I was going about on my normal day,
and then it just hit me

Sadness not only crossed my mind,
it took over my entire body.

Nothing even happened.

There was no trigger.

But all of a sudden my body just became blue.

My mind is upset,
my heart is racing,
my body is aching,
and I just don't want to move.

I was fine a second ago,
and then I just started hurting.

I'm in pain
and it's getting harder.
I was just sitting in personal finance and just started hating myself. awesome
When I'm wide awake
At 4 AM
My mind still buzzing while my body is shaking
A tear rolls down my pale cheeks
As I clutched and pulled and begged at the sheets
My hands red, raw, with a thousand tiny lacerations
The train of my thoughts not stopping at stations
As my conciousness fades, an attempt to stall,
the inevitable breakdown.

And I fall
And fall.
 Mar 2015 Madeline Janisch
Don't choose the one who's beautiful to the world

But the one who makes your world beautiful.
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