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 May 2015 Eve
Janine Jacobs
 May 2015 Eve
Janine Jacobs
Under your gaze I become undone
Possessed by your everything

My soul feels bereft from its mate
and my heart cries softly from longing

Oh but this love is conjured in my head
for such perfection cannot exist

But how sad that day would be

When I have to let go
of such a sweet dream
 May 2015 Eve
Natasha George
Her flash-light beamed,
making shadows crawl on the walls.

She gagged at the overwhelming smell,
trying to investigate what was going on.

Then her knees buckled.
Her stomach felt queasy .

Dark red.
A trail of blood stained the hall floor.

Really dull.
A pale hand lay limp from underneath the floorboards.

She turned off her flashlight,
footsteps echoed from afar.


Her flashlight remained on.
 May 2015 Eve
Miranda Francella
 May 2015 Eve
Miranda Francella
lipstick drips
cigarette on my lips
caressing me with your fingertips
kiss my cheek
but nothing more
for as you once said
i'm just a *****
 May 2015 Eve
ChinHooi Ng
 May 2015 Eve
ChinHooi Ng
In the theater
under the indigo curtain
of night
the lovely fruits still have
the wings of leaves
dazzling earrings joggling
in a night
punctiliously built
by you
behind you is
a sodden wall
like the part of the world
that is cold
a song without tears
is the shrill of rocks
on the precipice
too much imagination
 May 2015 Eve
Paul Butters
Our scientists say that before The Big Bang
There was Nothing
And therefore
No God.

Through red-shifted space they “see”
Back to The Beginning.
Exploding Singularity.
A photon winks into existence

Yes they are conceited enough to think
That all we see is all there is to know.
Like people pre-Pythagoras
Who thought the Earth was flat
They Lord it
With Confidence.

Yet Eternal Infinity
Beckons us on.

A light year is 5,878,499,810,000 miles.
An estimated 81,000 years Ion-Drive flight to the nearest star.
About 100 thousand million galaxies in the universe:
70 thousand million million million stars.
But we know it all.

Some say our universe is a bubble
Growing within another
Like a baby in a womb.

Some say it will grow forever,
Slowly petering out
‘Til all is cold.
Others that it will stop, shrink
Then be reborn
With another Big Bang.

Who knows what will happen?
Not me.

Paul Butters
On Existence.
 May 2015 Eve
Appears to me
 May 2015 Eve

Its dark outside
the roads are wet
Within my thoughts
I can’t forget
The love that shines
upon my heart
As this new day
hastens to start

A skyline wakes
of street light glare
In silence that
the dawn does share
For soon the sunrise
I shall see
When your sweet love
*appears to me
Good morning
envelop my heart
enfold my being
cocoon me in kindness
cover my doubts
encompass my thoughts
cloak my vulnerabilities
shroud my fears
enclose me in Love
shield my tenderness     
encase my charms
veil my uncertainties
engulf me in your arms
swathe me with tenderness
encircle my energy
sheathe me from harm
envelop my heart
enfold my being
envelop my heart
envelop me

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
envelop my heart
 May 2015 Eve
Mandee Patterson
Truth is the product of the pursuit of knowledge.
Though most people, I have found, do not embrace but fear knowledge.
I believe this to be due to the fact that knowledge is something that cannot be tailored to an individual.

What is, is.
Whether you like it or not.
Knowledge can often be daunting and go against the very foundation of everything you hold "true".

But truth is not there to keep you complacent, it's there to drive you, it's what you should live for.
The pursuit of knowledge is an ongoing process, constantly evolving.

One day you can feel without a shadow of a doubt that you "know" something,
and the next day be proven utterly wrong.

This is why it confuses me so that people hold steadfast to antiquated "truths",
catalogued by humans, and passed down through generations.

Like high school gossip, slipping from one grimy hand into the next,
riddled with the stains of ignorance and manipulation.

Knowledge can often isolate.
Spark hatred in those comfortably numb.

But those on the pursuit are not to be feared or confined,
they're to be celebrated and joined!

Because truth is freedom, and it will only unify.

Don't give up, don't give in.
April 2014. The truth is out there.
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