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cold rain dripping down my head
splashing on my cold flesh
playing basket ball with my old friend
every shot i take goes in
every miss i make i laugh at
i think my friend would laugh back
but he got shot in the back
my basketball games are all in my head
but I'd rather pretend then realize that my only friend is dead
Eyes closed to a fading light
The last beat of a tired heart
Muffled voices, a murmured prayer
A pathway unresolved
What lies ahead?
Endless slumber?
A new beginning?
Not knowing is what I fear.
try to


We live by choice. And it is if we believe that we are alive.
I want is to die.
And not like I failed my math test or my boyfriend broke up with me die.
Or not even die when you feel the blood rush to your cheeks because you'd never been more embarrassed.
But die as in I no longer want to live and no longer feel guilt because of it.
Because this earth has nothing for me left and nothing it can say to keep me.
I want to feel my last breath burn my lungs as it slips through my lips and into the earths air never to be found again.
I want to feel my heart beat slow and forever stop cold and empty in my chest.
Humans are born with this fear of death etched into their bones but I don't think I was born with such a gift because I honestly can't think of a beautiful thought than to die.
Its not because I refuse to see the beautiful, little things in life because I've been surrounded by beautiful bright lights at night, even experienced love with the kindest of souls.
But even that sometimes is not enough.
People have told be its selfish to end my life but I think its just as selfish to keep someone here when they don't wish to be.
And people have told me its cowardly to **** myself but sending yourself to an unknown place with unknown consiquences seems pretty brave to me.
And so we get back to there's nothing you can do or say to save me.
Well I never asked to be saved and I see no reason to be.
I welcome death.
it's back
i don't know what to do

i'm sitting in the dark
realizing it was never really gone

i tricked myself into thinking i was okay
this is not what okay feels like

this is the feeling that you get
right before you hit bottom

this is the feeling that you dread
wishing it would go away

the feeling of wondering if you will
ever be okay again
I'm always being told to let go of all bad things in life
but if I did, I would have to release myself
and I managed to do so a couple of months ago
sometimes we can be our worst enemy
but that's life

To forged a smile everyday

And joined the crowd and be okay

My face tattooed the image of clown

To hide a man who's so feeling down
That MAN there denotes all GENDER...
I never really had an addiction

till the dolce of your intoxicating lips

filled me with thrills and scattered feelings .
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