cold autumn waters
rushing its way
underneath my feet
weaving through
toe to toe
hacking its way
through the legs of my seat--
so naturally shining
the reflected beams
of sunlight
knew how to pick
which stream
of which inch
of which hairline
of the river
to show oh so clearly
straight into my eyes--
this was exactly how
i remembered
the words flowing
singing and dancing
all so merrily in my mind.
and yet
i sit and stew
in the comfort of my room--
the fan spews nonesense
whispering frigid sweet nothings
it distracts me
so i turn it off.
the light shone too brightly
showing me far far too much
it annoys me
so i turned it down.
the natural sounds
the allure of the wild
the little chirps and peeps
and the babble of the brooks
i remember none of them
sounding like the clicks and clacks
that i hear with every press of my finger
and every character i delete
it discomforts me
i took a deep breath.
and another.
closing my eyes
i still saw a faint red through it's thin lid
i tried to picture
the same magical world
i used to write in
back when i was a bard
and everything
the light touches
would be my kingdom
my muse.
and i smiled...
all my vivid recollections
the people and worlds i breathed life to
the words that used to be so so alive
it all felt empty
so i opened my eyes
and tried to write again--
and it turned out... subpar •.• sorry, it's heen two years! i promise my writing senses will thaw out eventually °^°