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EP Robles Oct 2018
SOME through the brain
in much Dismay i will say

but my thoughts first
  through my heart --
is how my Life is

governed by Soul
on this and every day

For some a prison
by their thoughts

  whose fears are bars
  and regrets like walls

i say best to greet
mentation through Love
and Spirit first
and foremost of all!

:: 09-26-2018 ::
How we live and process and internalize our thoughts-emotions.
EP Robles Oct 2018
IT rained ruinously down the streets went the
raging day's temperament
The dog's barking and snapping at the droplets
of regretful tears that grew into monstrously
huge violence
A hailed cab stood no chance and a failed
businessman took his clothes off and dove
headfirst into the gutter of despair
The young mother with her stroller hoisted
her sails and allowed squally wind to
pacify the cute cuddly cherub
\no other thing existed.  The world
was all empty pending the eleven o'clock

Unpredictable -- as is nature.

:: 09-29-2018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
DARLING light  whose gentlest touch
  might  by brightest light guide
my love of life upon this night
  Guide my trust
  Guide if must
And forgive the rest of my weakest
   traits  within those hands called fate
  My Darling Light that lives
and dwells within my Soul and Spirit
  And saves me this night
  Save my trust
  Save if must
by gentlest touch this night

:: 09-30-2018 ::
The Inner Light keep us true and keeps us alive.  Such wisdom!
EP Robles Sep 2018
these feelings bleeding
  ******* of Spirit

these emotions swimming
  indecision is winning

help me --
  i've got no mission

help me --
  i'm full of rivets

i'm all broke within
  my insides

these thoughts crawling
  further away from god

you cannot help my situation
you cannot lift the skies
you cannot breach the walls
    of where my Soul has
    gone to die

help me --
   i'm waking up drowning
help me --
   i'm too complicated

And these feelings bleeding
  a ******* of my Spirit

:: 09-28-2018 ::
Just a bad stretch that everyone feels from time-to-time
EP Robles Sep 2018
"i" is Atlas holding up the World.  

  A permission granted by the writer
of letters.  

And 'i' never shrugs as it does not
have the writer's license to do so.

For if it did the mnemonic rule of
'i before E, except after C' could
not exist.

Weird!  <--very weird!

:: 09-26-2018 ::
strangeness of the English language and it's silly old rules! :P
EP Robles Sep 2018
Once upon a time
I looked up there
for a chance to find my God
but the attic was empty  
so i lose.

Now my name's Forgive Me
Now your name is Forgive You
where do we run to
when all's exposed?
Where do we go now
when the sun has lost
it's giving light?

Now my name's Forgive Me
if you can remember this
So Bow down eternity tonight.

i bought a bonsai tree for free
placed it in the attic
and now have God.

IT'S within the wine  
it's in the news
it's within everything
we love and sometimes lose.

And my name's Forgive Me
And your's -- "I Forgive You."

:: 09-25-2018 ::
EP Robles Sep 2018
Holy is the feeling of you  with  me
  marching through life  with me
Struggling with me / some can shine
some even fly and some can slay time

  but all these feelings of mine
  allow me to cure pain
  to endure the bite of my Mind
  When you're with me
  beside me and not
  against life you're
  with me /. Marching through Life
  with this heartbreak called RUIN.

:: 09-25-2018 ::
To have a partner in life!  This I've never had.
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