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  Jan 2015 Emma
Gwen Pimentel
but true
I have learned
to live
Emma Jan 2015
I was nomadic
but I found a home in you
  Jan 2015 Emma
Audrey Maday
You promised me the world,
Then left to go find your own.
  Jan 2015 Emma
If I had
Wishes, I’d wish for
A unicorn
Nice skin
And you

If I could live on only
Things, I’d survive on
And you

If I could only watch
Things when I turn on the television, I would watch
That fireplace background
And you, even if you are a runway model

If I was stuck forever on a desert island and could only bring
Things, I’d bring
And you

If there was a zombie apocalypse and I had only
People I could trust, I’d choose
A ninja
Chuck Norris
And you

If I could only cheat at
Things in MAS*H, I’d change
To the mansion
To have less than ten kids
And to be with you

If I was in jail and I somehow got
Phone calls instead on one, I’d call
My dad who would bail me out, maybe
Chuck Norris who would break me out when my dad refuses to pay the bail
And you, just to say hi because you’re broke and can’t pay the fee

If I had to choose
Of my celebrity crushes, I’d pick
Johnny Depp, duh
B.D Wong, just for his voice in Mulan
And you

If I had
Works of art in my room, I’d have
A stolen Picasso painting, shhh, look don’t tell
That painting where that guy gets knocked out by the apple
And you, chiselled into diamonds

If I somehow got amnesia and the doctors could only restore
Of my memories, I’d want to remember
My name
That time when we killed those zombies with Chuck Norris and the ninja
And you

If I could only say
Words, I’d say
So this is more comical than anything. Please enjoy.
  Jan 2015 Emma
I've written myself into knots I cannot undo
and late nights have turned into mornings.
Tear stains mark many of my pages,
and my fingers have cramped from use.
I've run out of metaphors and clever rhymes,
synonyms, and similes,
because no matter how I start these lines,
I always end with you and me.
Emma Jan 2015
I miss him so much
I feel it in my bones
as they bend and break

Like a bullet
ripping through my skin
I felt the emptiness
make my body its home

I spent 4 months
trying to throw up the remains of you
left inside of me
My hands cold
trembling with the weight of memories
My eyes weary
spilling my final regrets

You brought me roses
but forgot to remove the thorns
and I didn't realize until now
that it was a foreshadow of
If they say they don't want to hurt you, that's the first thing they will do.
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