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  Jan 2015 Emma
Pain, Pain go away...
Come back another day.
You see my smile,
so go away.

My heart is pounding,
my soul is lifted.
Energy rushes through my veins,
and heart.

No need for pain,
no need today.
Standing up to you is
piece of cake.

So off you go,
as I stay.
Happy and calm for the rest of
the day.

No need for pain, no need
for doubt.
Let the happiness and glee
Dedicate to those in a rough patch.
Please stay strong.
Emma Jan 2015
I search the corners of this town
I search the eyes of the gentlemen
I search like a lost little girl
searches for her mother
with anguish, with fear
Fear of finding you in another's arms
Fear of finding you with another mouth
Even so, I hold onto the hope
of finding you whole
because all I've been able to find
scraps of you
I found your eyes
while star gazing in the dark Amazon
I found your smile
Near the bright, blue coasts of Brazil
I felt the soft touch of your fingers
while the wind played with my hair
in the middle of Los Angeles
I have not lost you forever
at least that's what I keep telling myself
And I continue traveling
with the hopes of joining the pieces
to form the puzzle that you are

I left my heart in your hands some time ago
and as I left I tried to take it back and it shattered in two
One side I took and the other stuck with you

I hope that you as well are looking for the other half
Translated my own poem "Te Busco". English doesn't capture the true meaning in this piece but I hope it's easier to read now that it is in English.
Emma Jan 2015
Loving him was like
lighting a candle
I was a pyromaniac
addicted to the sight
of seeing him burn with passion
of smelling his splendor
I was lost in love with the victim
of my lethal affections
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