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Andrej Barovic Sep 2021
Down there, by the sea
Where merchants of yore
Traded on shores
Treads She, whose countenance holds
Kind spirit and elven mean

Down there, by the sea
Where mighty Venice
Once brought ships to moor
Enchanting, with silence She stoops
Through the Ocean's azure door

Down there, by the sea
Where Empires fell
A Fairy dwells
That brightly seems, with endless gleam
To be the goddess from my dreams
Andrej Barovic Aug 2021
*******, revenant love
Stay within your dreams
Do not haunt my days and nights
Do not bring my heart disease
Andrej Barovic Jun 2021
I have long lost any hunger
And fell into a deep slumber
Staring into the final ember
Of the faint dance of fire

I have long lost any feeling
And struggled to find a meaning
The entire world to me seeming
To have given up all desire

I have long lost any friend
And wandered lonely to no end
By the river’s dimm’d bend
Hoping to spark an ire

I have long forgot what I had
And thought myself to be mad
Until a soul of golden clad
Appear’d as a flaming pyre

I have long since woe’d
And to God’s name I call’d
But with silence He replied
Was it her or just the fire?
Andrej Barovic Mar 2021
Again, woefully awoken
In this bed, with heart broken
A fading love has left a token
That lies heavy on the soul
And of it, I am the source
Curs'd with sadness and remorse
Starring glaringly into the walls
Reminiscing the times of old
I cannot help but weep
To into love’s madness slip
Pray God to let me her keep
Thinking: "Son thou thy love hast sold."
Entrap’d within that thought
I like any other would’ve ought
Say: "Th’ final battle is to be fought
On the heav'nly fields of gold"
And on those fields gleaming
Stands she brightly seeming
And as the stars godly beaming
Divine light upon my stones
Though there be nought but night
Perpetual and of devilish might
And only a daemon in my sight
"‘Tis all but fantasy," I am told
A lying wretch I cry out
And find myself in endless drought
Stuck inside a world of doubt
Was there truly a time before?
Is my mind too far astray
Have I truly lost my way?
Will, I ever again see the day
Where her lips I can behold?
Andrej Barovic Mar 2021
Oh, spirit of freedom trapped in an endless cycle of foreboding thought

What awaits you in the inevitable, unknowing future?

Shall you be the conqueror of all that finds itself in your wake -

Or shall you be the adventurer, an explorer of this round globe;

Stretching far from the Dinaric mountains to the East and West alike

Does your freedom, forged from being lost and in an endless search for yourself

Allow your heart to love and to be loved? Will it open the rune sealed treasury;

Of your soul that lies so deep within the depths of Tartarus in your chest?

Oh, spirit so unnaturally free, forsaking yet never forgetting all that has passed

Shall your Pandora’s box remain unopened, awaiting for the ageless dream;

That shall decay it into dust and air, and return it to the fine Earth and stone;

That has given birth to so many of spirits upon its accursed soil?

What really is your freedom, spirit;

What is your secret?

Are you truly free, or only in nature and eternal wishes to fly like a phoenix;

Yet are chained to your own core, unable to move a single inch farther

Than where you already are?

Tell me, spirit;

What is the price of your freedom?

Does it require payment of flesh and blood from your own vessel

Or perhaps a surrender of soul to the ungraceful, to await an end

Within the fiery pits of Hell, clutched in His inescapable grasp?

Shall you, invincible and undaunted in your quest to see all that is to be seen;

To live all that is to be lived; To feel all that is to be felt;

Surrender your entire being to eternal suffering and torment;

A split second of clairvoyance exchanged for an eternity of blindness?

If to be lost is to be found;

If to be blind is to see;

If to be dead is to live;

Then tell me, spirit –

Are you truly free?
Andrej Barovic May 2020
Oh, dear Luna!
In thy light through the night
I follow ‘til come the morrow
When embarked through the dark
Thou reside by my side
So bright! Thy holy lume
So sacred! Thy godly rule
For no God hath before
Brought light to cursed night
And upon its undead shore
Spawned life from Heaven’s halls
O star of eternity
O queen of divinity
May the mortal man ne’er know
How among immortals
Thy crown glows!
The night sky's brightest "star". A beauty of the dark, a goddess of the light.
Andrej Barovic Apr 2020
I had a dream
One ever so daunted
By your presence haunted
There a child unborn
Ne’er to see no dawn or morn’
It is not before it was
A child, our love
Its grace ne’er to be felt
Its gaze ne’er to be seen
Its death an omen
Of what could've been
Semi-adaptation of a dream I had.
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