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n Nov 2024


blood drips.
i can feel it on my fingertips,
i can taste it on your lips.

how did we get here?
i am drowning in fear.
there's no escape plan near.

they keep taking.
a nightmare waking.
we keep breaking.

the air is thickening,
gunshots quickening,
this is all so sickening.

blood pools.
genocide fuels.
american jewels.
* ♡ ⋆° ‘ * ✩⋆˚ ‘ *♡ ⋆° ‘ * ✩⋆
bad day to be a halfway decent person, huh?

i am so tired of screaming into silence. all we have is each other.

show up for people.
be kind, be good.
love hard.
n Nov 2024

i guess ive always had a thing for fire
standing too close -
letting the smoke suffocate me,
the smell latch onto me.
i know i might burn,
but it’s where i want to be -

ignited by all of this desire inside of me
more gas,
more flames
n Nov 2024
Wrap around me,
tape me up,
add a bow -
then rip me up.
i am in pieces,
but at least it’s -
short n sweet.

‘tis the season right?
n Oct 2024
It’s so hard to grieve the loss of someone who’s still here.
Holding my breath just to hide the fear.
Where did I go wrong believing in ghosts?
n Dec 2024

n Dec 2024
a cataract of emotion overflowing.
there’s no end in sight.
no wet floor signs.
no life jackets.

i’ve always had a problem pouring too much.
spilling my guts on the floor,
making a mess of it all,
waiting to see how far i could possibly -

i don’t mean to
i didn’t mean to

my cup is empty and still it never ends.
the water on the floor is turning to ice.
it’s getting colder and colder -
i’m running further and further.

i don’t mean to
i didn’t mean to

i’ll keep trying to run.

n Oct 2024
i wish i could create something that would make you proud
anything good enough

but i know nothing could ever be good enough for you

i learned it from you first
i will never be good enough
not for anyone
and never myself
enough enough enough
never never never

i miss you most when im hating myself
n Oct 2024
˚  ˚ . .  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     
.  .   ˚ . .   ˚ .   . ✦

Exaggerating just to feel something.
Anything, anything -

I don't want to be just another crack in your ceiling - another unresolved feeling.
Let's just stay a little bit longer -

The smoke. The water. The light.
I'm slipping through every little bit of you.

Can I be your everything, everything,

˚  ˚ . .  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     
.  .   ˚ . .   ˚ .   . ✦
I wish, I wish upon a star...
n Dec 2024
lost in the static of the stars
searching for any bit of shine
maybe a twinkle, maybe a sparkle
anything that’ll stop the stagnancy

trapped and gasping for air
stuck taking in the atmosphere  
watching everything fade away
trying so hard just stay alive

surrendering all our should be’s
tearing cables until they break
leaving all those stars behind
forgetting all that glows between

trying not to cry -
while letting all hope die.

astronauts fall too
n Mar 13
my brain has become inert
my thoughts fragmentary
i don’t know where to start
i’ll hold on to all that hurts
out of need, i need to bleed
n Nov 2024
deep breaths.
do it again.
keep breathing.
do it again.
keep trying.
do it again.  

n Dec 2024
powerless to my emotions.
paralyzed by my thoughts.

i want to taste laughter -
remember the ocean at night.
see the stars, smell the salt,
hear the joy echo in the air.
i want to feel alive again.

powerless and paralyzed.
ashamed for needing -
just a little too much.
maybe one day it’ll be alright

n Nov 2024
you’re smarter than me.
stronger than me.
and a bit more scared than me.

ignorance is bliss.
weakness is strength.
fear is excitement.
tell me the truth.
i want to know what’s impossible.
n Jan 11
lately i’ve been trying to pretend that -
none of this is even real.
deny the things i can’t control -
ignore all that i can feel.
dream or nightmare?

wish i knew.

lately i’ve been crying in the kitchen.
wishing i were anywhere else -

somebody else.

you're a dream
i'm a nightmare
n Nov 2024
Hey you,

I hope you’re not sick of hearing from me.
I’ve been writing letters to you in my sleep.
It seems your last reply got lost in the mail.
Or I probably just forgot the return address.                                                  

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?
I’m not quite sure anymore.
I’ve never seemed to be able to keep track.
I think I’ve been stuck in this sort of -

Have you ever felt like that?
Spinning over, and over, and over,
and over.
A record on repeat.

Anyways, I miss you.
I’ve been trying to call, but it’s kind of funny –
it never even goes to voicemail.
It just keeps on ringing.
Ring. Ring. Ring.

I guess your inbox is full.
All those missed messages from me.
You’re probably just busy.

I should be busy too –
But of course, I’m not.

I guess I’ll go and write more letters in my sleep.
Wait for the lost replies –
Ignore the tears in my eyes.
Keep playing that record on repeat.

I know you’ll be home eventually.

Love you always.
Sincerely, me.
n Oct 2024
I've always been a little selfish,
a little spineless,
a little reckless.

I'll use anything as an excuse.
An excuse for the lack of -

                                      l  o  n  g  i  n  g.

God, I wish I could change things.

Ripping off- each bandaid,
salting every wound.

God, I wish there was another option.

I am closing all the doors.
I am pouring gasoline.

God, I am so sorry.

I've always been -
a little mindless.
Always shown -
a little too much kindness.

I've just never felt so flightless,
I don't really feel like -
I should fight this.
I long to be just -
a little bit dramatic.
n Jan 11
i’m pretty sure i’m losing my mind
you probably think i’m crazy too
but i swear (i’m)
everything that i say,
it’s impossibly
                 — true

except maybe you.
n Oct 2024

I love, you -
I break, you -

I -

                               S                   a                   t                 r                                 
                                    h                  t                   e                                   

It doesn't matter
(I don't matter)

It was always -
your mistake.

(I am not a mistake)

never sweet.
(this looks better on pc)
n Nov 2024

everyday i wake up and i’m reminded -
people will never be there like they said they would,
you can’t make someone understand;
you can’t make anyone care.

it doesn’t matter what you’re facing,
it doesn’t matter how many times you warn people.
as soon as you need more than you can give,
everyone’s opinions change.
if it’s not about them -
no one's listening.

it doesn’t matter -
if you paint your fears on the walls.
it doesn't matter -
if you claw for support on chalkboards.

you could say you had a plan,
unleash all the demons.
you could try to beg,
you could try to plead,
doesn't matter.

it'll never matter.
you'll never matter.

you can’t make someone understand;
you can’t make anyone care.
you shouldn't have to.
i don't want to.

n Feb 4

it’s quiet, but i still hear
i’ll always listen for the water
follow the stream (dream)
come back home
n Nov 2024
i wake up in a sweat, but i am so cold
i check the clock, its only been an hour
i haven’t slept in such a long time

far, or near
i can always feel it

am i the moth
or am i the flame

n Dec 2024
tracing the strings backwards  
pinning moments on the board
becoming entangled by a feeling
—that doesn’t have a word

unravel the ties
to keep from fraying
weave in and out
to stop each craving

knit my words into your mind
stitch your chords inside mine  

intertwine to turn back time
find a way to feel just fine
n Oct 2024
Words are my best friend;

They do not ask me to mold myself into a perfect little doll.
They accept me for the person I was, I am, and I will be.
They do not disappear when I need them most;
in fact they support me like no one else could.

Words were all I had when I was left all alone.

Words will always be my best friend.
n Nov 2024
i wonder what i would’ve been like
if i learned to love myself
instead of being taught to break down every little atom and put it on display
just to be torn apart
i wish i knew
n Oct 2024

I want to be the light leaking through your kitchen window.

The fresh juice.
Warm muffins.
Birds singing.
Coffee brewing.

                                                I am not.

I’m the leaky faucet you still haven’t got around to fixing.

The orange peels.
Burnt toast.
Cracked eggs.
Broken mug.

                                        Breakfast ruined.

n Oct 2024
Heavy, heavy, heavy,
I think my lungs are gonna collapse

My body just feels so heavy and i am just so tired

My eyes are closing, everything's soft now

I love you too
n Oct 2024
I never told you I loved you
because I don’t.
At least, not in the way you think  

I never gave you my best
because you never really gave me yours.
At least, not when it mattered

I could give you a thousand tries
and you still wouldn’t see.
Your issue will always be you,
it was never with me.
n Nov 2024
i watched a man lie there
between the end of a fire
and the means to another
red. yellow. green.
strangers watching at the stoplight
it doesn't mean anything

motionless and turning blue
last breaths mean nothing -
when you're living on concrete
"look away, cross the street"
"eyes down, windows up"

cardboard signs
winter coats
shopping carts
broken totes

flashing lights
ticking clocks

i watched a man lie there
and i never got to see him get back up.
n Oct 2024
i am not thankful for my trauma.

my trauma did not make me a stronger,
better person.
my trauma put me into a constant state of fear.
my trauma made it impossible for me to feel secure.
my trauma told me i was unlovable and made me think maybe i was a bad person.
my trauma doesn’t let me rest.
my trauma will never stop following me.

my trauma did not make me stronger.
it made me weak and terrified of vulnerability.

so stop telling me how strong i am for overcoming things i never should’ve had to.
i don’t want to be strong,
i want to be able to feel my emotions,
i want to be able to be vulnerable, without fear.

i want to be unapologetically me again.
i miss what’s dead in me

— The End —