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let them do the job
as they do we need to simply look the other way

The Islamophobia is suffocating
the saturation is enough.

There are children there
but we don't see that.

Children without fathers.
Children without mothers.

The Christian fanatics
are not so different.

You have your flag,
You have your gun.
So do they,
but they're the evil one?

Take a mirror and as you do,
you will see, they look like you.

Your religion is no better,
no holier or worthy,
we are all human
all equal.

But some are more equal than others.
Aren't they?

N. Hedges
A message to Judge Jeanine Pirro on her rant about Islam. I am not Islamic, but I am passionate about human rights and I think the recent terrorist attacks have made more people Islamophobic.
These two people
Smile in love
The same way we do.

A bruised knee
Hurts as much
For a Muslim as for a Jew.

I will laugh
If something is funny
Whether I am Christian or agnostic

And anywhere in the world
The baby will cry
Whenever it is hungry.

Hug your family and friends
Every occasion that you get.

In the end,

God speaks to us all
In the same language.
 Feb 2015 Derrick Feinman
I can feel your
enemy eyes gazing down on me
with that fake friendly smile
as you distress and shake your head
at the way I dress

I can feel your
hateful words slap my cheeks
as you complain about the
way our sisters are sheep
to the west

I can feel your utmost
disgust as you utter
astaghfirullah as if I am
not worthy to be part of
the ummah

Yet I can feel the way
Allah is gentle and forgiving
as I prostrate
and cry for his mercy

He never lets me down
even though my brothers and sisters
may have
The magical sound,
of the cascading water,
natural beauty,
She walks the dark alley alone,  
Tears in her eyes.  
Touching the small bump on her belly,  
Thankful she can still see her thighs.
Baby daddy gone missing
No more kissing
It's time to decide this decision she'd been dismissing.
69 Ruby Drive.
She knocks, slowly walks inside
Looks left, looks right
A rickety little table,
One not so bright hanging tiny light
A man with a face she can hardly see
Walks over, touching her belly
She cringes, but doesn't move
"It's not too late, but we gotta do this soon"
His voice is small for his large frame,
He pulls out his tools like he's playing a game,  
Lines the metallic instruments in a neat little row
"Come on sugar, you ready to go?"
Removing her pants,  she lays down,  
The little table makes a loud creaking sound
He works his tools, like he does this everyday,  
Ripping and tearing another life away.
Closing her eyes,  she pictures something else
A happy place away from this hell,  
She was given no choice it seems
Beautiful girl of only fifteen,  
How long it seems to her,  she was only a child
Carefree and innocent,
Boys,  they came and went
Now she's here,  killing a small life.
"All done!" he says with a smile and a final twist of his knife.
She knows there's pain,  somewhere under there,  
But she feels nothing as she quickly puts on her underwear.  
"A hundred dollars please little girl"
He says as he washes away the smallest soul she'd ever seen
Handed him the *** of bills as if in a dream
"Thanks" he says as she quickly runs out the door
Thinking she's just another *****,
More tears slowly release from her eyes,  
Telling herself she cannot cry,  
But the dam bursts for that little life she should have put first
A child all her own,  she'll never come to know
With no where left to call home
She walks the dark alley alone.
I am against abortion, for the record.
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