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I capture an image
as you flitter
through my dreams,
never resting to say hello,
never staying long enough
for me to enjoy
or appreciate your visits,
your mist like touch
as St Vitus Dance drives
you fidgeting
amongst my inner thoughts,
no care for the damage caused
nor the trails
of scented confusion,
yet wraith-like or feral ghost
your imprint leaves
traces of perfumed attention
in a tortured mind,
that linger with a hope
of a fleeting glance,
replaced with a second look,
and the tender torment
persists in the clinging grip
of pictures
sequenced to evade notice.

© Pagan Paul (05/03/18)
I hear music.
Coming from nowhere, filling up everywhere.
A ghost of a phantom
whispers in my ear
“Let the music take you;
let the words free you”.

It waits like a shroud,
misty, comforting and open,
for my caveat-less submission.
Insistent soft etherical tendrils
take me to the source.

I feel music.
Coming from everywhere, filling up nowhere.
A voice of a Goddess
whispers in my ear
“Let the girl take you;
let the woman free you”.

© Pagan Paul  (2016)
 Mar 2018 Debanjana Saha

Upon a nice mid-spring day,
I take a look at Nature's way.

And breathe the scent of nice fresh air,
Feeling the breeze within my hair.

The grass pokes between my toes,
As I smell the flowers with my nose.

Clouds form shapes within the skies,
As light glistens from my eyes.

I hear the buzzing of the bees,
That climb the tallest willow trees.

I look across the meadow way,
And see a young deer at its play.

I pick the daisies as they grow,
And watch a gentle cold stream flow.

I hear the sounds of water splash,
And catch its glimmer in a flash.

When altogether it all seems sound,
I lay myself upon the ground.

To take a moment to inhale,
And listen to Nature tell her tale...

In my heart childhood
Never ends
Adventure will always be
My very best friend

Though my mind and body
May be in woe
My imagination is
Always on the flow

Listen, listen
Can you hear it
In the wind that blows
Telling me this is the direction
You should go

You may get lost
At times you will be afraid
This is how true adventure
Is made

Lord, let me seek it
Till the end
Let adventure be
My best friend
Tasted the betrayal once by chance
The blistered memories still haunt,
But managed to change the way
Now no pain flows through spillway...

Do revisit but for a while,
Recall the good time, smile...
Come back with the lesson right,
Review...revise...and...just write!

Betrayal is hard to forget
But learning the lesson is just apt,
Some cracks beyond repair, it's true
But the light passes through!

Last 4 lines, initially Foote note, included as suggested by pradeep..thnk u so much Pradeep. .
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