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 Apr 2015 amelia
To Do List
Item Number 1:
to the
 Apr 2015 amelia
Come back to me,
don't leave me alone,
in this dark world
that only you know.
Come back to me, my love,
let's fight for what
to us belong.
Nothing special
 Apr 2015 amelia
Days without talking,
I miss you with all my heart.
My soul cries for you.
 Apr 2015 amelia
Mariah L Wallace
Memories of a place I know
Similarities in this far away view
I close my eyes and pretend its home
I close my eyes and I think of you

Pillows and sheets perfumed with your dreams
Together we fought and shadows we slew
I need your help to fight nightmares it seems
I close my eyes and I think of you

They see a lion, cold and proud
From the start I've seen you true
Kind loneliness you'd not say aloud
I close my eyes and I think of you

Sheets and pillows dampened with tears
Shadows so dark that I cant see through
Lying here in the quiet for what feels like years
I close my eyes and I think of you
On nights like this is when I miss you the most. My best friend, you are the home of my heart and my brightest thought in my darkest moments. Even in the summer, its so cold this far North without you.
True criminal, I sold my soul and stole it back.
 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
and he's most certainly helped to bring down the walls I started to build again. Day by day, I become stronger with him by my side. I will not be shaken, I will not allow myself to be treated so poorly ever again.
 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
And so here we are
Page after page
Hearts on fire
Exposing parts unseen
Beneath harden surfaces
Wounds unclean
Broken still we dream
On and on we pen
And so we breathe again
 Apr 2015 amelia
Jordan Frances
I loved you the way
Samson loved Delilah
I loved you the way
Aphrodite loved Adonis
I loved you fatally
I loved you the way
A rose loves it's thorn
Too tender to the touch.
I loved you the way
I loved no one else
And that was far too much.
 Apr 2015 amelia
Reem Luna
There was once a small, dying flower
Her beauty was dim
Thoughts trapped her from deep below
The roots that held her down made it hard to grow

She lived a life of solitude
No other flowers blossomed beside her
Her sweet aroma nobody smelt
In the lonely landscape in which she dwelt

But then there came a day when something happened
The piercing blue sky changed into oyster silver
And as the flower proceeded to slowly die in pain
The miracle came. Rain.

The rain fell from the sky like liquid jewels
Each drop nourished the flower
Although the rain didn’t realize at first
It had helped the flower overcome the worst

Through the air the rain and flower shared silent whispers
The rain understood the flower’s dying condition
The flower was relieved that someone else knew
Of the deep trauma that everyday grew

For many weeks the rain showered on
To help the flower continue to be strong
But the rain didn’t know of the flower’s underground roots
The rain wanted to know but the flower kept them as emotional loots

One day another accompanied the rain
A being called sunshine, a beaming white light
Though slight droppings of rain spluttered down from the sky
The flower was inevitably starting to die

The flower didn’t want the rain to know
How dependent she was of her nurturing
The flower stood while its immunity could run
As the rain started to fade into the sun

The flower should be glad that the rain started to calm
For the rain carried pain and distress from far above
So the flower carried the trauma and rejection
Into the roots where she was bullied by her reflection

The sun was kindhearted, pure and bright
It shone optimism and grace to all in its range
It was actually a key to the flower’s survival
But neglect and jealously made her the rival

The flower started to push the rain away
She didn’t want to hold the rain back from serenity
So the rain dripped off the darkening petals
As the flower wishes, the rain cools and settles

The rain disappeared in the light of the sun
Creating a spectrum of colours bleeding across the sky
The flower sighed in relief of the petrichor
As the flower died, and became no more.
I know the theme is cliche and kind of childish, don't judge. But I actually wrote this when I was nine and have just gone through and edited some stuff. So I hope its ok :)
 Apr 2015 amelia
His mind is like a place I don't want to leave
A treasure behind so many trap doors
A place I'd love to live in and stay in
A wondrous land where every turn is an adventure
So rich and vivid
Yet so warm yet so intricate
It spans deep and far and wide
Yet the weather is always sunny
Where the soil is rich
Where every seed thrown shoots up and fruitful
A beautiful soul
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