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 Apr 2015 amelia
Danielle Shorr
Home is where the sand meets the water meets the waves meets the crashing
Home is where I tuck toes into sun-caressed ground that sinks into memory
Home is where the weather is salted and the air blue and hands always warmth
Home is where the ocean bellows a welcome with open arms, cold, tempting
Home is where an excited skipping inhabits the eager legs of a dog too human
Home is the crow's calling for tomorrow
Home is where the voices whisper soft in alleyways outside windows at 3 a.m.
Home is holding a glass of Santa Margarita in front of a graceful fireplace
Home is a ripe avocado waiting to be pitted
Home is my bed full of past unwanted and future anticipated
Home is the bittersweet taste in the mouth
Home is a single cigarette burning to mourn loss unknown
Home is where the glow of a quiet street befriends city lights
Home is his laugh echoing through the silence of the night
Home is my smile growing with the wind's howl
Home is where this body misses another
Home is where I touch you and remember why I'm here
Home is I'm coming back,
Home is I'm counting down the days
until I am
 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
But I was awake then,

wasn't I?

you see, you don't think I remember.
But I do.

there was sunlight-

the kind of sunlight
that filters through
inescapable particles of dust, no matter
how much
I hate
to be able to see myself breathing them in.
the kind of sunlight
that absolutely glares
up off of the oil
on the asphalt
in the evenings
and blinds you hysterically.
the kind of sunlight
that swiftly stills
your rattling skeleton
and begs you to stare
"But mother, only for a minute..."
the kind of sunlight
that makes me remember
my own unanswerable questions
about my subtle deterioration
my inevitable decline
into this utter chaos
that is myself.

and through this degradation, this decomposition, I realize
that I can't help but wonder:

when did these superfluous trees take root?

where were you when the first seed of doubt landed on the surface of my parched, withering mind?

and, my God, why on Earth did you let it rain?
For the one who I fear shall never see.
 Apr 2015 amelia
Cecil Miller
Hey now! Hold on, baby.
What'cha tryin'na do?
I've been around this big ol' block
A time or two.
You think you're cleaver,
But you really don't know -
I'm the only super-******'
Star of this show.
I'm here to tell you,
Get yourself in line,
Or maybe drink of
Someone else's bottle of wine.
I've heard all the talking
I'mma hear today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Stop your complaining,
And you better not nag.
I'm not impressed by tongues
That only wag.
If your mind is weak,
You better take note.
Or you can go find
Another joint to ****.
You've been too jazzy,
And I've had enough.
It ain't even like
You've ever had it rough.
I am the man,
And I will have my say.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Your teary eyes
Aren't gonna prove a thing.
When it's time to rock-n-roll
You better know how to swing.
When I go get the bacon,
Better pick up a broom;
Or you can make the money
And I'll clean the room.
I'll go it with ya,
But not carry your load.
If that ain't good enough,
You can hit the road.
Remember, I'm the man
And I will have my way.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

You can leave this party
By the door you came.
Because you signed a pre-nup
And gave up your claim.
Don't get to thinking
You can tame my style.
You better get to knowing
I can be mean and vile
If you wanna fix it,
We can give it a go;
But I don't wanna hear
About your every woe.
I've got ideas,
The world is mine today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

I've got some fuel
And I know my path.
I got no time for drama,
Or your daily wrath.
This might be the last thing
That I say and you hear.
If you want to stick with me
Then get your *** in gear.
Have I been clear,
So that you understand.
Your ******* gets old
And it's hard to stand.
We can clean the slate
And start it new today.
You can either help me
Or move out of my way.
4/25/2015 just wrote these lyrics. I probably have some tweaking to do.
I wanted to write a song that was straight forward, *****-out, rock-n-roll. This one is very raw.
Growing up is not growing old,
It's unbelieving all you are told.
Unbuying lies you've been sold,
Breaking down your social mould.
You must stray far from the fold,
To let your mind be uncontrolled.
Growing up, is growing bold,
Do it quick before you're old.
I feel like I am starting to figure out what reality is..
I forget I'm alive.
An age will pass
& I have sat still
Like a stone.

Fire, wind & water
Weather my surface
As I sit motionless
Lost in blankness

It takes an almighty
Knock, to make
Me roll & then I
Roll and stop.

Forgetting I am alive
Time slipping past
While I sit still
Like a stone
Is it now, or is it ten years ago?
A decade long narcissistic show

Is passing time a sensory illusion
All adding up to the same conclusion?

My heart is beating, that I know
Surely I am reaping what I sow

I feel I progress and yet stand still
A paradox with time to ****
the light
bounces off of your eyes
and fills the room
with your beauty
your devotion
your heart

the shadow
bounces off of your face
and covers me
with your passion
your life
your soul

t'is love
booming from deep within
and fills my world
with your passion
your piety
your presence
 Apr 2015 amelia
Denxai Mcmillon
If I'm the pen, you're my paper.
I'll push my lips against your skin,
Spill my guts against you
Write every word of love and passion.
But you won't be able to read it.
So, you'll never see what I mean.
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