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Jun 2021 · 156
Not poetry
To me you were everything.. I love you with all of my being. My soul reached out and touched yours but you couldn’t see that. That is okay...

It hurt so much when you left.. the days felt long and I wanted nothing but you.. while you decided you only wanted him.. I watched you fall for this guy. All while you pushed me further away. Breaking me and my heart in every kid of way.

Yet every day that follow I called your name and yelled how I loved you so very much. With everything in my being. Just to be told to leave and blamed for everything.

That is okay. Because after all the abuse and your betrayal I still love you. But I can’t be here with you. I will love you from a distance and we will grow apart and become strangers again and that is okay. You will be fine and I’ll find a way to make it through each day.

This is me saying goodbye.... I have nothing left for you. You have taken it all away.. now I’m left with nothing but a broken heart and a deep bleach hole in my chest that aches so very much.

I hope live a beautiful life full of joy and laughter. I pray you achieve every goal you have set. I hope you find love like no other. I wish you the best, for now this is goodbye like see you later. I love you...
Mar 2021 · 145
Something short
I wanted to write something in remembrance of what once was.

Something full of happiness, compassion, and love.

But how could I write a lie of you and me

Something that set us free

But I guess that was just me and you

A story never meant to be...
You know it wasn’t all bad but man that **** sure doesn’t feel good.
Feb 2017 · 388
She is
She is my favorite part of the night,
         before the end of the day.
Nov 2016 · 319
I look at you the way you look at the moon
Nov 2015 · 377
I look you in the eyes, losing my mind...
Sep 2015 · 452
in my arms
You are in my arms wishing they were his...
Sep 2015 · 375
never believe
I look in your eyes and see love but i never believe it when you tell me you love me....
Sep 2015 · 273
10 words
I love you while im awake while I love another while asleep...
Jun 2015 · 437
A poem
I try to write a poem
A poem of love and happiness
While being surrounded by
Depression and loneliness
Not from the people around me
But the person inside of me

The cold, broken, heart broken fool
The fool whom rateated love
The fool whom spreaded warmth
The fool whom gave out open arms

I try to write this poem
A poem of the man behind the mask Im surrounded by
Depression and loneliness
No one around me to blame
Because of the person inside of me
What is there to say when there is no one there to tell it to....
May 2015 · 308
worth a word
You're only worth a word in my story
But that word is the most important part!
May 2015 · 261
worth a word
I wanted you to be apart of my story
But truth be told
You're only worth a few worlds
Apr 2015 · 239
10 words
I live in a world full of hate and lies
Feb 2015 · 329
Now a memory
I remember
Waking up knowing you were mine
Knowing our love was true

I remember
The smile on your face
With mine to follow

I remember
Every hug
With every kiss

I remember
Every late night call
With a loving text

Now its a memory
So I don't smile
With love in my heart

Now your a memory
You are long gone
And no where to be found
I loved you and gave you my all. Then you left me and I'm wanting to move on.
Feb 2015 · 479
I Sit Here
I sit here
Starring at a peace of paper
A peace of paper without a word

I sit here
Clueless of who I am
Clueless of who I want to be

I sit here
With distant memories
Memories of who we use to be

I sit here
All alone
No one next to me

I sit here
Not longing for my life
My life ending slowly

I sit here
Without the one I love
While my love, loves another

I sit here
My love racing for you
While your loves given up on me
I still love you.... But, you don't have a clue....
Jan 2015 · 2.4k
Two faced
There's two of us
There's two

Ones Evil
Ones Good

Who we truly are
Depends on the side we choose
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
I Watch You Watch Me
I watch as you fall
Fall to your knees

You watch me as I rise
Rise to my feet

I watch you fall to the floor
Fall upon your side

You watch me rise towards the sky
Rise straight up

I watch you fall into the earth
Fall and die

You watch me rise up high
Rise high and fly
No longer will drag me down! Though I love you I can't let you keep doing this to me.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
My Heart
My heart is beating
Beating loud
Just not clear

My heart is beating
A steady beat
Yet it hurts

My heart is beating
Pumping blood through my veins
Just not enough

My heart is beating
Beating for the one I love
It just can't show her
My heart is no longer beating
No longer making a sound
It has lost its rythem
Now it is standing still
Blood now lays down in my veins

My heart has been broken
Broken by the one it truly loves

My heart is now dead in every way
Killed by the one that it loved
A broken heart can heal. It just takes time. Just like the time it took to be broken.
Dec 2014 · 698
I Saw, Now I See
I saw scars upon her arms
I cried when I saw her scars
I promised never to hurt her
I said new ones woundnt appear

Now there are new ones
Now I have hurt her
Now I cry as the number increases
Now I see only scars upon her arms
I'm sorry I didn't mean to break your trust. I truly am sorry
Dec 2014 · 838
Will I?
Will I forever love you

Will I stand by your side

Will I love you until I die

Will I fight for you until I'm 6ft under
Will I ever be over your

Will I leave your side

Will I stop loving you before I die

Will I stop fighting before I reach 6ft
Dec 2014 · 450
the time of today
Once upon a time
I loved you

Once upon a time
You loved me

Once upon a time
I fought for you

Once upon a time
You gave up on me

Once upon a time
I said stay

Once upon a time
You said goodbye

Once upon a time
I moved on

Once upon a time
You stayed

Once upon a time
I forgot your love

Once upon a time
You remembered mine

The time of today
Now I'm happy

The time of today
Now your sad
Once apon I time I loved you. Now I dont have the same feelings for you as I did.
Dec 2014 · 359
when i see you
When I see you
I can't help but smile

When I see you
I can't help but blush

When I see you
I can't help but to hold you

When I see you
I can't help but to believe in love
I don't know you well but you have me feeling like the real me again
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
fears pain
I can feel darkness
carving its name into my skin

Reaching for my heart
To take away my love

No protective barrier
So easily penetrated

So close now
I can feel despair

Please save me
I'm almost gone

Don't stand there
Save me...

I am now lost
To far gone

You stood there
Watched me suffer

Now feel the pain
That I once felt

I will stand here
As you scream my name

Never moving
I will watch your pain

For internity we will be together
Isn't that what we always wanted

Forever you will feel this pain
Forever you will scream my name

Forever we will share this pain
Forever we will scream each others name
Dec 2014 · 579
You say, I say, We say
You say I'm your true love
You say you miss me
You say you love me
You say your hurting

I say your my true love
I say I miss you
I say I love you
I say im hurting

We say goodbye
We say I still love you
We say we're hurting
We say i miss you
We say I want to die
I'm in love with this girl. She is my world but we aren't together. Why can't we just get together once again. I will love and fight for this girl until the say I die!
Dec 2014 · 315
**** I can't think. I'm in love with you. I can't be with you. I see you suffering be hind a smile. I'm suffering behind a mask. What good is this **** if in the end we are both heart broken and will never truly love some one again. I have so many ******* regrets now that we said goodbye. All I want is you but you think I'm to good for you. The **** I am! I'm just a poor pease of **** that hides behind a mask. I smoke ***, I smoke ciggeretes, I ******* drink constantly. **** its not you who is bad for me. I'm just bad for myself. But I still don't want to say goodbye.
Dec 2014 · 647
ive lost it all
No food
No sleep
Not even a drink
No one beside me
A broken heart
Scares appearing down my arms

No fun
No future
Not an ounce of your love
No smile

All good now gone
Now I no longer see you
Because of this picture we've drawn
Drownding us in sorrow

Here it comes
Slowly but fully
Trying to take the pain away
Its just not working
It's only a goodbye
But if its true
I will finally die
Before I even get one more chance
To kiss you one last time.....
**** I still can't get you out of my mind. I wish we could agree never to say goodbye. To be happily in love for the rest of our lives...
Dec 2014 · 342
starting over
New beginnings start from bad endings.
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Love Lyrics
As I sit here listening to these lyrics
I can feel you in my heart
Like the blood flowing through my veins

As I sit here listening to these lyrics
I can see your beauty shining in front of me
Like the glorious rays from the sun

As I sit here listening to these lyrics
I can feel your lips upon mine
Sweeter than the most delectable chocolate in the world

As i sit here listening to these lyrics
I can smell you wonderful scent
Like the fragrance drifting from spring flowers

As I sit here listening to these lyrics
I can hear two hearts beating in perfect rythem
Like the soothing melody of angles singing

As I sit here listening to these lyrics
I dream of you and me being together
A journey of endless love lasting forever and alway
I will all way love you Tigger!!!!
You are my one and only true love!!!
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
crazy beautiful love
When I first met you
I thought you were cute...
Then we started to talk,
And I started to like you...
Then we started hanging out
And I started loving you...
Now I know you & your
Lieing, cheating personality...
And now, I hate you!
Funny how time changes things.
Well I found this in my note book I don't remember this one....
Nov 2014 · 343
let our emotions flow
Let's let our emotions flow
And let them grow
Maybe then we will know
How to show
What no one has ever known
Nov 2014 · 232
You tie me up to cut me down....
Nov 2014 · 439
why dont i cry....
Why don't I just cry
Let my emotions go
Why do I hide behind this smile

Why do I have this strengh it can't help me here
It won't take away these tears

Why don't I just cry
Is it fear
Why can't I just shed this tear

I just won't cry
I'll just drink another bear
It will take away these tears
It'll give away theses fears
Maybe then I will be the me I want to be.......
Nov 2014 · 371
wish i could cry
I wish I cold cry, but my pride stands high. So I will just keep on smiling until I die.
Nov 2014 · 293
easy hearted
My hearts just too soft so I'm going Through it in a cage and lock it up never to come back out
**** the world
Oct 2014 · 580
World War 1
Guns raised high in the sky
Bullets fly bye
Screams bounce from wall to wall
Clouds low to the ground
Rats running all around
Lines sound
We're all hell bound
Wrote this for history. There were so many things happening at these tines at war that no one should ever have to go through. Thank you those people who are out there for the nations you are defending. I wish y'all didn't have to go through what y'all are going through!
Oct 2014 · 281
10 words
All of my dreams came true when you said yes.
Oct 2014 · 281
Filled with love
You say you have no love
But I can feel it radiating like angels from above.
You say you have no heart
But what is that? Deep below.
Brighter than Heaven and White as snow

I can see how majestic you are.
How you are like no one else.
With a big heart filled with love.
Just scared to show for what you already know.
How the world is filled with evil. Yet you have over looked the good. Just pass me the knife, and Whiskey.
Take my hand and come with me.
I'll show you the beauty of this world hidden below. Just like something we both know needs to be shown.
You have a really big heart, and its filled with love. Though most don't see it. I can see and feel it. Maybe its just because you have allowed me to see it. But, I know I love that feeling it gives me. I just wish I could give the same. I can only give what i have. I just hope its enough for you my love.
Oct 2014 · 380
once lived
I once lived without your smile
Oh how sad it was

I once lived without you laugh
Oh how quiet it was

I once lived without your love
Oh how lonely it was

I once lived without you
Oh how i can never do that again
I love you to much to ever lose you. To let you be who you once were. To keep me from being who I once was. You saved me from that awful pain. Now I'm going to try to save you!
Oct 2014 · 255
Our relationship is like a diamond, beautiful and indestructible!
Sep 2014 · 396
You inspire me to write
I really Do **** at it
But i try
Because you inspire me to write
Sep 2014 · 321
A Moment
If you only had a moment to live
What would you do

Would you you stand in fear
Would you feel sorry for yourself
Would you ponder on life

If you only had one moment to live
What would you do
Sep 2014 · 238
Blood shot eyes full of tears
Caused by only fear
Please disappear
There is no reason for you to be here
Sep 2014 · 831
majestic and beautiful
You want to see something majestic
I'll tell you where to find it
Look in the mirror
Its beautiful and majestic
For all eyes to see
Sep 2014 · 556
I'm no long going to have not me as one of my poemS. Because it's not me. Pretty weird right, but it's true. I'm the luckiest man in the world. I have the most amazing girlfriend I'm the world. Along with a really amazing family. I just wish I saw that then. But, I see it now, and I'm not giving anything up. Because, the best me is the me now.
Aug 2014 · 324
Just One Person
Does it make since that the one person we love the most can terrify us with Just one word
That one word can change our days
That one word can change our mind
How can one person do his to someone there not even around

Its because that one person means so much
We cant live without that person
It scares us to loose them because they mean so much
Because life without them would be hell on earth

Ive found my one person and she scars the living hell out of me
It seems like its almost daily that she does this
She can change my mood and day with just one word
I wouldn't want a single day on this world without her
All of this is because i truly love her
Bou Bou
Jul 2014 · 328
you are
You are in my favorite memories
You are in my favorite dreams
You are in my thoughts
You are in my world

You make my wrong right
You make me wake
You make me stand up straight
You make me fall in love every time I see you
You make me complete

You are my other half
You are my light in darkness
You are my everything
You are my forever and always
Bou Bou
Jul 2014 · 275
I think
I think back
I think of wonder memories
I think of us
I think of the past
I think of the present
I think of future

Maybe I think to much.....
Jul 2014 · 322
your my flaw
The feeling you give me
The shock waves you send through out my body
The happiness you give me
The forgetfulness I gain
Is the reason i let you stay

You are so wrong
Yet so right
I want you to leave me alone
Yet you come back through out
All of those lonely nights

When your around I ***** up
I become a failure
I become my farther
I become someone I don't even know

You are my flaw
With out you I would be better off
Yet I can't let you go
Let go of my family tradition
My family destruction
alcohol you are my biggest flaw
Jul 2014 · 403
Not Ready
This is scary
But I'm not freaking out
This is hard to face
But I'm facing it
This will take two
For what might come
If this happens
Let me be the best
Please allow everything be okay
Don't make me do it alone
I rather not have to do it
Just not yet
Allow me to get prepared
Just so it's best for it
Just know I'll be
Happy either way
I'm just not ready
At least not yet
Jul 2014 · 228
With you
When I'm with you
I am complete
I am happy
I am filled with love

When I'm with you
I get feelings I've never felt before
I feel as if i am light as a feather
my heart beats so fast As if its going to pop right out of my chest

When I'm with you
I never want to let you go
I can't even control myself

With out you
I am only half of who I am
I am boring
I have nothing to hold on to
I am never completely happy.

Thank you
Thank you for being here
No where else
Just spending your time on me
Now just stay so I can make you feel the feelings you give to me.
Jul 2014 · 3.6k
I'm in love with a girl.
She is not perfect.
She doesn't have the perfect hair.
She doesn't have the perfect teeth.
She is no way near perfect to most people.

Most people will look at her and point out all of her imperfections.
I look at her, and I point out her beauty.
Its not that I do not see she is not perfect by the worlds eyes.
It's because all of those imperfections are whats most beautiful to me.
With out all of her imperfections she wouldn't be her.

People look at what shows.
What i see is what glows deep below the surface.
Because that's where the most beauty shows.
Where no one can see.

Her imperfections are truly beautiful to me.
They each have a story behind them.
They each have different features.
No one can have the same imperfections as her.

I'm glade she has these imperfections.
Without them she would be perfect to most.
Just not to me.
Because the way she is now is perfection of the imperfection to me.
That's all I want her to be.
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