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Jul 2014 · 251
Those eyes
Those eyes
Always looking at me in that way
So sweet
So bitter

I can't look away from those eyes
They draw me closer
with only a glance

Those eyes are my weakness
Never have I seen eyes like yours
Small but so strong
Always right
Yet so wrong

Those eyes are my weakness
Those eyes have so much love
Those eyes I love
Jul 2014 · 170
what would you say
What would you say,
if I said I love you.
The way you've always wanted.
The way you've longed for.
The kind of love
That you see in movies.
The kind of love you've never had.
The kind of love you've always
Asked for.
What would you say,
If I said I love you like this.
Would you accept it,
Or would you throw it away.
I want to know,
Because I love you this way.
Jul 2014 · 161
That feeling
I can't wait,
For that feeling.
The one you get,
When your married.
Married to your true love.
I can't wait,
For that feeling.
The one you get,
When you look
Into you newborn Babe's eyes.
I can't wait for,
For these feelings,
you want to give me.
Jul 2014 · 266
not perfect
I'm not perfect.
I can't be perfected.
I can't be perfect for you.
There's no way for me to be perfect.
I'm me so I know this.
There's not a bit of perfection in me.
Jul 2014 · 271
Dwelling Hunger
We walk down a hall with many doors.
Looking at every number impatiently.
We open the last door on the right.
The door slamming behind us as we slide in

I look into her eyes as she pulls me closer to her.
I see the hunger growing.
Longing to be pleased.
It has been to long since she had felt that pleasure.

I light things off with a gentle kiss on her lips.
Slowly moving to her neck.
Gently kissing it.
She starts to moan from the feeling it's giving her.

Then she gives in.
Helping me undress,
and I do the same.

I pick her up and throw her on the bed.
I move on top of her looking deep in her eyes.
Slowly impriving between her thighs.

I see her eyes close tightly at first movement.
She lets out a load moan.
Asking me not to stop as i check on her.
I move faster, and harder as she gets use to the feeling.

I can feel her nails scratching while driving into my back.
The feeling is amazing as she leans up and kisses me on my neck.
I slow down as she continues.
losing myself with every kiss.
She stops, i lose control as i drive further into her.

I'm no longer taking things easy.
I can tell she is enjoying it with every moan she lets out.
Each moan is louder than the previous.
Our bodies grinding into each other.
leaving no room in between us.

I soon stop.
i look into her eyes,
i have pleased that hunger that had been dwelling for so long.
She looks up at me saying " that was heaven on earth"!

We look at the clock. 3:10
I pull her close to me, as i cover us up with the blanket.
She lays her head on my chest.
My heart is racing, as i whisper in her ear " I Love You".
As we slowly fall asleep in one another arms.
Cheyenne there was a lot more details I wanted to add. But I didn't want to make this to long. So just imagine the things that i would have said. <3 I Love You Baby ~ <3
Jun 2014 · 226
Tell me what to do
Tell me this what do I do when I miss you. What do I do when my lips crave for your lips. What do I do when Your so far away that my heart acks for you to be next to me. What do I do when I erg for you so much that I lose control. Just tell me what should I do.
Jun 2014 · 203
what do you see
Look deep into my eyes
Is there anything to be seen
If so what do you see

Do you see a calm ocean
Or the raging sea
Am I sweet like honey
Or am I bitter like a tree

To you there's not much to see
This is because you are not me
You can not see what I see
Nor can I see what you see

This is because we are different
As far as our eyes can see
Jun 2014 · 407
Unexplained Loved
Love, is unexplained.
Never can it be described, yet it's there surrounding you and me.
Love, holds things together but can never be seen between you and me.
Love, can be heavy at times when we're together but it can't touched.
Love is the most common word, but how do we know how to use it when we can't do nothing to it.
How do we know if it's there if we can't see it.
Love, is confusing even to me, until I met you.
I can see love in your eyes.
I can feel it radiating from you like the suns heat on a hot summer day.
I can carry this love with out struggling because of you.
I can feel love holding us together.
I can see love.
I can feel love.
I can touch love.
I can carry love.
I have found love.
Because love is you.
Love has confused me for so long until I found her. Now I can say I know what love is.
Jun 2014 · 190
to late
I've lost and I've gained
But there is no time to complain
It's now the end of the day
And there's nothing i can say
Jun 2014 · 536
Forever and always
I see you right in front of me
I look into your eyes
I look so deep i lose my self
I can feel myself losing control
Inch by inch i come closer
I give you one single kiss and say
i'll love you forever and always
I love you so much baby!
Jun 2014 · 892
surrounding walls
Walls surround her on all four sides, no windows or doors only a ceiling and a floor. Blocking everyone from her view. She watches as many try to save her by banging and climbing. Trying to bypass the wall of many tears from this little girls fears. Not one can tell there really is no wall but only her fear pushing them away. That's why I'm here to save those tears and face your fears. The girl never realize but I saw right through her. Past all the bad to find her. To whisper to her in her ear I love you.
Okay so I **** at this but I love this girl

— The End —