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  Jul 2015 David Hall
You stumbled upon me
     when I was down on my knees.
Broken, I told you not to bother,
     but you knelt beside me
     and reached out a hand.
Helping me up slowly,
     you showed me your own
     bruised and ****** body.
And I knew you had been stuck
     down there before too.
So I met your eyes cautiously
     and let you guide me to my feet.

I think if you had stopped there,
     we wouldn't be here today.
But you weren't content
     with just setting me on my feet.
You gave me a step up,
     then another,
          and another,
until you had me on a pedestal
     I never wanted.
I was never meant to be
     the princess in the tower.
I can't live up to that.
Heights scare me,
     and the air suffocates up there.
So with the pressure pushing in,
     I did the only thing I could
     to free myself from the fearful view.
                                                           ­           I jumped.
  Jul 2015 David Hall
Silby lline
What life is this?
They should warn you when you're young.

Am I alone in this?

I have a heart that's open
and so often, find it broken.

What time is this?

I have no clocks.
In rooms made out of bricks,
rubber necked and split.
Time was something I cared for long ago
when hope was still my gift.

Is it wrong to feel this drift?
I smile at faking faces
with the hopes that they might miss
the apathy persist.
David Hall Jul 2015
I want to confess
whisper all my secrets
admit to all my lies
tell you every fantasy
that hides behind my eyes
I want to lay my heart wide open
then rest my head upon your lap
and pour out every burden
that my soul is holding back
but I close my eyes and breathe
get a handle on my need
I force a smile and say
just two words,
“I’m O.K.”
David Hall Jul 2015
Is true happiness ever really possible,
without making selfish choices?
David Hall Jul 2015
mighty oak on summers eve
heavy branches sway in bloom
green of leaf and strong of root
flecks of gold will soon adorn
mighty rings faint whisperings
years of plenty years of drought
knots of tears for loved ones lost
scarred bark a purple heart
stand tall against the northern wind
hold fast against harsh frost
stand proud before the winter sun
when all your leaves are lost
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