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Danni Feb 2015
To my Love,
My life is over now.
You can find me where the darkness meets the day
Where the past lays to rest
Where the future takes its first breath
Where secrets are forever kept
That's where I shall be

There is no time where the sand runs deep
There is no death
There is no life
There is no hate
There is no light
The world knows no love like that of a dying sun

A world without me is a world that will go on spinning
It is a day that will never end
It is a flower that will never wilt
It is a child that will never forget how to trust
It is a river that never meets a dam
Life will not stop now that I am gone

Do not cry love,
It may seem there is no color but you must look harder
When the chocolate has turned bitter
When the sun has turned to night
When trees have lost their leaves
You must look harder, my love

Dear you are not alone
I will always be with you dear, helping you to see
I will help you find strength in bitterness
I will help you find peace in the night
I will help you find hope in the change of the seasons
You are never alone

My life is over now
But yours has only just begun
Danni Nov 2014
I tried; tried so hard to be perfect.
I wanted to be everything you wanted but I hated everything that I became.
I tried to justify what I was doing.
I thought maybe I would grow to like the new me better than the old me.

This new me was everything I wasn't.
She was: confident, flirty, ****.
She was so comfortable and open that she didn't care if people saw what was underneath everything,
But I do.

I hated this new me.
I hated the old me.
Everyone I knew saw this confident young woman but underneath, hiding, was the real me.
A scared, self conscious, little girl.

I eventually gave up trying.
I couldn't handle pretending to be someone I wasn't.
It was too hard.
That's a lie; being someone else was easy. Too easy.
It was so easy I felt wrong doing it.

You eventually gave up interest.
You said I had changed
I wasn't the girl you knew
I wasn't the girl you loved
You didn't know who I was anymore
It made sense, I didn't know who I was anymore

It hurt, hearing you say those words
I spent so long trying to be someone you could love
and then you ended up falling in love with someone who wasn't me.
  Aug 2014 Danni
Megan H
When I was little,
A year seemed like infinity.
I had time to run around
And do what I wanted.
But now,
I am older.
And a year from now,
I will face new challenges.
But I'm not ready.
The time is going by too fast.
And I just can't seem
To run fast enough.
Danni Aug 2014
I’m trapped and there’s no getting out.
I try to go up but I stumble and fall even farther.
I try and reach out for something, someone, to grab, to hold on to
But, there is nothing, no one.
                I’m Alone
Is this how it ends?
Do I fall until I can’t possibly fall anymore?
Does it end with me falling, past the point of return
Past the point of ever coming back?
                I’m Alone
I open eyes that I didn’t know were closed.
Everything around me is crumbling,
Falling apart.
I’m going to be crushed but, no one can help me
                I’m Alone
It gets harder to breathe
My chest feels tight
I’m drowning, even though I’m on dry land
There’s not a soul in sight to pull me out of the water
                I’m Alone
Everything is getting darker
I don’t feel like I used too
As my eyes close, my vision fills with hazel eyes and dark hair
You said you would be there, but you weren’t
               I’m Alone
This was the first poem I had every written.
  Jul 2014 Danni
Megan Kirkham
But some things are just too broken to be fixed,
No matter how hard you try
Because pain doesn’t care if you’d give anything
To stop someone from hurting inside
It will take everything you have
Even if what you have
Is nothing at all
And I stopped believing that love conquers all
When I tried to show her how perfect she is
But she still didn’t want to hear the words
‘You are beautiful’
Because she fell in love with a sadness that did not belong to her
She fell in love with the pain that she saw in movies
Or read about in books
She fell in love because she wanted to know what it felt like
To have a reason to want to **** yourself
She fell in love with that pain and she kept it as her own
So on the nights she wakes up screaming because she is scared
Not of the monsters in the closet, but the ones in her head
On those nights, there is nothing I can do but
Sit there and watch her trembling, trying to regain her breath
I can only sit there and watch her cry,
Watch her fall apart one more time
When we met, she told me not to fall in love with her
Because she breaks everything she touches
But the truth is,
The only thing she’s been breaking is her own heart and soul
And she won’t stop until there is nothing left but
Broken whispers of the girl she used to be
  Jul 2014 Danni
Megan Kirkham
I can pick at my skin for hours
Focus on every conceivable flaw
Shake until my body curls up on the shower floor
Most have never seen me at my worst, when
I’m stuck in an apathetic neutral state
Washed out between the highs of my need for thrill
And the lows of panic screaming in my veins
I have the the soul of an extrovert beaten to submission
Shot down and repeating the mantra “worthless”
What do you believe, if not yourself
How could I?
How many more steps do I take before I’m back,
Before the mirror doesn't make me want to shatter
What is my mantra now?
Danni Jul 2014
What if I could just get away?
I could just leave and never look back
I'd take the first train, bus, flight, taxi, boat, anyway
It'd be so easy to just up and leave
Everything's already packed
I wouldn't leave anything behind
I don't have any ties, I never got close, and this is why
I knew that someday I would leave
It would be so easy
In the middle of the night
Everyone is asleep, no one to notice I left
They wouldn't find out untill the next morning
They wouldn't know that I found a way out, just like I always said I would
Someday I'll do it
But not today
Today I don't have the courage
One day
I'll have the courage and I'll do it
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna leave and I won't look back
I'll leave, get away
I'll leave and be free
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