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 Nov 2015 Danica
Victoria Garcia
You replaced my heart with a tombstone
Maybe thats why it feels so heavy
 Nov 2015 Danica
I feel like my poems have just become a list of complaints but how can I find the beauty in this storm?
No church has ever heard as many prayers as that hospital room that night.
Your life hung in the house like a crucifix or an old family photo.
Did you think your absence would make anything better?
It hurts.
It's killing me.
You left in paragraphs. You said I'd be fine.
But when you left you took me with you.
Now my bathroom floor knows more about me than I do.
Now I see you everywhere. In the halls, in your sister's eyes, our coffee shop. oh God that coffee shop.
Your presence still paints the walls there.
The coffee isn't strong enough anymore.
All I taste is you.
 Nov 2015 Danica
 Nov 2015 Danica
" But then again, life itself is a paradox. All in betweens and slow dances between yes & no.

Maybe what I would like is certainty and promise.
I want a sunday morning, 2:49pm phone calls,
unwashed dinner plates in the sink, two towels needing a tumble-dry.
Two tooth-brushes. Grocery bills worth two & a half stomachs.

To know the taste of someone's laugh.
Something that started as butterfly kisses
that burned into
                   a slow bloom of an inferno.

But Monday will come and life continues."
I can finally write & continue mini novellas.
So, the above^ is the very start of a new short story I wrote today.
Eeeek. I cannot wait to write without the pressure of school work. I have missed this very much.
Typed to: Youth- Troye Sivan
Night night lovely.
 Nov 2015 Danica
Mel Little
You made a poet fall in love with you
And expected her not to write sonnets about your eyes
Haikus about the way you kissed her in the moonlight
Expected the fire in her heart not to inspire couplets
You made a poet fall in love with you, and when you left
Expected her not to write pages about the ache in her chest
Write a soliloquy dedicated to her tears
Expected her not to feel every gut wrenching moment of the pen hitting paper like your words hit her in the most vulnerable places of her mind.
You made a poet fall in love with you, and you expected her to be silent.
That is no fault of hers.
 Nov 2015 Danica
Sedoo Ashivor
Love* may be a feeling
Love is not just how you feel,

I love you may be the right words
Love is not just what you say,

Love is a decision
Love is what you do.
I'm thoroughly amazed! A poem of mine has made the daily! I had little to do with it. My thanks go to everyone who saw meaning in this work and shared, liked, added, commented, and even sent me messages. I am grateful to every one of you! You guys here on Hello Poetry are wonderful, wonderful people. Bless you!
 Nov 2015 Danica
Lauren McGovern
I broke a poets heart.
Now I’ll be immortal in their pain.
I’ll be the ink drops on their paper.
Their demons never slain.

I’ll be your seven wonders,
Your Atlantis and your Heaven.
I’ll be simple, I’ll be complicated,
I’ll be whatever label I’m given.

When you said you loved me,
You knew we weren’t meant to be.
You took my heart and claimed it,
But never did you see.

My heart is with another.
My mind, never on you.
It’s simple, black and white.
To my heart I must be true.
 Nov 2015 Danica
raine cooper
 Nov 2015 Danica
raine cooper
maybe love is to watch a thousand winters pass, and still stand by his side because you know he's made of spring
 Nov 2015 Danica
solar sorrow
 Nov 2015 Danica
Why does the sun
Bother to get up
When all his children
Can't stand the sight of him
individually thanked everyone for the overwhelming response !!
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