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Sep 2015 · 404
danny Sep 2015
I probably should've known that you were gonna leave at some point. That some point, you're gonna leave me deserted in a place where the sun burries itself into the depths of nothingness or in a place where the flowers kiss the soil's soft texture. But either way, it's horrible. This place looks horrible to me. And it's because, I'm without you.
(c) dana garza
Aug 2015 · 586
danny Aug 2015
And it was weird
Because I crave him.
In the worst way possible,
I do.

And it would be simply like
Wanting his strong arms wrapped
Around my weak body

Or his lips against the patch of skin just below my jaw,
Love clearly radiating through the gesture

Or his eyes fixated on me like I'm so precious,
Like I'm special

I just wanted to go home.

Home is where my heart is

And my heart is with *him
Jul 2015 · 496
danny Jul 2015
Sticking your fingers out,
The feeling of the wind against
the pattern if your skin;
kissing it.

Sun rays seeping through the glass,
Hair flying everywhere
As her laugh emitted through my ears
Like music.

And I stared at her.
I stared at her like it was my last.
And she was so beautiful.
God, she was so beautiful.

And it all came by so fast.

With her fingers now hanging off the bed,
pale and unconcious.
I wanted to kiss her awake.

Tell her I was here.
I always was

I regretted doing it.

I regretted looking at her longer,
And never payed any attention to
Because I knew there was tomorrow.

And then it beeped.

The machine came to a halt
And I felt the salty, bitter tears,
Streaming down my face.
My face that hasn't moved the way it used to.

And I fell down
Off my chair
Like a toddler
Getting left alone.

And I felt weak.
Breathless in the worst way possible.

And she was gone.

**As was I
s a d
Jul 2015 · 357
danny Jul 2015
And maybe we were meant to be.
You and me.

But are we, really?

This poem s u c k e d
Jul 2015 · 402
Moving on
danny Jul 2015
It was time
Time to throw the box away
The box that contained everything
The hoodie
The gifts
The roses

And even
My *feelings
I'm back after days ****
Jul 2015 · 323
danny Jul 2015
He was known
Girls kissing his foot
But he doesn't like it
He doesn't like the word famous

She was just a girl
Boys not even glancing
And she likes it
She likes the word invicible

When paths meet
She's stuck between loving
And staying
She can love without staying right

And he's left barren
Lonely and lost without her
Even if he was used to the lights
He can't live without her

And the lights

Are blinding them

But what do they do?
Will they let go?
Or stay?

Is love enough for them to stay?
Or is love not even in the list of reasons
For one to?
this sounds like a trailer/book summary **** ((im sorry))
Jul 2015 · 538
Best Friends
danny Jul 2015
Between two people
best friends
they said

And time passed
They loved every flaw
about each other.
They knew each other
Like the back of their hands
best friends
They said

He fell
She fell
And they both knew that
They were slowly falling in love
best friends
They said

He didn't wanna give it a chance
She was up for it
He was afraid
Of losing her and their bond
She knew nothing was permanent
best friends
They said.

Until she gave up
And he did too
Their friendship crumbled
To pieces
Without them even knowing

best friends
They said.
Jul 2015 · 380
Hotel Ceiling
danny Jul 2015
Waking up,
I blinked rapidly.
The cold space beside me,
Held my heart in pain.

It was where you used to lay.
So peacefully,
So soundly.
But soon disappeared
Into the dark.

And it's been days.

Now I'm here, drinking my sadness away: like I usually do.
And I miss you.
I miss you.

But I can't take time back,
Can't I?
All those years,
I can't, right?

So I lay here
And it's been hours.
And it seems that the hotel ceiling
Is entertaining me.
Because we used to do this too.
Stare at nothing
But hear our hearts beat for each other.

On the t.v they said, they had reported you  **dead
this is based off the song: Hotel Ceiling by Rixton. ((such a great band))
Jul 2015 · 669
Love Robbery
danny Jul 2015
He crept through the dark, 
Face covered with black cloth. 
        And he held a weapon:
A weapon so sharp, it could cut through anything 
        Anything that even my walls 
Were cut in half.

And he stole everything,
including my time
And especially

**my heart
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Green eyes
danny Jul 2015
And maybe I was just a fan
Or maybe a girl
But either way
You weren't mine
You will never be mine

Jul 2015 · 328
danny Jul 2015
I could still hear it:
The way his voice
Softly graced the air.
And his strumming
Imitating the way he was
When he touched my hair.

It was weird.

Because years has passed.
Flowers now rained upon his feet,
And letters planted above his head.
His brown eyes stayed hooded
And his lips were caught in a straight,
Lip tight smile.

It was weird.

Because now I see my kids running around,
Another touching me the way he did.
A beautiful house was my dream and I finally had it.

It was weird.

Because now I stand above your grave,
My heart still aching for your touch and love.
He could never give what you gave to me;
Unending happiness
Unconditional Love

I miss you, my love.
Until we meet again,
soon I  hope.
Jul 2015 · 451
danny Jul 2015
"But sometimes, the devil isn't who you portray him to be. Often, he comes at you in the most beautiful way possible: blonde hair, bright gray eyes and a beating heart. He doesn't come with a tail and horns and red, gleaming skin. And that's what's scary, darling. Because he'll be everything you ever wanted."
Jul 2015 · 340
danny Jul 2015
Once, there was a boy
With brown, sandy hair
Blue, twinkly eyes
And a beating heart.

And he met a girl

But lost his brown, sandy hair
Greasy, lifeless hair
Blue, dying eyes
And an aching heart

**And he lost that girl
Jul 2015 · 4.5k
danny Jul 2015
He mumbled shyly
He was cute
Bright green eyes and
Messy black fringy hair.
Was our pastime together
Months later..
"Happy Valentine's day!"
"Happy Monthsary, babe!"
"Happy Anniversary!"
It was all too fast
But fun
"Who's that?"
I asked, looking over his shoulder
As we were sprawled on the sofa, cuddling.
His text read,
To a girl
And I felt sad
Because those were the words he first said to me
He said,
And I believed it.
But then he stopped texting me
Nor chatting
He stopped remembering
Valentine's Day
Our Monthsary
Our Anniversary
and stopped saying
I love you

Boys could say he likes you,
Boys could pinch you playfully,
Boys could love you endlessly,
And say you didn't mean a thing.

danny Jul 2015
"Stop looking at me like that."*

"Like what?"

"Like you love me. Like I mean something to you. Because, heck, I *don't."
Jul 2015 · 353
danny Jul 2015
It was a Sunday
A tragic Sunday
It was unbelieveable
How beautiful it turned on Monday
And you were so faithful
During Tuesday
Why do you play me like this?
You know Wednesday is my special day
But then we faded on Thursday
You went cold on Friday
And left me in the dark,
Barren, trembling on Saturday
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
danny Jul 2015
;don't look at me that way
With so much passion and care
don't look at me that way
With so much love and hope

:It pains me to look at you this way
I can't have you that's why
Why I look at you this way
You're good and I'm not

:your parents warned you about me
About me breaking your heart
But I can't have that
I can't break a diamond to pieces

:go on, sweetie.
Find your prince
And don't stick with this peasant
Go find your happiness
And not in a pit of darkness

Jul 2015 · 322
danny Jul 2015
Brown hopeful eyes
Black soft hair
Trembling hands
Aching heart
Hi it's me
Feet brushing against the floor
Lips quivering
Thoughts drowning me
Hi it's me
I'm your friend remember?
We used to play together
Blades and fingers
Scratching you
Poking your throat
It's me
Do you remember?
We were best friends
It was always me

— The End —