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Feb 2022 · 188
ophelia Feb 2022
Eight year old me cries out for me
Fourteen year old me gives me the best bus routes to purposely get lost so i wouldn’t have to go home.
Seventeen year old me stares blankly at the family wall, wishing she did well raising her siblings.
Twenty Two year old me comforts me, singing the lullabies i begged to hear when I was five.
but now; Twenty year old me is begging that she can hold down the fortress just a little longer.
Apr 2020 · 171
ophelia Apr 2020
if instagram did not let you know
that someone unsent a message

i would unsend the last text i sent you
just so you remember me as lovely
not bitter.
ophelia Apr 2020
the hand of a lover
caressing your cheek
in a darken room
only to learn
the hand of a lover
caressing your cheek
in a darken room

was only your loneliness
ready to consume.
Apr 2020 · 158
shakespearean love
ophelia Apr 2020
I always thought Romeo and Juliet were overrated
What kind of lover would die for the other
The gullible beautiful girl to fall
for such a mesmerizing ****?
My breath was not held when Shakespeare wrote
“ O happy dagger, / This is thy sheath “
For what kind of woman who would **** her self over a man

I was raised to know my worth,
to **** every inch of self respect up
I would not die for any lover
and live only for myself

I always thought Romeo and Juliet were overrated
until I had met a lover
my heart soars with sonnets
my lips speak love letters
I would have gladly swept her from any harm
the only mesmerizing **** was my vile tongue
convincing me love was not a shakespearean play
Apr 2020 · 3.1k
Oh, Ophelia.
ophelia Apr 2020
Oh Ophelia,
My Sweet, Ophelia
She who tastes like huckleberries
and smells like wild cherries.

Oh Ophelia,
My Sweet, Ophelia
She who loves to bathe in the lagoon
and dry in the mid sun afternoon.

Oh Ophelia
My Sweet, Ophelia
She who could not bear her fathers death
and took her last breath.

Oh Ophelia
My Sweet Ophelia
She who drowned in her lagoon
and the earth shall never hear her tune.

Oh Ophelia
My Sweet Ophelia
She who loved deep
and now she is asleep.

Oh Ophelia
My Tragic, Ophelia.
She who is incapable of her own distress
and I, must confess.

Oh Ophelia
You, are Tragedy.
Apr 2020 · 134
loneliest feeling
ophelia Apr 2020
love is the loneliest feeling in the world
it makes me feel lonely
it makes me sit at a coffee shop in agony
aware of the fast paced world around me
no matter how much i try to reach out
it will never be close enough
no one will ever be close enough
i am lonely in love
even being alone,
is better than being with a lover and feeling
totally, alone.
just a letter to me, who is deeply terrified of love
Apr 2020 · 112
yours, mine
ophelia Apr 2020
i was yours
i always thought i would be yours
i believed i would be yours

i was not yours
i thought wrong,
i know not a thing of beliefs

for i am not yours
and am on a negative scale
i do not have beliefs,

for you are not mine
you were mine, long after i was not yours
you did not attend church of truth; no beliefs
you did not have an unbalanced scale

you were mine
nine months of pure love
or so i thought; i thought wrong
i had beliefs and truths

i wish you were never mine
for you have made me believe solemnly
that i am always wrong,
i am unworthy
Apr 2020 · 95
caged bird, the icarus
ophelia Apr 2020
for i will never fly
i am an icarus of my time
i am melting.
Apr 2020 · 152
fleeting youth
ophelia Apr 2020
i have come to realize,
one day there will be a final curtain call on Youth,

and that,

the clouds that present themselves as mountains,
on the horizon of colourful life,

are to far for a mortal to touch,
to grasp and to hold,

for the youth that is holding me now;

will soon be like the clouds that possess, themselves as mountains,

on the horizons of life.

for my youth,
will soon be too far to reach,

and that the horizon of colourful life,
will soon be a wretched black sky,

for my youth, is not for me to hold forever.
i have come to realize weeks before my eighteenth birthday that life is fleeting from my hands and that it is a scary experience to go through life knowing you cannot change your memories of ur youth, that it is temporary
ophelia Mar 2019
I could never love you,

the way people think I can

I love you in many ways,

complex ways, simple ways, hard ways

but never the way people think I can.

I love you as much as the universe loves her stars,

I love you as much as the rain hitting your bare skin.

but never in the way people think I can.

They think I can only love someone

lightly, softly, friendly, platonically

I love you as Alexander the Great loved Hephaestion.

Secretly, deeply, intensely.
This was originally supposed to be a haiku, now, i think it's a free verse but, to my knowledge i can't remember the correct term.
This poem is about a love that is secret and of the same gender, that is all I will explaok
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
A haiku of a past lover
ophelia Mar 2019
I have loved you so,
though  i am an  icarus
flying to close, dear.
I flew to close, my dear
Mar 2019 · 631
On nights like these
ophelia Mar 2019
On nights like these,

I question, the way I am,
I question, the way these are,
I question, the people around me.

On nights like these,

I feel, the pain of the past
I feel, the bitterness of the present
I feel, the scared uncertainty of the future.

On nights like these,

I see, the trauma I was put through,
I see, the distance I put between loved ones
I see, the way people "love" me.

On nights, like these.
I wrote of this poem right now. It was my raw and first thought during one of my really bad episodes. Unedited and raw. I did not think while writing, I just did what i felt. The way writing should be.
Jun 2018 · 489
battling a losing battle
ophelia Jun 2018
Dimly lit bedrooms ,
tick, tick, ticking of the digital clock
Any outsider looking in would’ve thought i was insane.

Screaming into my pillows, begging for it to stop
the angonizing interal pain bursting at the seams of my body

I am my own coffin, my own cause of death.
My head is an occupied battleground, fighting a fight that i will continuously lose.
Bloodshed of calming memories replaced with overthinking thoughts.
Bang Bang Banging on my chest.
At the end of the wave, the battleground is empty, countless memories slained.
There is only one sound;
a drained body weeping.
For the breakdown i had last night, i wrote this i attempt to get my feelings out.
Jun 2018 · 534
Letters to my anxiety
ophelia Jun 2018
Dear anxiety,
I remember when i first met you. So bright and innocent, I was. The loud voices of my parents arguing had my heart pounding, worrying; overthinking.

Dear anxiety,
Our second encounter; band class. I remember clearly, you had me gasping for my own breath; i thought i was dying.
I realized, since then, you will never leave. You will be walking the same line as me, for the rest of my life.

Dear anxiety,
When I entered my last year of junior high, you had gotten yourself a lover, depression. At that time, I thought you were going to go away, stop clinging to me. You never did.
I had forgotten what happiness felt like. If it wasn’t you, it was depression. If it wasn’t you, it was the lack of sleep from staying up till 3 am, crying, begging.
Now, I do not get sleep, I can’t seem to find that innocence i had, when i first met you, but yet, i still find comfort in your touch.
With love,
lia .

— The End —