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Colm May 2020
If you could just see me when I'm alone
You might just fall in love me
The only problem is
That I don't let anyone see ME
When I'm alone
91 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
A man can write
For 58 years
( And )

Have his legacy contained
In less than two inches
( It is a crime )
90 · Jan 2020
Not Your Name (but)
Colm Jan 2020
Never give a man of words
The silent time to fly a plane
As he'll take off and write your character in the sky
In big curly letters
90 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
Driving in the seat of choice
we are legacy makers
and dynasty warriors
No-one tells us that we cannot
Only talks about what-we did
90 · Nov 2021
Leaf or Leave?
Colm Nov 2021
Find me not beneath
A different sea of trees
For I will not, leaf?
K8 Haikus
90 · Jan 2021
How It Feels
Colm Jan 2021
You can lay out the road before them
Paint skies
Crush nights rock into glasses
Grow forests in days of young
And refuse to drink the seas before their very eyes
You can do all this
(in a few days)
But only they can decide to walk
90 · Sep 2021
the written carolinas
Colm Sep 2021
if we all dream of her, and her sister too, thus
do the Carolinas ever return the favor
and dream of us
All these writers, out here idolizing the Carolinas in their novels. So this seems like a very fair question to me.

The most unplanned set. 9/12
90 · Jun 2021
Inevitability, A Tanka
Colm Jun 2021
Don't care for shadows
Just as sunshine cannot keep
And stars must burn out
All in their oceanless end
So we also soon will be

89 · Apr 2022
Hands and Writing
Colm Apr 2022
You're the keys on my keyboard
You're the font in my mind
I can see you curve like cursive streaks
How I wish that we were aligned
89 · Jul 2022
Inevitable Shores
Colm Jul 2022
Take another pass
Find no (new) hopes to smash
There is nothing left on these shores of mine

All that remains to do - is to laugh
88 · Feb 2020
A Cabin Hymn
Colm Feb 2020
Your soul
A cabin as it should
Surrounded by forgiving trees
And friendly fern laid paths beneath
Your sound
And sound is that of thrushes knocking
Cattails waiving friends goodbyes
With summers long once gone to rest
In other counties
I'm glad you tried
To keep that hymnal you alive

In my country you did belong
Countries and counties.
88 · Nov 2021
How To Relax
Colm Nov 2021
No matter what your battle is
What your sin or cost to be
I see, in this now
That it doesn't get easier for you, yourself
Until you
Let yourself, let it. Be.
Fifteen Feelings. This one is The Beatles. Let it be.
88 · Oct 2022
Peaceful Feet
Colm Oct 2022
Peace, quiet.

Wash over me and see these feet -

Not own but owned by others

With joy-filled steps of contentment - leave

And I

Finding nothing but thoughts abound

And a will within to stay sitting down

Feel not their need as is not my need

And I - having all which I could want at hand

Am alone at last in me

I'm free
88 · Oct 2021
Forward Light
Colm Oct 2021
Into the sun
I walk
Without fear of shadows cast
Without thought
Which could potentially fault
Or hinder my step

It is forward
And with purposeful passion
That I stride
With confident eyes
With the glorious dawn
Which turns its day
Into glorious dying light
Always forward. That's the way.
88 · Jan 2022
Colm Jan 2022
A cold existence as a tree

Calls out to me
This warming flesh
So full of fault and failure anew
So weak in ages duress
And yet
The trees they see with neutrality and
Fall freely each year in the form of leave
They live, they die, they oversee
And grow taller than I could ever hope to be
One ring can not compare
To the many found therein with these

I envy the trees
Newry Set . 1
87 · Mar 2020
Joe Black, A Tanka
Colm Mar 2020
Death came to dinner
One day refusing to sit
As he was hungry
For more than the common man
He wanted time itself, this
87 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Who are you to say the white curtain stains
On a hilltop growing green?

Who are you to paint with such graphite cold
On a white provincial scene?

Who am I to wish for such a thing
Amongst all these eyes unseen?

Who are we to hope for such a sight
For such parted parchment things...
87 · Jun 2022
An echo over ears
Colm Jun 2022
When ears ache
And beg for the sweet quiet release of thought

How I plead for silence to find me
So that I can think again as myself

Wishing ever to be
At home, alone


Let me be
1Sight . Sometimes it's hard to even hear myself think
87 · Jun 2022
A change of walking ways
Colm Jun 2022
Knowingly walking down the path of frustration
And expecting to be happy
Is not a problem of feet
But an expectant problem of mind

And so I find
That I must walk in a different manner
To be free
1Sight . Take it in stride, friend
87 · Jun 2021
Unknown, A Tanka
Colm Jun 2021
Time knows not it's own
Ticks and subtle sounding clicks
Which pass by like days
In the minds of men who know
That life as is exisits

(Time's Arrow)
87 · Feb 2021
againness and goodbyes
Colm Feb 2021
you can leave (and away) any ordinary day
but you can’t always come back and walk
down this particular way
87 · Dec 2020
Breathing In Cold Circles
Colm Dec 2020
My heart knows no hatred
My loss no existence
There is only snow, and ash, and rain, and waters flow
In this directional way no more
I am contented and lost
Happily there with what I do and do not know

I really struggle sometimes. To pause the thought, to be in the moment, etc. But this song really gets me for whatever reason.

So? So I gift it to you. Have cigar. Even if you don't smoke. The taste of life is what really matters.
86 · May 2022
Mr. Lighthouse
Colm May 2022
I view myself so sternly sometimes
As a tower standing tall above sands
Like a lighthouse alive on the shores of Lyme

When really I'm a swingset
Noone plays on much more

Bright in the sun perhaps
But no less weathered by time

Regardless, I am kind of tall
Presentme . 4
86 · Jul 2021
To me, Be
Colm Jul 2021
It's nothing
p·e·r·s·o·n al

It's everything
person a·l·i·t·y
86 · Dec 2021
A Speeding Sprite
Colm Dec 2021
I run through rivers
And pull down lightning from the sky
Like fire and smoke

With a mystic bliss, here
Mist spraying and forever
Fog and strike, there

Stand by and watch for hope
For I am the air itself beneath
And everywhere I fly and then

My lightness becomes the talk
Like paper edges fresh and sharp
In the histories of men
86 · Mar 2021
Broadhead Sun
Colm Mar 2021
I swear S O M E T I M E S that
   I'm the only one who see's the sun
   like an arrow dart
   erratically beyond the target of time
   and A R I S E into the sky of life

We all who miss (just high)
86 · Jan 2021
The End Isn't Nigh
Colm Jan 2021
Revelations isn't tomorrow
I know because in knowing means, I don't
Don't tell me I don't care for today
Or know what it means, when in reason won't
Fast held in gossip, I'm telling you this
In the nothingness found only free
Don't sacrifice freedom of mind to less
And lesser things from revelatory such
Wants of being in the know you think
I know this so, in this so so world we do change but don't ever grow
No One Knows the Day or Hour
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of [a]heaven, but My Father only."

The world is the world, this story is round, stop trying to convince me that we've changed so much.
85 · Jul 2020
We Are All Rivers
Colm Jul 2020
Ashes and wind
Dust and sand
In quiet and wishes and yet to knows

Just as with a snowfall your nothing begins
And happens upon our truth by happenstance
It is with melting direction which we flow

Unseen until our steady decline has since passed us by
We are all rivers in the sense of I
Attempting to lead ourselves to an ocean somewhere far below
How Love Flows
Colm May 2022
No more can you change
The harsh, cold, reality of winter
So much as you can
Choose to warm yourself then
When the sheen of eventual summer is sprung

Don't take the seasons personally
Like dawns and sunsets on the rise
They always come
Always and inevitably
85 · Sep 2022
A Creator
Colm Sep 2022
Give me space and the freedom to feel it out
Into the existence which wasn't meant to be
But would never have been
Without the vision
Without me

I am a selfish, most biased, creator of worlds
The set about creations . 1
85 · Nov 2020
Droplets Come and Go
Colm Nov 2020
Feelings like rain
fall regularly
flood haphazardly
and last sparingly

(on this human floor)
"My warrant is the Word of God--
Naught else is worth believing."
Colm May 2021
When a window closes
It doesn't mean
That you're banned from the breeze
Or from the appreciate and growingness
Of the height of trees
No, less is meant by such an explicit shift
When a window closes it only means
That your sight is obscured
And only partially

Yes . Your eyes, your sight
Is still free (to be)
85 · Feb 2020
Words, They Matter
Colm Feb 2020
Saying they don't matter
That they don't mean or mean other
Is far less fair than fire
Far colder than ice
And darker than the moonless night to be
Cold and free as you wish
If you want to witness loneliness
And the embodiment of whatcouldbe
Say they don't matter one more time
A Setting Son (3) - Words really do mean more at night
85 · Nov 2021
with truth like moonlight
Colm Nov 2021
fear holds no candle
to the cooling night of truth
which overwhelms the blinded eyes
and - in its own reflective way - shines through

this moonlight is my own steadfast renewed
sometimes I feel called to speak - it's not often, but it happens
85 · Mar 2020
Harping On Good
Colm Mar 2020
Like a train track whine
become embodies both peaks and beams
The very best of
If their ruminations on record can bounce
from flowing cloud to star and back again
Without falling an inch but
blooming into down an atmospheric
With peaking echoes so gently drawn
that it can stir the cattails fur
and create rainless ripples across the worlds of

That is when good harping is best
As a sound so fragile that it’s almost human
in its death at last
Regardless of digital

I love this sounding verse to pass
Harmonica sings my soul song
84 · Aug 2021
With A Certain Flow
Colm Aug 2021
Dashing hopes on rocks below
Like running waters
- Wishes flow
So gently along
Like innermost thoughts
And outermost desires known
Flirtatious and smooth -
You float up to me
Like an ocean floor unglued
And you offer me depths
(Implied in tastes)
Of that which you do not yet know
As you are still just a meadow stream
And all you do over rocky shoals
Is flow
Colm Apr 2021
the most human question in the ever, is not how ... but why?
84 · Nov 2021
Colm Nov 2021
Where night ends slowly
And day begins most abrupt
We fend, waking up
K8 Haikus
84 · Nov 2021
At The Stars Which Reach
Colm Nov 2021
All the heavens reach
And with starry eyes exclaim
Envy as his feeling
K8 Haikus
84 · Jun 2022
Having Been Seen Again
Colm Jun 2022
Think of me
And wonder
Not to tell, or explain
Or affirm, or deny
No, none of those things apply
(to me)
I am instead, not what is or will be
That's not me
But what could've been
That is me
(not to be)
Boxing Poems . 6
84 · Nov 2021
Concerning Selfishness
Colm Nov 2021
Bigger things than self speak out
Constantly seeking an ear to hear
But are drowned out most by the selfish self

Heaven forbid we hear what we fear
Fifteen Feelings. Self absorbed much?
84 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
How does good love happen
It does

Good friends be found
They are

And goodness of character come to be
It's willed

Into existence
Know to but a few

There is always another universe
Waiting to be found
Within you
Yup... just yup.
84 · Dec 2021
Need and needed
Colm Dec 2021
There is no shame

In needing something

So much as there is

The disappointment when

You discover that your something

Will never be needed
83 · Sep 2020
Eryn Galen
Colm Sep 2020
It's sanded pine
It's endless time
And summers spent
On nothing at all

It's the graciousness of seasons set
With a perfect fade
In this woodland realm
I'll never fall
It's Elvish
83 · Jan 2022
A Frigid Tanka
Colm Jan 2022
Cold sunshine, seeps down
On a day without hope and
Brings forward anew
Like a sound without new sound
On us, cold sunshine beats down
Newry Set . 5
Colm Feb 2021
I'm not angry, I just sense
and in perpetual thought, be

I breathe, deeply in these tunnels
because your memory is more shallow than me
Colm Mar 2020
The greatest gift a timewinder
Can give is to not give at all
But to let it pass
And exist in
Due age is
Timewinders, Gid bless em.
83 · Sep 2022
A Lover
Colm Sep 2022
Before she turns and sees my eyes
Which burn with similar fires
And hopeful truths

Like autumn rolling back her hair
Into a twisted bun
And messy painted summer skies

She keeps her constant gaze abroad
Before she turns
I'm a way to hide
The set about creations . 6
82 · Jun 2022
How I wrote last Sunday
Colm Jun 2022
Today I sat down
Like an ocean full
And grabbed a pen to crash waves
Onto the shoreline of thought

Having done so - I'm free
Having done so -- I'm me
1Sight . This set was about both a first sight and a second freedom. I feel better now, but my wishes and feelings... yup, still the same. (:
Colm Jun 2021
And so I sit here in the sun
Not to shine
Or call
Or to warm
Or hum
But to reflect
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