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Colm Jun 2021
And so I sit here in the sun
Not to shine
Or call
Or to warm
Or hum
But to reflect
82 · Oct 2020
Colm Oct 2020
Sometimes you just have to sit there silently
Outside or near the tallest windows true
Just to let the light shine inward again
Just to find yourself feeling  
Once there alive in being
Through and through
Find me by tall windows, always
Colm Jan 2021
Better is sometimes
s u b j e c t i v e (and)
borderline based on what has been or
has not been or
will not be or
wasn't ever meant

Desire this, desire that, or don't. Sometimes your perspective is just that and no more.
82 · Jun 2022
How I wrote last Sunday
Colm Jun 2022
Today I sat down
Like an ocean full
And grabbed a pen to crash waves
Onto the shoreline of thought

Having done so - I'm free
Having done so -- I'm me
1Sight . This set was about both a first sight and a second freedom. I feel better now, but my wishes and feelings... yup, still the same. (:
82 · Jun 2022
Choice and Joy
Colm Jun 2022
I cannot, in good faith
Recommend anything which
Will make you happy immediately
And yet miserable indefinitely
Boxing Poems . 2
82 · Mar 2020
Like The Sky
Colm Mar 2020
From the height of my eyes
Scraping hair often spiked
And cloudy thoughts
Who’d of thought
That’d I’d wish to be seen
In such a ways as this
Be it always by you
Was the only hope
In me
Like The Sky
82 · May 2022
Reality Check
Colm May 2022
When your standards are so high
That birds cannot perch
And construction workers, who work
Have the option of throwing themselves from above
Then perhaps it's time
To reconsider your own
And come down from the clouds
Lest someone ends up getting hurt
Presentme . 8
82 · Jul 2021
Self Fear
Colm Jul 2021
Scared of you, no
Terrified of me, please

Is there a question mark to be marked in here?
Fear of, etc.
81 · Mar 2020
See Me As I Fall For You
Colm Mar 2020
My heart is in a higher place right now
Though it will fall as all stars do
Until nickel burns cold
And ember embeds outside of sandy towns
Under cloudy moonlit eyes to see
Would you please?
Watch me fall, as all stars do
And in my tumbling known
As if you could not catch
Me my most human ground
Would you?

I only ask because I'm burning
For you to watch
Just take me back to the start
81 · Sep 2021
mindful (sight)
Colm Sep 2021
there is the seeing
and the steps between
to take yourself there
to where you think
(you need to be)
thought is not action - a reminder

The most unplanned set. 4/12
81 · Sep 2022
A Thoughtful Heart
Colm Sep 2022
A thoughtful heart
   Wishes for a quiet corner
And thinks
   Not for the potential being or un
But for others warm
   And their tired feet
Though they may never meet
   The intent is pure
And purely kind
The set about creations . 3
81 · May 2020
Beginning To Walk
Colm May 2020
Write me in as I would of you
And stumbling onward
We walk

Converse with me as the trees speak to trees
And our whispers will grow in full
As we talk
Sprained Ankle is pretty underrated
81 · Oct 2021
October Waters
Colm Oct 2021
I am as unsettled
As a stretch of running water
Ever could be and seemingly ever (is)

Always moving
Never forward

These thoughts are but
Oct Headache 2
81 · May 2020
hopefully forever
Colm May 2020
I hope so now, more than ever, forever
That you will see my face in the quiet uninhabited corners
And when you hear this song
May you always
hopefully forever
81 · Oct 2021
October Life
Colm Oct 2021
For some people
Life just happens

They wake up next to their future and find
That they're already living it, already in it

And then there's me
And my ability to not even begin it
Oct Headache 3
81 · Nov 2021
Colm Nov 2021
Get out of my ears
With your endless babble
I'm trying to hear my future thoughts into being

Just a step beyond community
Frustrations. Fifteen Feelings.
Colm Jan 2021
Sometimes I ... want to keep you, still. to stop the earth from breathing, the seas from braking, and its foam from reaching his conscious shores. sometimes aligned the night wishes, upon us, itself not to end. and the dawn away from us. because love is love, and heaven is held, here as far away from your thoughts as hell. sometimes I find ... that I just want more, and more of us as well.
something a younger me once felt
80 · Sep 2021
Oddly Spring
Colm Sep 2021
I am reeds
neath green turned leaves
which strain to catch
the whispers of the wind which pass
as fervently as they speak

and to noone at all
I listen
TOD set
Colm Apr 2020
My world is words
My pen my ears

And all I want right now
Is to hear

And you alone

All other noisey words can go
Back into their never homes


Indulge me please
80 · May 2022
A handwritten Me
Colm May 2022
There is no time left in the sky today. All that remains is the darkness of eve which this growing day has left behind....
Presentme . 5
80 · Sep 2022
A Feeling
Colm Sep 2022
I love the feeling of these words
The dark of night dying to day
The distant hum of summer birds
And the lightning bugs in gloriful sway

Just wishing, hoping, praying that they
The birds, these words, this glow
Will stay

Though they never do
I turn

And they've all gone away
The set about creations . 2
80 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
There is a warming hope
within the soul
above the heart
behind the mindful eyes of late
Foundational as it is warm
And kind as it is great
Nonreligious as I mean true
And simple as a childs love
You know that I'm referring to?
There's a higher place to go, beyond belief.
80 · Dec 2019
Colm Dec 2019
When the silence grips the arm at length
After a great outreach of heart

Take hold of mind, letting go of hand
Hoping it will not longingly stay

And all a young man can do is not think
Not think about it and pray
80 · Oct 2020
Sight Unified
Colm Oct 2020
I love the world most

When it let's me be

To just sit and breath

And to think of these

Most fervent truths

Which are known to noone

And inparted to everyone

As a part of me

In our seeing we are one

We are free
Sight unified
79 · Mar 2020
Colm Mar 2020
Just a quick glance
A purple hue the wine a press
Dulcet and sweet
As it takes just an instant to confirm what she sees
That he is lost in waters
Deep in eyes shut
And unaware of all others in this lovers time
**** it Brad Pitt
Colm Apr 2020
In the stillness after all the distractions
Fade into the fading air

The hope of you
It dawns on me
Is it there to last
And in the darkness
Soften this once lonesome stare

All evenings end where the morning begins
And I am there
I am such an early morning dreamer.
79 · Apr 2020
Are Stars
Colm Apr 2020
Do the stars know that they're far
Or do they think that falling is just warm
In love with the friction of an attractive atmosphere
How they wish to plunge into our wishful sight
Like a rippling rock or a wavering tree
No stars are not afraid of being seen
If anything sought out in both sky and sight
As the most truthful of stars, ever been
Have and are smiling
From an insatiable height
Are Stars - And P.S. I'm taking back the trees
79 · Nov 2021
Lovers in tandem
Colm Nov 2021
Balance like the ocean tides
The pull of leaves, and lifting words
Which coat the trees in wind and song

The hum of every burning star
Which falls in arching patterns long

The glowing cats and caterpillar eyes
The worms which gnaw the earth below
And the longing of the youthful juvenile dog

Our earth she looks and see all of these
As I look at you now, knowing that I belong
The ebb and flow of what is no longer come and go
79 · Mar 2020
A Struggling Lover
Colm Mar 2020
How I wish my sorrow wasn't here but would be
In any breath of existence warm
Beating as a distant drum
Humming as a harp or lyre
A wish is not enough to start
Or to turn a fog into valleys below
And yet as a sunrise my hope so begins
In a directional dream wondering where they will go and what we will be
In a chaotic order once again to see the somber thought therein
A Struggling Lover
79 · Nov 2021
Elimination Day
Colm Nov 2021
Today is not a day for fear
For questioning doubt or considering guilt
Today, though just another day, draws near
And means more than you could ever count
Don't wait to make your impact today
Don't let yourself sit or be counted as out
Take time and focus with an energetic mix
And with confidence write your future out

A pen is meant to be seized, today
Fifteen Feelings. This one is for those days when you need to perform.

Make history yours.
Colm Mar 2021
Catch me like the flickering waves
Which glisten and meld seamlessly
Into the horizontal sea out there
Where your memories stare back at you
And your unconscious being seeks to be

Catch me, my newfound find nearby
For I seek to live hetr in your eyes
For just a moment to be
And in your sight seen
I created you for me

Because the words are why
Just as these mine are me

Sometimes I write and describe just to see
If you will read

79 · Jun 2022
Silent notes and songs
Colm Jun 2022
It's neither strong nor weak to be alone
Neither heroic nor cowardice, to try or to not
There are simply those who prefer the company of many songs
And those silent notes who do not
1Sight . Fall in love with truth first
79 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
Awful coffee still has its caffeine
And by that same logic
Even awful people can still sharpen me

Unless they're decafe
In which case,
Deter Me Not Set (10)
79 · Jan 2020
The Hopeful Flame In Mind
Colm Jan 2020
If left to my own ...
Fine devices

Without anything ...
But conflict

I will not shine bright ...
Or glow by candle

But blow out the fire
Of hopefulness
I'm so negative sometimes. Unkind to myself.
79 · Nov 2021
Memoric Lover
Colm Nov 2021
I'm not dragging your frame through the mud of memory
Nor lifting up falsehoods in the mind of once mine
No I live and live in a constant state of both being and remind
I remember because it once was us who lived
Can't forget because such things should never die

And they can't

He said with a smile
Fifteen Feelings. Some are just memories, perhaps.
79 · Sep 2021
Someone . Else
Colm Sep 2021
If the fear is greater
Than whatever intreage you once felt
In passing looks like days now spent
Then a week of me would never change
These months of unbeing
Let alone those years spent with Someone .
Only you can change you. Don't expect that of others.

The most unplanned set. 6/12
79 · Jun 2020
I Rise
Colm Jun 2020
I fell a human
I will rise a human
And until I fall again
I will try
And they will know
Of this rising name of mine
Most fierce  

They fear me cause I rise
78 · Nov 2021
Time Concurred All
Colm Nov 2021
The greatest of kings,
Who concurs all earthly things
Is time, inhuman
K8 Haikus
78 · Mar 2021
compounding presence
Colm Mar 2021
pressure is a coin to pass
between train and screaming tracks beneath
with the force of fiction and heat pressed between
so it is in my soul when you are near and unknowingly dear
to me - passing by in fast
78 · Sep 2020
Bright Behind The Dark
Colm Sep 2020
I know I'm missing the sun
       Because all I can see
     Are the inside of these familiar windows
  No less alive
But much less bright
Bright Behind The Dark
78 · Oct 2022
How Friends Appear
Colm Oct 2022
If life is sleep
Then best friends walk into being
Like a glorious dawn
And in your own confusion, you never see
Where they came from or what you did
To deserve to walk alongside
Such a kindred being

You never knew, and you never will

It just is
Colm Jul 2021
When a tune is sent
And whistled on a summer's breeze
For someone in particular, noone

Mother nature reaches out
Grasping at the mail of straws
And delivers nothing (more than that which she has already received)
78 · Jan 2020
Growing A Tanka
Colm Jan 2020
Presuming the best
Works best in those fields which feel
And believe in big
The kind of thing which makes trees
Grow and flow in fields of mind
Growing A Tanka - About finding those around you who will help you grow
77 · Sep 2021
Wavering, A Haiku
Colm Sep 2021
My open window
Behind a closed curtain breeze
Just a hint I AM
A vision of how I tend to be. Myself in public.

The most unplanned set. 1/12
77 · Mar 2020
Colm Mar 2020
The human spirit falls
Not because of weight
Or snagging stone
But because of rainbows end
Of water vapors shining spirit
And because our nature is
To go
Something engrained, perhaps.
77 · Oct 2020
Five Of Five
Colm Oct 2020
By my own hand, self-oblivion comes.
By my own mind, undone or wound.
By a question asked, all is lost of found.
By opinion shared, around.
Colm May 2022
Waiting is neither romantic nor fun
Neither easy or true
It simply is
A choice to be made
To wait is to see
To decide is to see it through
77 · Jun 2021
Colm Jun 2021
You don’t understand, perhaps, just quite how high
Your memory and my feelings therein, can still elevate and makes me fly

If you want to see spring in my step, **** the winter
If you want to see stars in my eyes, would you be
And if you’d only speaks words one more time to this wordsmith
There’s at least one true smile which awaits you, I can guarantee
Forward with hope
Colm Jan 2021
Whatever imperfect things
We could possibly share
They will not compare
So long as I have
And hold fast to the hope
Of what perfectly could never be
To former self, and former friend alike.
76 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
I wish this mood upon a puddle
And then find myself drying
When it does not last
What a gas
This is
Deter Me Not Set (7)
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