I breath but it is not life,
Its just an echo of before
I do not breath,
I do not walk,
I do not see,
Like the way others do surrounding me
I am transparent
I am gone,
They may miss me,
But I am here, but gone,
Am I figment of an imagination,
"Gone to far"
Could this be a dream, I wish
To wake this is gone to far,
I wish to weep, to cry a tear
But my hands are translucent
Fading in & out
I can see,
I can hear,
But touch the feeling I wish so dear
Eludes me,
"What have I become"
Am I really here??
"Am I who I was"
Past tense, I speak as if past,
Then I look upon the ground
A shadow of a man now laying
Still on the ground
"He looks familiar"
But cold upon his features,
Then I look closer
"Like a mirror I see a reflection"
Then I see it is me,
For it is me that is motionless
Then light engulfs me, I am free, I am home.