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 Jan 2015
Nichelles Eye
"Did you Love me? Did you ever?

Maybe you did? I'll never say never"

**** 'em with kindness, you killed me with love

Folded me in half, both sides fit you like a glove

You wore me out, you threw me off

I was too grungy, I got too soft

It wasnt your fit anymore, you put me back in the closet

I stayed there, sitting there hung up on you, I totally lost it

But you would pick me back up and thought of me as vintage

You would look at my tag and check out my percentage

Picky with the type after it being worn out, im no longer new

I still stay in the background in the hopes of being back on you

Sometimes I'm fashionable, but it wasnt enough to be worn

By you again, as if I was lost and found and got torn

Like Goodwill owned me now, and other people would lurk

I wasnt hung up to be grabbed by others like it was possible to work

Things got old quick because I graced your steez way too often

I got washed up quick and not thoroughly enough to soften

But I still stay hung up for you to see, wanting to be thrown back on you

I still got it, I know I do, I'll never fad out I'm timeless through and through

My stiches are coming loose and I'm falling apart

This fabricated heart is losing its density as you depart

Dont close the door, it gets too dark in here

I cant stand that the light went out and you suddenly disappear
 Jan 2015
They come and I smile and suddenly I remember I'm breaking the rules so I chase them away and close the door deep think about all the bad things in my life play deppresing music.
What can I say I'm addicted to pain.
Why can't I be when everytime I try and be happy something bad suddenly happens.
How can I be happy when I get low from people I expected the highest from.
Sometimes I just sit stare at a blank space and think back and wishing I could change my past.
But I can't and because of that I'm slowly losing my mind and no one is noticing.

Depressed sitting just thinking of ways to get more sad.
Sitting thinking of ways I can cry.
Sitting thinking of ways to hurt myself cause I hate myself I hate the way I'm.
My heart has been broken soo many times its useless.
I mean really what do you do with a heart you can't feel who do you give it to how do you live with it ?
I guess its they right if they say we all addicted to something and I guess my addiction is pain...
#saddnes #pain #addiction #truth #depression #selfharming #lonely #heartbroken
 Jan 2015
Francie Lynch
I built the playhouse
To withstand
The seige of time.
Like Hadrian,
I dismayed the border people.
Starlight shone through
Crescent moons
Like the Ishtar Gate of Babylon.
Children shrieked and wailed
Against those walls
As nomads in northern China,
Or Philistines in Jeruselum.
But time is a formidable outsider,
And my small walls would tumble
To the blasts of tempus trumpets.
My hand runs lovingly across
Your names on those
Memorial Walls.
 Jan 2015
martin challis
I was
presumed missing on
an angry afternoons walk
across an ocean
of bitter pills
that swallowed themselves
in brown bottles
labeled caution
keep away from
and I feel
the scream of an angry after-blade scraping
across the glass that
keeps me
in this cell
you listening through
a telephone
grown surgically
from the hand
of providence
switching tables
when the waiter
wasn’t looking
to eat the camembert
the cream
and all the opportunity
that was supposed to go around
like loaves and fishes
but I only see
an empty pond
and you floating
fat belly
full of everything
except the guts
to come clean
and to even give
a good ******
but you don’t
and now I’m out
and you will
‘cause you’re *******
razor blades
and I understand
I would be to
if I were you
I’m not
don’t say I am
don’t ever say that
you know
that makes me feel good
when you’re on the floor
the ****
I ****
“fark man
you’re free
you’re out
you’re clean”
and I’m all over
I am so over you
I’m all through you
I am you
I’m the lane
in your vein
‘freight train
to the brain’
I’m the reason
the mirror
barks back its bite
I am the only reason
you're out at night
I am your only ******* reason,
don’t forget it or
good night!

MChallis © 2015
 Jan 2015
Jamie King
The mirror dent, my reflection cracked in several
ways, wallowing in wonder whether mortality is my faith.

My eyes
marry clocks
and drift away
with time, to lands of  broken  hour glasses.

Where eternity invites the reaper to shape short destinies.

Fears smear
amongst peers,
many phobias
being but one
clear path
death is near.
Life is dear
Death is everywhere but we live ignorantly I guess it's one way of being optomistic after all "ignorance is..." well you know
 Jan 2015
Nat Lipstadt
~for mark john junior~

the spigot turns counterclockwise,
oft I wondered why,
is it the magic way to make
things rise...

'pon occasion, the water shuts off,
turn left to right or vice versa,
no juice no bath and life starts
to stink, especially under armpits

and you think
how many love poems does one soul
in his lifetime possess,
and can I do better than my last...
if at all

sometimes you stare at a blankenship
ocean adrift, pirate hijacking victim,
no grub, no paddle or map,
but an empty water bottle

baffled you ask it
to point north,
laughs at you, asking,
"am I a compass,
or you,
a complete ***,"
a seismic groan out loud,
registers on
Florida's hurricane wind watch

how come this to be
meteoric loss of metaphor bridging,
search the Internet for the ******
of poetic inspiration, and an
error message delivered:

"plagiarize, or better luck next time sucker"

patience, football, thy women,
will in time realize the artful truth realized:

"Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes; art is knowing which ones to keep"

Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert)

go forth,
make mistakes plenty,
keep some good,
the pink ones fyi, my fav,
look that quill in the face,
and give the lazy ******* some lip,
reminding it,
it gets paid and ink drinks,
by the word
It is not without remorse that I watch you suffer though I tell myself it is for the greater good.
Help would be delivered with a smile if you had an offering but alas you have none.
We commit to making this world a safer and more prosperous place, it grieves us to watch as systematic ****** takes place.
What's the word? Oh yes genocide!
But as the man says 'if you can't pay then we don't take it away'.
11th Jan 2015
 Jan 2015
Prabhu Iyer
I walked a spiraling Stare back at the abyss: Leaping forward walking I see the rage of a Cross, four-dimensional Pebbles shattered stained To the side, spiraling back,
cut-up and found what if I walked on them giant drooling drunken mirrors obtuse staircase haunted confusing gravity,
nothing up from mushrooms woman lighted flexing looping,
at apex; a mirage? that can cry; all around; tesseracts; infinite; at quantum.

Lead kindly light, vigil
voice, enlightened
angel face.
Surrealist poem reflecting on mortality.

'Lead kindly light' is from the famous hymn 'Pillar of Cloud' by John Newman
Lips zipped, silent chants eloped my soul  
Into midnight divine dreams
Took me into His light of heavenly delight
With Him along I was so proud n’ privileged
One to one in close touch, so curious was I to know
As to why He imposed unwanted death in life
He smelled a rat and smiled at me funny guy
Flew me across mysterious Milky Way
Along lifeless stars glittering in His light
Cracked a divine truth that once upon a time  
Some planets were blessed of berth of only births
Of endless life as wished
Density of piled up life for ages
Grew by leaps n’ bounds
Life inundated the planets
In course of time, of course
Planets lost their ground n’ gravity
Air evacuated, Oceans evaporated
Life screeched alarming in vain paralysed
Unable to hold n’ uphold weight n’ volume
Planets failed to host and expunged life for ever
Behold my son, He said so kind,
Planetary cemetery here n there so dry
Holding testimony to catastrophic journey
Forcing cycle of birth n’ death to put in motion
To bestow everlasting breath to life
On planet earth one at its best
So saying angel tabbed me to wake up
I am a bit puzzled whether to construe:
Dream a theme or theme a dream
 Jan 2015
I cannot find words to do justice Marge! I loved you fully, you taught me unconditionally!

And Thou Art Dead, As Young and Fair

George Gordon, Lord Byron (1812)

And thou art dead, as young and fair
   As aught of mortal birth;
And form so soft, and charms so rare,
   Too soon return’d to Earth!
Though Earth receiv’d them in her bed,
And o’er the spot the crowd may tread
   In carelessness or mirth,
There is an eye which could not brook
A moment on that grave to look.

I will not ask where thou liest low,
   Nor gaze upon the spot;
There flowers or weeds at will may grow,
   So I behold them not:
It is enough for me to prove
That what I lov’d, and long must love,
   Like common earth can rot;
To me there needs no stone to tell,
’T is Nothing that I lov’d so well.

Yet did I love thee to the last
   As fervently as thou,
Who didst not change through all the past,
   And canst not alter now.
The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
   Nor falsehood disavow:
And, what were worse, thou canst not see
Or wrong, or change, or fault in me.

The better days of life were ours;
   The worst can be but mine:
The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers,
   Shall never more be thine.
The silence of that dreamless sleep
I envy now too much to weep;
   Nor need I to repine
That all those charms have pass’d away,
I might have watch’d through long decay.

The flower in ripen’d bloom unmatch’d
   Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely ******’d,
   The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
   Than see it pluck’d to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair.

I know not if I could have borne
   To see thy beauties fade;
The night that follow’d such a morn
   Had worn a deeper shade:
Thy day without a cloud hath pass’d,
And thou wert lovely to the last,
   Extinguish’d, not decay’d;
As stars that shoot along the sky
Shine brightest as they fall from high.

As once I wept, if I could weep,
   My tears might well be shed,
To think I was not near to keep
   One vigil o’er thy bed;
To gaze, how fondly! on thy face,
To fold thee in a faint embrace,
   Uphold thy drooping head;
And show that love, however vain,
Nor thou nor I can feel again.

Yet how much less it were to gain,
   Though thou hast left me free,
The loveliest things that still remain,
   Than thus remember thee!
The all of thine that cannot die
Through dark and dread Eternity
   Returns again to me,
And more thy buried love endears
Than aught except its living years.
 Jan 2015
I have pushed down deep
roots against misfortune
All is in the hand of One
and One loves like no other
strength seen in a Tree
and mystery to keep you
meditating. The  One in Three
and Three in One
 Jan 2015
I realize I read many,
but few speak to me.
 Jan 2015
The Anonymous Joker
i apologize so much
i feel like i'm saying sorry for my existence
I'm so sorry
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