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 Nov 2014
long lusted to write a work
of which
on the top of the screwtop
poem wine bottle
was writ

I know, no denying,
better artistes
have done it,
so you counsel

let it be,

but can't,
no letting
go of what has
emboldened me,
taken hold of me,
the infinite possibilities of

within me,
endless storage,
a room for you to

me keep safe keep quiet
whatever you need,
that stuff you don't want
but can't yet disown,
the ashamed,
the not ready to be released,
the best work not ready quite,
a fine tuning required,
even secrets most intimate

me be your safe keeper,
until you need a safecracker
to let what you need to
go free when
the letting is good

let be your verb,
your object,
don't matter to me

us escape,
to a better place

us through,
pass onto level next

rent me, use me, I am
property tangible

me contract you, let me a poem,
give me the work I've commissioned
and let it please

us know the truth, the truth of you

me see you truly!
us go together!
us try it,
let us be an us!


all the lets in our blood boil,

us make a list and
it become the goodly best

and yes,

it be,
the end-let possibilities!
 Nov 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
A rough ramp,
too many edged stones on the surface
she is walking on the ramp with booted a high pencil heel
we see her speed, her fashion
we say that it's her smartest move
even her body language shows the beauty
but it's true that one of us sitting there doesn't care her at all

The flowers are on the fire,
blooming throughout the garden
too many colors, coloring the spring
so much aroma appealing around
either the bees are buzzing or not
growing itself through the nature
either we are caring those or not

Birds are flying around the sky
they are highly ambitious
sometimes they fly over the dark clouds
yet they are unclogging their feathers throughout the sky
until the clouds are breaking into the water
showing that they don't care about the height of the heaven
even you see their stunning diving or not

When it's an amazing raining
maybe you are walking toward the horizon
who is shining sharply within the rainbow?
the little boy is enjoying through the window!
its a playful beauty beyond
It doesn't care about thee
either we are looking, caring or not

Boys are barefooted,
walking on the broken glasses,
bleeding blood on the floor
making spot on the spaces
they are running within the daydreams
now they don't care about anything
****! we never wish to care them at all  

Musfiq us shaleheen
when we don't care about the life love hope beauty and the humanity
 Nov 2014

In solitude...
There's constant talk of the moon
And incessant wishes upon stars
Each word is cast unto paper
Unsure if they'd stretch that far

In solitude...
I embody pelts of droplets from the sky
As thunder mark the seconds that would elapse
Stagnant puddles of liquid dreams
Ever flowing in endless traps

In solitude...
I feel the urge to lose all balance
Aloneness beckons like a long lost friend
Always strange but familiar
To see and be at the bitter end
 Nov 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Today, a poem should be palatable, cute
As a Kiwi fruit,

As a horse battalion's scudding run,

Strident as out of tune horns
Of basement bands where the gloss has grown—

A poem should be bloodless
As the slight of words.

A poem should be film of ocean brine
As the reel unwinds,

Cleaving as the gear greases
Spoke by spoke the light smearing breeze,

Blowing, to the temple outhouse
Exalting all the ****** functions—

A poem should be not true:
Equal too.

For all the history of vanity
An empty room and a bass relief

For lust
The keening masses and no light above the stream

A poem should not be
But mean.
 Oct 2014
I was writing this song one Sunday afternoon,
when I was feeling blue
and missing you
I strummed on some strings ,   strung together a few lines that
made me think of better times      
with you
... When  I go out on this sunny after-noon  
I'll try & think less
about you

I ran into some friends and  hung out for a while
started shootin' the ****    & came home plowed
I laid down in my empty room
it was hard not to think
about you
So , I'll pack up the car and I'll get outa town,
move up-state and drive 'til I've found
some-place   where I
can't  remember  you...

...And that's the last time I'll ever mention you .

© All Rights Reserved , Patrick W. Hamilton , 04242015
 Oct 2014
The Noose
Poetry gushing out
From a severed artery
Everything is bleeding
Away from me.
random thoughts before bed.
 Oct 2014
jeffrey robin
OO                                         OO
////  • ||

gotta say somethin
                             sometime !

••            ••

Across the winter day
Another stormy sky

another homeless boy

over and over again


The gun the girl the lie

The death the painful agony

We walk both here and there

But never                 in     Between


Flesh turned to                Machine

Forget that we 're alive


Hey hey hey
What do you say


Make love like ***** KINGS & QUEENS


The winter day


the stormy sky



( over and over and over )

One thing to say


( or should I say :


::::::      ::::::

In this wintery day


emerge from their shadows

And the storm is over

Emerge from their shadows

And the world's begun
 Oct 2014
The Anonymous Joker
You need to reach out
- that's what I was told

I confided in a number of people

Sat across a lot of wise spectacles
Sympathetic coffees
Blank invites
Dispassionate loves

You need medication
- that's what I was told

I popped a number of pills

Over months,
White, long
Yellow, small
A number of nights
Crazy eyes,
Erratic behaviour
Strange moodswings

You need a change of scenery
- That's what I was told

Miles and miles of sand
A sea extending into the sky
My heart became the feather
That landed on waves
And sank
Far below
The understanding of humanity

Went to the hills
Stream flowing by
Which iced over at night
Bare apple orchards
Green and stone
Woke up at 4 AM
From where I stood,
I couldn't see the sunrise

My spirits
Shattered and fell
Along with some rocks
Off the cliff's sheer face
As I ended up
On my hands and knees

You need to meditate
- that's what I was told

Pure silence at 4 AM

That's what I woke up to
And I sat for an hour everyday
Trying to focus on
The "om" I was told about
With the last echo
I was left bereft of purpose
Vision and energy
I couldn't move on
With the day
 Oct 2014
The Noose
On a night like this
The veil of a perfectly
Orchestrated illusion
Slides back
Leaving an absinthal aftertaste
Streaming in my blood
The unreality feels too bare
Something sinister
Occupies the chest.
 Oct 2014
be still,
           be the small silent

be quiet,
       be the small watching

be pliant,
               be the seed
                         spinning on
                     the wind

be memory
                  be the glint in
                             the wise old
                elephant's eye

be wisdom,
                 be the paradox of
                             the monkeys

be kind,
            for kindness needs,
                               to never be
             lost or neglected

be strong,
                 be passionate,
                for the world needs
              and compassion
in order to grow.

but above all,
                      be love.....
            and allow love to be...

in all it's ....
          guises and capacity's

and these my son,
                are just some
    of the steps

       in being a better man.....
written for my son Tod,
and now gifted to my friend
Ernesto, as he starts a new chapter....
 Oct 2014
Nat Lipstadt
Euphony* * the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words; making a phonetic change for ease of pronunciation

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock

Trickery, diddly, rot,
This Diddy's life poems rhymed not,
The boys and girls all booed,
Your poetic life thumbs-down *******,
Trickery, diddly, rot

sipped his morning coffee.
thoughts about mortality and mean
saw what wanted not to be, the unseen,
trickery, diddly, rot,
brain refrain, relief not,
the **** clock ticking,
the mouse laughing,
at his euphonious nonsense

he wept for being found out,
the noises in the house
joined in
all mocking with accusations
you phony, us,
you, phony us*

another work day ended as it begun,
or began to end
teach felt
for felt
tipped pen reach,
inky dinky in the dockers it  flowed,
now I am red-tro-graded,
bold letter, no fading,
for failing
to phony us

slipped his head under the water,
but the words auditory
and most un laudatory
feared not a drownery,
followed him down
a bath poem
 Oct 2014
jeffrey robin

##                        ##                                

Delicious the vision of vicious agony

The twisted depression minds !
The ****** artistic pictures carved into REAL FLESH

Puts PICASSO  to shame !

We wander ENNUI with bold step and bared *******

And perfect fear

In tantalizing rhythm and RHYMME !!

We pander to each other's pain

And have so many naked bodies around

To play with and to shame


We watch the cops shoot the black boys down

And wait for the tanks to roll down the street





Why even brush your teeth no more !!!


The tolling of the bells


Well I can't write no more

Gotta do my homework

And my ***** needs new batteries
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