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 May 2014
I have found soft soil in secret parts of your body
Pushed it back with my fingers, stuck underneath
My finger nails and unearthed lore of lands and
Spirits that run around and make me realises how much
I miss your stupid face when you’re not digging up my weeds
 May 2014
My pens keep running out
I think I am too
 May 2014
Jolene Heather
She could not abide a stupid man.
If you could not feed her curious mind
then you would never satisfy her in any manner.
If you looked like a Greek god but were basically a dolt,
she might have a motherly affection to you,
but you never would truly able to pull at her lust.
No, it was not a man's physical beauty
but his brains that turned her on.

If, when she was with you,
her mind could stretch deep into a galaxy
or swim in an ocean of philosophy
then you had what it took to open her up.
And when she did,
open up,
well ****!
It was like a 3D Georgia O'Keeffe painting.
You were lost in folds, creases, valleys, and fascination.
And then that's it,
you were ruined to all other women.
You would love her until the end of time.
 May 2014
I try to hate you with all of my will
my body fights back with
the tightening of my throat,
tries to sabotage me by
flooding my body with tears,
and twisting knots in my abdomen
too tight for rage to escape
my voice comes out in hushed tones
not forceful enough to show anger
I think I should hate you with all of my will
*my body won't let me
 May 2014
You are part,
of a generation
one that is great, mighty, powerful, strong.
Near the top, the apex, but not yet there,
we've poisoned ourselves, from the ground we stand,
to the much needed air., when, we survive our first few years,
just think, it really was worth the first  months of tears.

Now think of the times, we've fallen,
so that we could just stand,
do you remember, the effort it took,
the damning demand?

Now think of the times you've bumped, fallen,
scraped your ****** knee,
how bout that times ran your bike through the yard, up the street,
and forgot to watch where you ran, into that stupid tree.

The times you thought you were invincible,
powerful and mighty,
you knew you were right, though your moods were rather,

And now your here, the ranks have become a little thinner,
everyone's competing for something
to be an ultimate winner.
They want to stand on top, just as you have once,
they don't want to die,
because their a dunce.
They think they're smart, or strong, or whatever,
to think it mattered once, only that it never.

You're a survivor,
you have to fight to live,
barbed wires, to picket fences,
you've put up walls, behind more defenses.
So let me tell you something my friend.
As you crawl your way up to the top,
watch where you leap,
or you'll just end up a flop.

You're a survivor,
a light unto the rest,
you're living proof my friend,
that you're able to pass the test.

Show them your mettle,
your battle scars,
show them what your made of,
that there's no limit, not even the stars.
Show them the dents in your tested armor and shields,
show them the power of love and understanding, both of which you wield.

Show them what it's like,
what it's like to fall and fly,
help your comrades up,
tell them.
It's do. Or die.

Because you're a survivor.
 May 2014
The fallen,
those who have fought before,
those who fought to allow us to do much more.

The fallen,
from grace and glory,
this is for the fallen, this is their story.

They who came before, fought ever so valiantly,
this we can say, ever so proudly.
Aye, 'tis true, that none ever were perfect, their sins and faults a plenty,
but they filled their hearts with courage, valor and vigor, never to be empty.

The fallen has fought, a fight so cruel,
some have fought each other, to the death was the duel.
Never have we faced such a foe,
a foe such as this,
for if we take them lightly,
then our aim we are sure to miss.

The fallen has told us of untold treasures,
but those were just stories of old, of unknown pleasures.
We've yet to find, even a hint, a speck, a sign,
for it is tonight in the fires of the hottest Hell, tonight in blood we dine.

The fallen stood bravely,
against the wind and cold,
they stood their ground against the fires, their bodies weak but spirit bold.

Oh how we are, not much like the rest,
but it is our goal, our aim, to be one of the best!
We stand here today, on the same ****** soaked soil,
we shall never waver, never give up, never surrender,
because we fight, for another day to be together.

One day, on the final battle of this God-forsaken war,
we shall finally have to cry, weep, no more.
Death, our final enemy, shall be at last be put down to rest,
and God our head shall say, "Children, you've done your best."
And that day the fallen shall rise,
no more to plow the farm,
no more shall we worry, no more the threat of harm.

I pray for us still,
the fighters that soldier on,
for this song was for the fallen, the ones that are dead, and gone.
Can I get a good Oorah?
 May 2014
Remember what it's like?

To lay down in the sun?
Just knowing, that for a moment's rest, that even this you fought and won?
The soft smooth blanket, of warmth upon your skin,
the great warm feeling, simply settling in.

Then came the breeze, and how it soothed the small little scorches,
it almost made you feel, like back on the ol' time porches!
And how the two came together, fit hand in hand indeed,
then you cracked a smile, allowing rest and sleep, to proceed.

Alas, the rest was short, however long it actually was,
before you heard the commotion, and stirred to the buzz.
No one around, your secret little haven, your shrine, your own,
but felt a slight shiver, a shiver to the bone.
A storm was approaching, and fast it came too!
You were a bit ways from home, and didn't know what to do!

So you ran towards cover, the rain began to pour,
it was a shame, and a blessing, it was only nothing more.
So you ran towards a tree, not knowing where else to go,
but you weren't alone as you thought, little did you know.

The first thunder was heard, and you already soaked wet,
I can remember it now, you would blush if you saw yourself that day I bet.
The next clap came loudly, a flash through the sky,
that very tree let loose, a small boy who then on the ground he'd lie.

Well we gave each other quite the fright,
you yelled, if not screamed, quite loudly, at the rather odd little sight.
I backed up fast, as to not scare you more,
only to hit the very tree, that gave me that painful sore.

The rain is still coming,
there's no where to run,
thankfully for us,
it was a friendship, just waiting to be begun.

 May 2014
Ding ding!
The round has started,
so put'em up,
let's see what you're made of,
how long 'till you give up!

Go ahead!
Knock me down!
Shut me up!
You won't see this boy give up!

Come on!
One more time!
Your punches ain't hardly,
worth a dime!

C'mon, c'mon!
I'm gettin' really bored!
Here, let's make it interesting,
I'll even give you a sword!

Careful now, the thing is sharp!
It ain't like what you're used to,
the strings of a harp!

Ha ha, haha!
Now it's getting fun,
now it's really time,
this fight has really begun!

Ooo! Getting close now,
you almost had me there,
watch it, watch it!
You'll mess up my hair!

**** me, and my cheery attitude,
c'mon, c'mon, relax!
Gotta take it easy dude!

Alright alright,
no more playing around,
I'll win this fight in two more moves,
and you'll be out, nice and sound.

G'night! G'night!
Sweet dreams, sweet dreamer!
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
Whoa, that was fast, way too easy!

Alright round 2, c'mon step right on up!
Let's see how far you get,
before you give up?

So try me, I dare ya, and I'll show you what I'm made of,
I'm made of faith, obedience, and loyalty,
but most of all,
with love.
 May 2014
Melanie Elaine
Long sleeves in May,
but we never knew.
I wish that I had gone up to you
and asked,
why you wore so many bracelets.

You said you didn't eat at school.
And we believed you,
like such fools.
Too much respect, but not enough.

No one ever told you
what you mean to them.
They all forgot to mention
how the stars would grow dim
without you, the world is not as bright.
Maybe in your heaven,
you'll finally sleep tonight.

They talk about you
now and then,
and the way that things could have been.
Hushed whispers
behind closed doors.

You felt out of time and out of joy.
Out of breath,
the rope deployed.
Your world was cold.
Your hands were numb.
Razor lines, where you just wanted to feel something,
and now you'll never feel again.

No one ever told you
what you mean to them.
They all forgot to mention
how the stars would grow dim
without you, the world is not so bright.
Maybe in your heaven,
you'll have some peace tonight.

Yellow flowers everywhere.
You wore a dress,
they combed your hair.
And you, are fast asleep.

Salt was painted on my face.
We watched you fall.
Amazing Grace.
And I can't go back,
and change the past.

But I wish that I had told you
what you mean to me.
I guess I forgot to mention this
before you fell on your knees.
Because you are beautiful.
And you made my world bright.
Now you'll be in heaven,
but I won't sleep tonight.
 May 2014
Manic Bipolar Kid
Sometimes I wonder
I wonder
Why's everyone looking at me?
Is it because I'm so pretty?
Than my other half says to me
As annoyed as a street musician
On a sunday
Nick your talking to me
..And quite audibly
Just a thought.
 May 2014
Melanie Elaine
In the alphabet, there are 26 letters: 5 vowels and 21 consonants.
In the English language alone, there are over 600,000 words all made up of these consonants and vowels.
So many words.
So many things already said too many times and too little.
Originality is something to be desired;
Because I won't be the hundredth person that day to tell you that everything will be okay.
It will all work out.
You're fine.
You'll get over it.


600,000 words in the English language and I'm left stumbling for the right ones just to try to make you smile again.
There's not more fish in the sea because they were your ocean.
You won't be with them again soon because you need to live a long life! even if they couldn't.
The sun won't be brighter tomorrow; it will shine just the same.
And I'm sorry.
When you shot for the moon you couldn't reach the stars, but maybe next time if you shoot for the stars you'll be caught by the moon.

This world is full of things unspoken and words not said even when they need to be poured out like alphabet soup we leave them in the can.
Because it's taboo or rude, there are times when "you just don't say those things" no matter how true they may be.
I could write you a novel of the things that I believe to be correct but that won't make the pain go away.

A picture is worth a thousand words and heartbreak is worth a million.
I just don't have anything useful to fill in those spaces where the words are supposed to go.

In the alphabet, there are 26 letters: 5 vowels and 21 consonants.
In the English language alone, there are over 600,000 words all made up of these consonants and vowels.
And I can't think of a single one to say to you.
 May 2014
SG Holter
Life is too short to waste
On insignificancies,* she says,
Waving carefree toes under socks
On my lap
-One green; one red-
When I call her my
Vessel of
 May 2014
SG Holter
Let gods all bow their heads in grief,
Command the rain: Release!
Ask the sun to please retreat,
And ask that I find peace.

Set fire to all places that these eyes have ever seen.
Set an equal blaze to all I ever felt within.
Spread the word to every ear that ever heard my pen:
That the voice they witnessed never will be that again.

Then ask each word I ever wrote:
Return, and share his grave.
Because -if I ran out of words- none written I could save.
I'd have to call them back, if not forever I am heard:
I'd never be at all -if ever I ran out of words.
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