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 May 2017
Richard Grahn
The act of writing
Compels me to magic and
Elevates my soul
UPDATE: This was written before I had any idea what the difference between a Haiku and a Senryu is. I'm still a child in these departments. "Writing a Haiku" was the original title but this is not a Haiku. Therefore, after more than 1700 views, I've decided that it should be more properly titled. The title that fits best is simply this: "Writing" and it is more properly a Senryu.

It's no wonder this has been so popular here. We are writers and we know what the craft does for our souls and for the world. Nomenclature is really unimportant. What's important is the doing...

THIS IS THE INITIAL NOTES ENTRY: This is very true for me and I know it is for many of you as well. Writing is medicine for the soul and I don't know where I'd be without it.
 May 2017
Writing poetry
Happening now when sleeping
Dreaming while dreaming
Next to the really sharp dreams, I've also started to write poems while dreaming. If poetry is dreaming but when you are awake, then doing poetry while dreaming is a dream inside a dream, but a nice one.
 May 2017
James Court
On the back fence: a
sparrow revels in the rain,
singing to herself
They say we need to hope
Well I am living for now
And praying for a favorable future...

Joey Percival Ikechukwu
 May 2017
Logan Robertson
devil blows bad air
her birds nest in my doomed throat
drive me to coffin

 May 2017
But I'd much rather say,
At least your mistakes
Didn't turn me into a snake.
so crazy i used whether instead of rather
 May 2017
Jim Davis
resting upon porch
swallows sipping pond's still glass
She brings mint juleps
 May 2017
Jim Davis
Blazing sun awakes
Still in dreams of long nightmare
Love died, I still lived

©  2017 Jim Davis
recalculate now
how many bubbles meet clouds
kids playing bubbles

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Bubbles are a wonderful way to learn through play.The give the opportunity to develop a whole host of skills and children of all ages adore them.
bubbles featured image

If you think bubbles are those round, wet things that come out of a bottle with a wand, then think again.
 Apr 2017
Stan Patty
A moss-covered tree
Guards the trail to the river.
Back-lit branches gleam.
 Apr 2017
Stan Patty
A nearly full moon
Rests on a shelf of cold air.
Deep quiet of dusk.
 Apr 2017
Stan Patty
The press of the snow
Bent and broke the bamboo stalks
With hardly a sound
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