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 May 2017
Not Iraqi, nor Irani
With ancestors, Pakistani
And some fine roots
From India
But my main roots
Did spent some time
In Austria
And later on
In Syria
Now heartbroken
And writing poems
In language of
I'm heartbroken
Cause I lost you
Your heart is where
I'm calling home
Since its the place
Of which I can
Honestly say
I'm coming from.
Officially, I am an Iraqi born in Iran, but sometimes I really have to think hard about where I am really from :-). If we look closer however, all people are international , and the only place we can call home is the heart in which we find love.
 Apr 2017
a cave..
a place to rest and relax
to take note of the happening
experiencing of
drain in your energy
and also feel the urge
to fight back
after making some amendments
a fresh you!!
 Apr 2017
we are alone
among ourselves
screens and pages
people and places
billions and more
but we are alone
in the only world
we will ever know
that we treat
as though we own
but we do not
it cares for us
with air and light
its nature and might
is not ours
and we are alone
billions of stars
look down at us
I envy where they are
in the unknown
Thanks for all the positive feedback:)
 Apr 2017
Walked in
a nearby hospital
In reception
Full of Signboards
"Quiet Please"
an understanding,
they stop you
from grumbling about
your disease to others
It's the first step of
treating you from disease..
 Apr 2017
New date
She was so interesting
we decided to understand
each other deep
walked in nearby book store
Selected a common topic
Bought 2 books of same title
Went home
After a week
We exchanged our books
to read the pencil marks of others
to understand
Each other perception of
 Apr 2017
They say, heartbreak brings pain.
I say, pain brings heartbreak…
Hearts break when they can’t
Bear pain anymore!

They say, friends understand…
I say, understanding
Is really what makes
Strangers best friends.

They say, give kindness to
Those who are deserving
I say, deserve kindness
Through giving it…
Sometimes, its the other way around...
 Apr 2017
You can write for hours on hours,
Of all the things that you wish you could be,
But the truth of the matter is simple,
People are not poetry.
And I know you wish you weren't awkward,
That sweet words easily rolled right off your tongue,
But your time here's too short just to worry,
How each individual sentence is strung,
It's okay to be rough around the edges,
To be bruised up and broken and scarred,
But it's not acceptable to let people tell you,
That it's a reason to change who you are,
Your hair doesn't always sit neatly,
The way a poem sits so neatly in lines,
And sometimes you might feel like a word,
That nobody has yet or learned to define,
You might not be a star that lights the darkness,
Or a bird that can teach us to soar,
But it's alright because you are too complex,
To be crammed into one simple metaphor,
It's okay not to know what you're doing,
Since your feelings don't all have to rhyme,
Though a poem once complete is eternal,
You have the freedom to change over time,
You're much more than can ever be written,
And there is no title to say, "This Is Me",
You can't be trapped in the lines of a notebook,
Because people are not poetry.
Thanks for reading. xoxo ~ Avery


Did you ever think of
What happened to those glass pieces?

The shattered glass pieces
Held some of your happiness like
A mother breastfeeding a new born baby
It slowly gathered and tried to joined
The remaining left over happiness

Years passed but glass pieces
Never parted with your happiness
And preserved it with lots of care

The broken glass pieces
Still hugs and kisses your happiness
With the hope of giving it back to you

Your happiness is secure & safely alive
With the shattered glass pieces

The remaining life of the glass pieces
Is destined to more breakages

Don't worry if
The glass pieces are crushed, stamped
Still shattered further in more tiny pieces
Disintegrated into powder

Be sure whatever they do to glass pieces
It will not let your happiness go
It's clenching your happiness tightly

Come one day to find how
The glass pieces are living
Come and see the castle of happiness
The shattered glass pieces has built
Naming your happiness "An Angel"

What if I told you that
I am the glass of LOVE that encased your
Happiness and that you shattered...!

(Read the flashback story in NOTES below)

One day when you were a kid
Your happiness encased in glass = shattered
You cried and scambled
To pick up some of your happiness
You wrapped your happiness
with a cloth and put inside the bag
You dropped the bag in a river
But grasp some pieces of happiness
You put some happiness under lock and key
But your happiness was stolen
You tracked down remaining happiness
and now carry your happiness in your pockets
Sometimes, it falls, out, you find it
And YOU cherish what happiness is left behind


Did you ever think of
What happened to glass pieces?

(Read the poem...)
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