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 Aug 2016
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
4 | 31 Poems for August 2016

I yearn for the type of love that heals countless years of pain.
I crave for your presence in ways that I cannot eloquently explain.
Run away with me, take your hand and hold it closer to mine.
I pray that you never leave me behind because good love is hard to find.
My words have left me, they live on the edges of your lips now.
I’m content with the idea of having my poetry inhabit your daily speech.
Let’s take the time to create a reality worth dreaming about.
With you, I found the type of love that leaves no room for doubt.
After all we’ve shared I realise that I never want to leave your side.
With you, my heart no longer feels the need to hide.
You have the kind of eyes that people could often get lost in.
You have the kind of eyes that people often get lost in.
I yearn for the type of love that heals countless years of pain.
I crave for your presence in ways that I cannot eloquently explain.
 Aug 2016
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
3 | 31 Poems for August 2016

Feeling like an abandoned church but in your eyes I’ll always be a cathedral.
These blue skies fade to grey while I pray to ease the burden of a bad day.
My strength and happiness are gone; I can feel myself gradually fading away.
Not even Mandela money could buy me freedom in a dollar-based economy.
In a world saturated with poverty, politicians are still protecting their pockets.
They are constantly making you think that the power is in your hands but this is not a Cell C ad.
So be careful of who you give your power to because you may never see this freedom they highly speak of.
Everyone is claiming that they represent the youth but you can go back and listen to Ghetto Gospel and hear the truth.
Even with the humour of an established comedian, they wouldn’t be Trevor Noah funny.
Laughing all the way to the bank, we also aim to receive Trevor Noah money.
Give me all the best and worst parts of you and a room with a wonderful view.
Give me a blank page and a beautiful muse and you’ll marvel at what I can do.
The world is my canvas; Picasso would’ve loved to see all the resplendent pictures that I’ve painted.
I wrote plenty peaceful poems picturing politicians perpetuating poverty.
No uncertainty, this is a cold war and we all know what we’re fighting for.
In a world saturated with poverty, politicians are still protecting their pockets.
Blue skies fade to grey while I pray to ease the burden of a bad day.
Hopefully everything will be okay even if things don’t go our way.
 Aug 2016
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
2 | 31 Poems for August 2016

A poem written by my heart so every single word you hear is a pulse.
I’m a literary writer living inside the mind of a spoken-word poet.
I still write beautiful words; you can ask Luyanda – even she knows it.
Things change, circles grow smaller, conversations get shorter and eventually hearts grow distant.
But I’m glad that Luyanda, Faith and I still manage to talk every now and then.
It’s sad to see that you’re not around, it’s like you just disappeared into thin air.
Still hoping that you’d call or text but you’ve probably lost my numbers by now.
If you’re willing to talk to me, I promise to listen like I always do.
You can count on me like an abacus, sounds cliché but you know it’s true.
Even if things don’t always go my way, I just hope that everything will be okay.
I’m learning to embrace a metamorphosis I was previously oblivious to.
It’s still no mystery why my aura will always long for the company of yours.
I’m a literary writer living inside the mind of a spoken-word poet.
I still write beautiful words; you can ask William – even he knows it.
Time is wasted so I patiently wait for the clock to get sober eventually.
Things change but I’m glad that William, Terrence and I still manage to talk every now and then.
It’s sad to see that you’re not around, it’s like you just disappeared into thin air.
Still hoping that you’d call or text but you’ve probably lost all touch with most people by now.
 Aug 2016
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
1 | 31 Poems for August 2016

Before I put my words and wishes in a poem, I put them in a prayer first.
Luyanda once told me that I don’t always have to rhyme every time I write these words down.
She also regularly told me that I need to smile twice as much as I frown.
I have been a loner, way before my peers began smoking marijuana.
Sitting in the local park or standing on some dodgy neighbourhood corner.
But I can’t judge them, sometimes I want to get lost in those same clouds too.
They all get so high to the point where they cannot even see the ground.
I’m from the city where jacaranda trees light up the streets with their purple blooms, but I’ve told you before.
Spoken words filled with so much truth, I had to reiterate the quotes I wrote back in my youth.
You need to know the value of life before it gets taken away from you.
Will you be a victim of the past or pay homage to your mother’s womb?
View the kaleidoscope of life through the perspective of a spoken-word poet.
Freedom and love are like finding forever and I hope that everyone in my life knows it.
Let’s all meet in the pages of a story where the ink always holds us together.
Every poem of mine is written from the heart so every single word you hear is guaranteed to be a pulse.
I have been a loner, way before my peers began smoking marijuana.
Before I put my words and wishes in a poem, I put them in a prayer first.
Luyanda once told me that I don’t always have to rhyme every time I write these words down.
She also regularly told me that I need to smile twice as much as I frown.
I’m Lonnie Lynn with the poetry and maybe that explains why we have a lot in common.

— The End —