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 Jun 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
You are my foundation
You are my rock
A shoulder to lean on
To whom I can talk

When we are together
I am at peace
I'm your bearing
You are my grease

Twenty five years of bliss
Is what we had
Proud you're my wife
Our daughter her dad

I hope twenty five more years
Is what's in store
When those are done
I'll need twenty five more
 Jun 2016

Left alone, the abyss of failure
closes in,
for days it seems like weeks,
though months are now reduced to counted minutes

Coffin’d stances form the stoic barricade
which surrounds my hope
in picket lines of untrained defectors

I claw at its lid,
thrashing mightily to my sides
as collections of miseries
flood this chamber of my coerced sleep

“I am here!” I shout,
hearing my words
echo in distance dance halls
two stepping on my memory,
spitting above where I lie

Here - a relevant term
as columns of disbelief carve themselves
from my mind.

Forgotten, left for dead,
erased from the blackboard
by the firm swishing hand of fate…
reduced to dust (I don’t feel like dust)

Blisters climb my arms in search of answers,
none can be found here,
where ever the hell here is… yet, I am here

My brain circles the skyline in desperation,
the gutters below cry, trash strewn as if it were me
sleeping off my drunk
in that Frigidaire box

“I am me!” I cry to the empty corridors of someone else’s life
One I’d rather be
Or one who would rather not?


Someday my file may lie open,
atop a desk,
a partitioned sanctuary of hidden ethics,
beneath the crumpled Cheeto’s bag,
now layered with stale orange crumbs

maybe someone will see

maybe someone will wonder

or maybe still forgotten
 Jun 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
A farmhouse in Iowa
Eight people killed with an ax
The killer never caught
These are just the facts

It happened a hundred years ago
On that fateful night
All killed in there beds
didn't put up a fight

They say the place is haunted
Go there if you dare
My wife and I are ghost hunters
Not easy to scare

We decided to spend the night
No one there but us
What would happen next
I'm reluctant to discuss

Voices of children talking
Are some of the things you'll hear
Objects levitating off the floor
Can give you quite a fear

I'm seeing things
I couldn't believe
Are my eyes
Trying to deceive?

Unseen entity
Tugging on my shirt
Starting to get worried
Don't want to get hurt

Everything I told you
Is honest and true
We spent the night alone there
I wonder would you?
 Jun 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
I'm impressed
With the ladies on this site
So much talent
Amazing words they can write

Lady RF
And her magic pen
Looking forward
To reading you again

Your highness
Ultimate Panic Queen
Writing so good
It's really obscene

Oh Gwendolyn
Our talented gypsy
Writing so intoxicating
It makes me feel tipsy

Penelope the Poet
A creative young scribe
Reading your stuff
Gives me a sweet vibe

Valsa George
A writer of nature and things
When I read her
A smile it brings

Sedoo Ashivor
Writing poems with such taste
Every word having meaning
Not one she will waste

Thank you to all you wonderful ladies
For the work you share
I'm headed back to Hello Poetry
I hope to see you there
 May 2016
gray rain
The more you do to correct yourself:
the more attention you bring to your flaws.

You're the greatest critique of yourself.
If you stop judging you,
people will have to live with who you are!

In return you become stronger,
admired for your pride.

Not torn down by opinions
you make based on how
society is standardised...

so all benefits are erased when
self-acceptance of flaws is achieved.
You will not be torn down
because you're too strong for them...

and you stand above what is thought of you
because only you can make yourself rise above them.
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
I just bought
A new notebook today
Have so many things
I want to say

Filled the last one
In like a week
Writing is the
Way I speak

Express emotions
With pen and paper
Spoken words
Will turn to vapor

All my thoughts
Fill your pages
It's a story
For the ages

When I see
Your empty page
All my feelings
Start to rage

Maybe I'll write
A poem or two
Close your cover
When I'm through

Inside your cover
Does flow my pen
Silently waiting by my bed
Till I need you again
 May 2016
Valsa George
In the coffin lay your body silent and still
As with wax, sealed were your eyes
Bared of all passion, pain and strain
You were at rest, tranquil was your face

When your body was lowered into the grave
Tears trickled from our eyes like streams of blood
We stood orphaned beside the newly dug up pit
Knowing quite well that the days of glory have fled!

When you left, leaving in us a contused wound
We hoped time would heal the **** quite soon
But with every passing day you’re sorely missed
Especially when our life goes out of tune

At times when I feel lonesome with none to care
In weariness I search you among the stars of the sky
When my heart twitches with an unknown pain
To your comforting presence, my mind does fly

Sometimes I envision you coming into my room
Smiling that sweet smile in the dead of the night
But soon I realize it is only a fleeting vision
And from my sight, you vanish like an ethereal sprite

Rambling through the avenues of vanished years
We remember your sweet assurance, tender care n’ love
But never will we have the joy of having them again
For you flew into the horizon like a gentle dove

Mom, your presence my tiny world once filled
With that old bygone past how I was content
A treasure of sweet memories still I do hold
Now your eternal absence, how deeply I lament

Oh Mother, though you are dead and gone
Our love for you is inscribed deep in our hearts
Which nothing can erase or erode and will last
Until finally from our body, life silently departs!
Mom.... you are sorely missed, though many years have gone by !
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