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 May 2017
Cynthia Jean
Your gravest danger
giving up
ceasing to believe
I can still do
wondrous things
in your world.

Keep moving forward
depending on Me
expecting  a path
to open before you.

Refreshingly new

I will do a new thing

I am making a way
a way in the desert
and streams
in the wasteland.

Cj 2016
Isaiah 43:19
We must never lose hope
 May 2017
Chaos swirls like hurricanes
as I sit serene.

I have given it all back
hold the centred eye.

Chaotic turbulence
can do its worst.

Here I find peace
given it all back to my God.
 May 2017
James M Vines
When the crowds have abandoned you and friends have turned their back on you. When your family has no answers for you and the knowledge of man has failed, there is a place where help can be found. In the words of wisdom not given of the souls of me, but from one who understands what you are going through. Christ will be there and he will understand, for what ever you think you are going through, you are not alone. He was there before you and knows what it takes when the world is not enough.
 May 2017
Jack Jenkins
I still hold
     untold scars
     I still smile
when I see your face
The beautiful scars that you have gain from the storms you have endure

Lites up your Most beautiful soul, revealing your strength through it.

Touching the Hearts of those that gain a glimpse of it and knew..

Just how much that you had to endure, with Christ Jesus help.

To see the Creator, in your chemistry connected to Him here.

The same Savior whom went to the cross for us on Calvary.

And then on the 3rd day Risen to rescue us from our Sins.

Those same scars, that hides within you were put there.

Because of the Spirit that dwells within you Protected you.

For in reality you should be dead, and in the bowels of the earth.

But you have been rescued, from death several times here.

Because he is not done with you, Praise our Savior God.
With His nail-scarred hands,
He wipes all my tears away.
And sweeps them into the sea.
The Sea of Forgetfulness.
Where He has cast my sins.
He washes me clean through His Blood of Sacrifice.
He wipes the tears from my eyes.
With His nail-scarred hands,
He washes me clean.
He wipes all my tears away.

I am loved.
I am forgiven.
I am free.
He wipes.
My tears.
"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."--Rev. 7:17.
 May 2017
Steve Page
We're all born screaming
While screams echo back
And one day we learn
To hold our screams in check

But the world keeps on screaming
Its groans ignore our reluctance
Tearing through our dreams
Persistently confronting us

The only source of peace for us
Are Jesus' gentle whispers
They serve as a quiet respite
For those who are able to listen
And soon the whispers clarify
The groans from the world around
These aren't cries of anger
But pleas to be unbound

Creation itself cries out
For rescue by its maker
To be allowed to at last fulfil
The purpose it was made for

And so our eyes are opened
To the reason for our screams
We cry with all creation
For a full and final release

And Jesus hears our cries
He's not deaf to our prayers
He'll come again in his glory
With earthshaking fanfares

Our cries will turn to song
Secure in a brand new earth
Creator and creation in harmony
Echoing glad cries of new birth

So a new born baby's screams
Shouldn't come as any surprise
They are simply giving echo
To creation's longing sighs.
See Romans 8:19-23
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope
21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its ******* to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
 May 2017
Cynthia Jean
to know me is to know tears
to know Him is to know the same
but He promises to wipe them all away,
and to make all things new
with no sorrow added...
real true hope and love
anticipating the kingdom of God
to this earth.

Cj 2016
 May 2017
brandon nagley
Reaching out mine poetic finger's,
None to reach back.

Roaming in this passage of expiry,
quietus; how solitary tis.

Patting panels of mysteriousness,
Feel like letting go;

Though do I knoweth I shalt get through
With God, for with humanity I'm alone.

I wilt seest the peep of gleam, just
Yonder the gloaming.

At the moment dead yet living,
Though betimes I'll reach
In pure love all that's
Right and knowing.

With one to hold me
In seas of affections
Warmth, I'll be the
Light I'm meant to
Be- I shalt with
Other's share
Mine torch.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry.
Word meanings-
Quietus- death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.
Tis-it is.
Yonder- at some distance in the direction indicated; over there.
Gloaming-dusk, darkness.
Betimes-in time, shortly.
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