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 May 2016
m i a
don't fall in love with me
to fast,
for i have such,
a broken past,
filled with,
relationships that
didn't last,
failing class
after class,
and watching my heart being
shattered just like glass,
let's take things slow,
and let what we have,
continue to slowly grow.
in which a girl and a boy, decide not to fall in love too fast, but enjoy their process of understanding and learning to truly love each other.
 May 2016
Star Gazer
His smile, contagious to the bone,
Her teary eyes, slowly stares into his;
To afraid to march the world alone,
He clutches onto her clammy hands.

He whispers into her listening ear,
'If you place your head on my chest,
my heartbeat is what you'll hear',
Her eyes dart from his to the exit.

'You'll learn to love again won't you?'
she questions, yanking her hands away,
'Just know I'll always love you',
she adds, with tear filled eyes.

Though the sky did not fall,
The clouds did not shake
the term lovebirds, made small
and now are dead birds.
 May 2016
Laura Duran
I knew it from the moment you kissed me.
From the second our lips touched.
The look in your eyes just before you leaned in
told me every thing I needed to know.

The tender sigh that escaped in a breath.
Your arms, so strong that enveloped me.
Even the way you held me was your betrayer.
The urgency to hold me close.

Yes my sweet love, I knew it....
I knew that this incredible kiss would be our last.
I knew the time had come to stop our lovely game of pretend.
I was not your forever girl....and it was time to go.

So....we parted ways.
I went my way, you followed your road.
Where its led you, I haven't a clue.
I was only to know where you'd been.

I'll keep the memories shared.
I'll cherish that last lovely kiss.
I won't however dwell on what could've been.
That's not my style.

Any way....hope you're well.
 May 2016
I am a star gazer, too.
I gaze at him, in all of his starry forms.
The form that is a glint in the sky,
so far up, that no one can bring him down
while he works on what gives him another form--
the super-star.
A label that is rightful to him,
given to him because of
his shiny, ethereal words.
And lastly, and more importantly,
he is a sea star.
Being thrown around in this big, stupid ocean.
He clings to his rocks but sometimes
the waves are too rough
and a piece of him is brutally torn off,
as he has told me, happened recently.
Have no fear, Star.
Because everyone knows that sea stars regenerate quickly.
You will forever be,
Star Gazer.
A poem for a great poet, that deserves some love. All my hugs to you in your time of healing.
 May 2016
I sleep in the foreboding dark,
haunted by your unrelenting mark;
and I figure I always will be -
until death do us part, I believe.

The damage you caused is embroidered on my skin like a tattoo;
a permanent reminder of the torture you put me through.
Yet the hundreds of jagged scars and bruises on my skin
are no match for the lacerations on my soul within.

You led me to begin this war with my very own mind;
now all I can see is death and destruction - to happiness I am blind.
So sharp blades came to breathe upon my statuesque wrists
and crimson rivers run across them in coagulant twists.

There are so many times where I cannot think or shed tears
and I simply want to sleep for a thousand years -
or not exist at all; just to stop the pain.

I want it all to stop spinning again.
 May 2016
Pauline Morris
Let me take you to the dark side of the woods
All that dies here is the good
Let me show you that spot
This is where I fought
He had me tied, I could go no where
I was terrified and scared
He did his deed
And left my soul forever to bleed
It will always seep with rage and anguish
Part of me will always remain and languish
There in the dark side of woods
That day all that died in me was the good
 May 2016
ajit peter
A lady in the Hospital

Ere she lay in sheets white
Eyes searching in the hazy light
seeking a face her pains to fight
yet her eyes close with none in sight

Her pale face with pain in her sleep
her heart  beating hollow and deep
A silent room with a low hum and beep
Her life a prison in pain to keep

Her beauty lost to the diseases hunger
Her tresses to radiation she surrender
With broken promises her thoughts wander
Tis world turn to her as a stranger

she seeketh a cure in miracles hand
Years of her life stolen in a dna strand
her dreams lost of a wedding grand
her life in storm a ship unmanned

Her heart seeketh a reason in pain
What hath she got in tis world to gain
For her future in tis world be slain
Oh What can end her tears that rain
I wrote this when admitting my mom in hospital a woman in her end stages of cancer in nearby bed
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