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 May 2015
I want to un-know
So I don't hurt.
It's selfish, but
the knowledge brings me
much pain.
 May 2015
Charlie Chirico
If rock bottom is melted ice;
diluted whiskey becomes the last
drink the goes down far too easy.
Red eyes stay dry because of a cap
left off a bottle that succumbed
to evaporation, and squinting to read
the ingredients is as useful as calling
the Sandman for a loan. That's proof
that sleep doesn't cure all ailments.
Try biting into a cactus for a drink
of water and swallowing with a barb
lodged in your throat. You would have
better luck winking with both eyes and
smiling with no teeth. Hope for an
eye-patch and set of dentures, or a
gun to the temple loaded with blanks.
That's the amount of sense everything
makes when you're stuck between a
rock and a hard place, or thrashing
in quicksand. So when you set fire to
wooden bridges or cut cables of steel
the width of a forearm you're left with
a cracked foundation and the body of
a home carried miles away by a cyclone
of wind. Just hope you're not a continent
made of ice that melts and swallows the rest.
 May 2015
Charlie Chirico
A perfect inadequacy, in theory, is
inconsequential compared to an imperishable
half truth. This is calling a clear plastic cup a glass,
using a smile to implore that the contents are
half full, when in all actuality it was a full cup
tilted to the side and slowly poured out.

One can be morally sound as well as be pathetic.
But any man would prefer not to be both, and as
a Man's dignity starts to feel like a half empty cup,
any truth stretched has the ability to seem
palatable even if the fabrication is deemed
inconceivable. That is when listening instead of
speaking forms golden silence, because
confusion when dealing with humility makes
the act of prevarication go undetected.

Word for word will become word against no matter
how indefatigable the liar is. Time will always
uncover falsities, as only truth can stand the test.
This is why the pathetic poet begins his endeavor
writing in pen, and as insecurities infiltrate intellect,
a pencil comes to be appropriate, which is an
afterthought to be read through smeared sentences.

And after the last period is placed, adhering to
a correct structure, the only way to regain
integrity can be attained by poetic justice.  
Which is lead poisoning acquired
from a number two pencil.
 May 2015
Luna Lynn
walk with me and take my hand
lead me right into temptation
treat my heart as grains of sand
give way to moderation

on solid hopes and wakened dreams
we have built our own foundation
unstable as the thoughts we seek
to feed our souls of deprivation

lust in mind forever more
adds fuel to acclamation
kisses to determine fault
we are equal to damnation

burn in hell! is what they’ll say
as we accept the invitation
and jump into the deepest pit
of our very own creation
(C) Maxwell 2015
 May 2015
David Lewis Paget
The rambling house was all run down,
Well, what you could even see of it,
It sat in extensive, weedy grounds
And a hawthorn hedge surrounded it.
The windows hadn’t been cleaned for years
The door was weathered, and boarded in,
They said that a hermit lived in there
Well hidden away from a world of sin.

And Sally was more than curious
Each time that we wandered by that way,
‘How could he live so close to us
And never be seen,’ she’d often say.
‘He must be lonely, or maybe mad,
I’d love to wander the rooms in there,’
But I said nothing, I thought it sad
And bad that Sally could even care.

‘I heard that he had a woman once
Before, when the house was nice and neat,
She worked in the garden there for months
And the house was visible from the street.
But that was before the hedgerow grew
And something happened, she went inside,
And never came out, not that I knew,
The rumours spread that the woman died.’

The weeks went by, she became obsessed,
‘What if she’s been imprisoned there?
Didn’t they ask, or go and check?’
‘Nobody knew, or even cared!
It happened so many years ago
And the garden overgrew with weeds,
Nobody wanted to even know,
Or interfere with a stranger’s deeds.’

Sally would stand by the broken gate
And peer on in at the jungle there,
‘Whatever you think, it’s far too late,
They’ll think you’re mad if you stand and stare.’
‘Somebody has to show they care,
I’m going into that house one night,
I want to know if she’s still in there
And so should you, if your head is right.’

I said I wouldn’t become involved,
So she went off on her crazy scheme,
Into the dark she sauntered forth
While I was asleep, and lost in dream.
She wasn’t there when I woke at dawn,
I searched the house and I went outside,
Took in the rambling house’s form
Then knew she’d gone, and I almost died.

I battled my way in through the weeds
And got to the house, the door ajar,
I called out, ‘Sally, just come on out,
I need you back, wherever you are.’
The house lay still as an ancient tomb,
The air was chill and the rooms were bare,
The dust was thick in the morning gloom
For nobody had been living there.

And Sally sat on a tiny mound
Out back, and near the wooded copse,
The grave I’d dug, with a stone surround
And covered with blue forget-me-nots.
‘You shouldn’t have come,’ I shook my head,
‘What’s done was done, and it can’t be changed,
She left for a share of my brother’s bed,
I would that it could be rearranged.’

But Sally sat with an empty stare
And I knew that I’d lost her then for good,
She didn’t know of that other mound
That my brother made in that tiny wood.
‘So this is the end of love that’s lost,’
She said, with the merest wave of her hand,
‘I’ll leave you alone to count the cost,’
Then leapt to her feet, and turned, and ran.

David Lewis Paget
 May 2015
lock the door, don't let him in
forgiveness means to not trust again
what has he done, where has he been
let him lose while we win

lock the door, keep him out
we still know what he's about
we are safe here, deep in doubt
we must let him do without
This is about my cousin, who is homeless in Mississippi. His own family won't even help him, because he does drugs. I am doing the best I can to send him money so that he can at least eat. If you have wayward family members, give them love.
 May 2015
Paul M Chafer
Whilst we destroy what we are,
Another’s suffering does nothing,
Nothing at all to alleviate our pain.
That we in the west live in luxury,
Does nothing either: why should it?
We are spawned from choice,
Conceived via free will, and ******,
Dropped into a cradle of filth,
Finally crawling, learning to hate,
Not knowing why, nobody knows why,
Well do they? Do they?
Emerging and ready to die, yes,
Already damaged and broken,
Bereft of the truth of life, sick,
Perishing lost and alone, uncaring,
We the ******, misunderstood,
Chastised, ‘we never had it so good?’
We who inherited the earth, yeah,
We have it good, no struggle, none!
And therein lies our issues, true,
We have no need to fight, have we?
So, we fight ourselves, cutting,
And we live to cause suffering,
Our own agony screamed wildly!
Go on, frown, older generation,
Go on, you know you want to.
Call us, shake your wise heads,
Whilst we destroy what we are.

©Paul M Chafer 2015
Not my usual ‘hey, see that Wolfen Warrior in the clouds there with the dragon?’ but a reaction to the poems of, and inspired by, Alice Liddle. At the time of writing, I was also listening to the album, Tragic Idol by Paradise Lost, UK  Goth Metal band. I read lots of poems about self-harm, addiction, lost and alone, youth in turmoil. I write my novels for troubled youth, to urge them never to yield. I have worked as a volunteer for troubled youth, but only today, whilst having a bad day of my own, through reading Alice and hearing ******* rock, did I find something new, and the poem was born. Hate it, loathe it, just a darker side of me I rarely reveal. I know some will love it. Thank you Alice.
 May 2015
No child should have to
Look into the face of death

Not even the child within
Can know they're self-prepared
Some shocked stand staring in air
Perhaps the lucky ones
Quickly integrate despair

Some stand strong quickly moving on
Dissociating to get the job done
And now my psyche's on the run
At the sound of breaking bones
And the sight of blood and guts
A hundred years later
The fallout is quite abrupt...
 Apr 2015
Inner Child
Today I cried even though I did not know you well
   I cried because I was wishing for one more day to know you better
   I passed you in the hall almost everyday
   I pass by your door and feel the absence of your presence
   You were a very good neighbor always kind an anonymous donor for   whatever our apartment building needed
  You deeds that were unnoticed may have an eternal reward
   You service to our country was recognized today
  How come it takes someone's passing for people to be noticed
  When there were so many opportunities when they were just two doors away.
 Apr 2015
Nat Lipstadt
"I suffered, so, I learned, so, I changed"

her pale white arm,
back and forth,
flashes before my eyes face,
cutting my few blonde many grays,
she tumbles pieces of
now dead me,
to the floor,
in cut wet clumps

there, across her underarm,
placed there to be but
my Bostonian via Albania haircutter,
(I am a human explorer)
reveals a tattoo uttering
in Arabic
that cuts me
then any scissored blade
she metal possessed

I suffered, so,  I learned, so, I changed

revelations daily granted me,
this one,
as she cuts,
I imagine,
my mused blood superheated,
clotting this poem

oh the words are readily understood,
but unknown is
the inspiration,
the event
so formative
it was deserving of being
transcribed, inked,
permanence earned by,
recording pon human flesh,
yet hidden

and I dare not inquire...even I...

who among us dare say
that they have not

yet, you,
say the word slow
hiss* it
in two parts,
then ask yourself again,
have you experienced
the unimaginable
as real?
and needy to record it upon thy own
human flesh?

I have walked
empty mirrored hallways unending,
stood by rivers imploring,
begging me to join their current,
sleepwalked for days without count,
punishing penance for
acts of commission,
acts of fearful cowardice

I learned
I changed

for the betterment
of my united untied
bodied bloodied soul

my tattoo?
readily visible!

in every word I ever wrote
 Apr 2015
Francie Lynch
The world across the street
Is a world apart
When you're four.
Cross, and walk
To four corners.

Four years of high school,
Perhaps followed by college,
We yearn to commence.
But for the rest of our lives
We relive those vaulted years,
Pining for them
To re-commence.

Then came the real world,
Of life and family.
I became a man.
Achieved all I dreamt.
Now I'm in danger
Of re-hashing
Lived events.
New reaches are needed
To excede new grasps;
The future's ahead,
Behind is the past.
 Apr 2015
I left this morning without a backward glance.
I boarded the train without a moments hesitation.
I started work, continued my day without a secondary thought.
I operated on autopilot, smiled, laughed and bantered accordingly.
I thought of nothing much outside of work.
I like that I'm lost in a crowd.
I waited for the clock to hit five, then left.
I cut a lonely non-descript character.
I like that I'm not seen.
I like that I'm not noticed.
I like that I'm not thought of.
I like that one day someone will say:
"I never knew".
00:35 BST
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