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 Mar 2016
David Ehrgott
You cut my heart out of a piece of paper.
Traced around it.  Saved it.

Colored it in to make it look like a rainbow.
Happiness can grow.

Cut it out again then folded it in half.
Now painted blue to match.

Put my name on it and handed it to me.
For everyone to see.

What do I do now that you're not around.
What do I do now.  I frown.

I'm on the east coast and you're in California.
Better weather there.  
I take out some paper and try to draw
a heart.  Put your name on it.  
But I won't cut it out.  I'll hold it
to my heart 'til it beats a kiss.
 Mar 2016
I was sitting in my basement thinking about my attic as I awaited the first bombs to drop in the next world war

I guess I'm pretty lucky to understand that metaphysically nothing really is unless we perceive it is so even death by chemical nerve agents can be a pleasurable experience that we come back for again and again

And that time I died before when the only metaphor would have to be trying to guide a wooden canoe across an active volcano

I can't wait to try that again
 Mar 2016
JR Potts
She was wild like skinny dipping at midnight, stars watching overhead and falling in love with moonlight. The way it lay upon her skin made the ocean envious of her depths within and sometimes between us. She was my sister, not in blood but in orbit. A Venus to my Earth, forged from the same collapsing star and if the universe was in fact to be infinite then this moment would happen again, and again, and again an immeasurable number of times. I found comfort in this thought, knowing though our existence was meaningless, it was still full of feeling, and this feeling, right now, it insisted on existing forever.
 Mar 2016
South by Southwest
She's a leaping high five
with her feet planted firmly
on the ground

She is a crescendo of sound
and emotion . Puts her finger to her lips and shushes me .

She bathes in moonbeams while
tantalizing stars knowing
their touch is too far

She hides behind the clouds when
the sun burns . Capturing the rays and
hiding  them in kelidoscopic jewels she wears around her ankles so she can see
where she walks on moonless nights

She teaches fairies to dance in rings
and in return becomes the dance instead

She's the Cheshire's smile that
disappears on the wings of a firefly
 Mar 2016
the blonde poet
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.
I know my hearts there cuz I feel it beating.
But what's the point of my beating heart,
If I have no girl, no second part.
Without the one I'm just chopped liver,
My life flowing by like a shallow river.
Then one day our two stars cross,
I try to move fast before all is lost.
After a week of pondering im finally sure,
The girl I want to spend my life with is her.
And I know now that she's the one,
Because my heart beats to her drum.
Credits to The Script for the starting point of this (:
 Mar 2016
the blonde poet
I don't want to fall in love,
I wanna fly into it.
Because falling indicates helplessness,
But flying is graceful and gentle.
You can't fall in love forever,
Eventually you will crash.
But flying, you can find a nice calm perch,
And appreciate your love while you watch the world around you.
 Mar 2016
Noah A Baker
I have a story. But it’s going to sound like a bad one.
I know I’m not good at them, I make them boring and start to ramble on and use run on sentences but that’s just because I don’t know how to say what I’m trying to become --
Like that.
But yeah. Here goes-

I was lost in a crowd. This crowd,
of, onyx and granite, thieves and bandits and hopeless romantics,
and I was beginning to become one of them…
my voice was losing it’s sound.
But in this crowd of blacks, grays, and whites,
something stood out, this shining light
of green
and I didn’t really know what to do
(as you can see, I’m not too good at explaining things)
That green just so happened to be you
And the way this story goes, you pulled me out of that crowd,
and saved me
from a brief eulogy.

But let’s say, in our story, that green went away
and left me in a state of… disarray.
So I’m watching that green step foot on a different land
with my mind repeating “until we meet again”
Not knowing what I’d do without a yin
to lend a hand to my yang
As I felt the metallic tang of regret, pain, and hellish heartbreak rise in my main vein and artery --
I’m rambling.
Long story medium, I went without the green
and the sun shined a harsh light. The sheen got to me… I was growing crazy.
I had to leave.

I was at a train station, in a bustling crowd
full of gray faces, and black sounds
I couldn’t hear, it was so loud,
But I could see.
And I saw a train stop, doors open, and a ray of green
And that green just happened to be you
And all I remember thinking was
********, you're beautiful.
a sister poem to the poem "until we meet again"
 Mar 2016
Noah A Baker
And I didn't mean to
get dust on your lovely glowing shoes
But Miss, may I ask you to a dance? Just me and you?
May I grab you by the waist
and take you straight to the place of,
puppy love and anniversary dates?
Dance with me until your dress and my shoes are the last things moving in this starlit ballroom,
May I bring you roses, tulips, and lilies for you while you wait in your bedroom?
Please, yes, it's getting late, I happen to love to procrastinate
But give me 5 minutes, please baby, all that it takes
All I'm asking for is one dance
To end my night, you in my hands.
Dancing into the everlasting trance of Wonderland.
 Mar 2016
I was born broken
Yearned for a fix
Through years I went looking
Untill our first kiss

I know now
Not everything broken is bad
And I took a vow
Never again to be sad

And summers sprang
Autums dove
Winters bleaked
Untill Spring,
Another season leapt

With your hand in mine
I walked through it all
A smile revealing your teeth
Stitched my soul
And stirred me underneath

Scars turned into marks
Starting the journey
Of what essentially
Was a question
You answered unwillingly

Cause you liked me like this
 Mar 2016
Dear muse, I penned this verse with feather quill,
To gently praise your beauty of renown,
My words to float aloft your gaze until,
They softly kiss your eyes like thistledown.

One single thought of you is all I need,
Pure beams of gold to light my dulling day,
A gorgeous wildflower peers from tangled ****,
And paints a splash of colour to my grey.

My lonely shadow drapes this em'rald shore,
With somber heart I yearn your close embrace,
Between us how wild stormy waters roar,
Such tempest I would brave to see your face.

Fond kisses blown on gentle winds your way,
Warm breezes seek wherein the fells you stray.
To my muse in Cumbria.
 Mar 2016
Aztec Warrior
A Heart Within A Heart**
(A Friday Sensual Poem)

This heart I hear;
a heart within my heart,
your heart and voice,
sings to me of romance,
of warm embrace cuddling arms
seeking the soft spots,
gentle petals in curves
of entanglement.

This heart I hear
sings songs of chaotic storms
calmed only by your sensual sway,
seen in your sparkle eyes,
your skin draped over mine
in shivering sighs
echoing seductively between
moon beam breaths,
star dust cries
sated with apricot’d
liquid, quivering thighs.

This heart I hear,
your heart within mine
is the majik of word beats
cuddling on a coconut scented beach,
warm, sandy rhythms of
hypnotic romantic dreams
wrapped in star light.

And my heart sings to you.

Aztec Warrior 3.11.16
A few days ago I read a poem by lluvia de abril called 'A Happy Poem' and she asks in the notes, is this a romantic poem? It was of course, and inspired this poem. Hope you enjoy and thanks Abril...
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